
Osaka Tour Nara Park

Hi guys this is another vlog again in Osaka Japan, were me, my younger sister and her friend to see the deer. for those who’s watching sorry for wrong pronounce in kimono since it just my first time in Japan

don’t see you maybe it’s blind you were eating grass before man sa me home I’m falling me I’m rolling hey guys good morning so here comes our second day here in Osaka so at the moment um I’m just finished my I just finished taking a shower and also finish my um breakfast the one I buy from 711 last night after our dinner so at the moment is um I’m just waiting for my younger sister and also her princess like um they should be awake right now because it’s going to be 9 in the morning now here in Japan because since I come all the some of the shops over here they don’t even open that much early because some of them um they open at 9: and then some of them they open at um 7:00 especially for the restaurant who serve a breakfast but but for me since like I already eat breakfast now and also the one I buy from 71 so at the moment this um I’m just only waiting for them just like to give me a message that’s like I’m literally waiting for them so maybe um today we will just like um going into the what do you call in this um going into the any Temple over here like I’m to where a Comino just like um hopefully this time it should be happen that’s like you’re going to wear the Japanese traditional [Music] dress so yep hey guys so we just um arrived in N at the moment so seems like we just got up into the train so right now we were walking into the market at the moment as you can see where I can show you this one this market and of course some of the shops over here um can you get one yeah sure later since some of the shops over here they’re not even allowed to take any video of it so I’m just going to show show it on myself CU um you know one want to get really really Y and also there’s another matcha as well so like it’s look like a ma is hunting me down so right now um we’re just walking around as you can see yeah so at the moment um we were just trying um which Vibe are we actually going to do as you can see we are still walking into the nas market and also at the moment for those like um who’s watching on my um video and also who want to watch my Vlog is like I’m shout out for all of you guys don’t yeah I will the rayon look at that that’s one of my favorite I might be buy some of those things unless if I got some more space for my bag cuz since I call my baggage is SC I’m full right now cuz I don’t want to get you know I’m over um 23 kilo and of course I don’t want to get um I don’t want to pay like a you know excessive on it and of course here comes the um here comes the Japan ma as well so I guess they might be going into the toilet so I might go to so at the moment um we were just walking around here in Nita so as you can see and also that’s a V and also that’s American V and of course as you can see over there the that’s literally a [Music] deer so as you can see we’re into the park of the come where you can um Feit the deer now so um since um that was the deer over there and of course that’s my younger sister now for her friends that’s like they are the parkis they are um going to it’s full that’s why it’s not chasing us that’s why um we are going to feat them so at the moment I’m they’re kind of um cool so that’s why they are taking AR and of course as you can see over there that’s a tourist as well who’s taking a video sorry who’s taking a photo with the deer as their soer before they came back into their country and of course me I’m just going to take it a video just like to say um like um de you should like [Music] no they can no they’re not then you cannot give food all them y like chill scared I give and I sh so much think the deers are [Music] too so moment I’m going to take a photo of it so at the moment um after we PCH those beer and also take a picture of it and of course since um I know my younger sister now her friends were scared though to touch the deer the said realized that de wasn’t even quite that much and as you can see that another de as well and it look like it’s about to grow here some horn cuz you didn’t feed it what if it can bow without at least you have to at least that’s how you expect over there and of course I have course there’s a lots of tourist as well over here who was who just like um who were just like um thring around from this area of taking a picture and me I’m just only taking a video and also taking a vlog about my trips as you can see see that’s a temple Tower and also that’s another Temple as well that’s another Temple and of course for me um I’ll just I’m walking around here and also um and also I’m showing them toone like um about my trick over here now as you can see so at the moment after we queue into the mhi shops and also we watch those how they make some Mushi the one that like they show it into the YouTube and good thing I capture some video of it on my own so since I come we’re already here into the temple at the moment and it’s the one where they bring the gong it’s a and of course this one is must be one of the like know the orang that like they plant they plant so for me right now I’m just looking for the for any rubbish bin desect where I can put my rubbish away CU s like you can’t even leave your rubbish anywhere you have to bring it with you and also throw it into the bin you know this country this isord okay go go go go you have to go closer closer and then you you bow oh it’s not I can’t see you maybe it’s blind you were eating grass before man oh it doesn’t want to taste good that one bow oh sis look what happened to his head here [Music] maybe so at the moment we just been into the park where you can literally feed the deer and of course since I come I can’t even literally pour it into my Vlog um because since I come I don’t even have any assist that we going to literally hold my um camera and of course like um it’s you know um it’s very worth it and also today it was a good day and since um the sun’s here in Japan is um it’s hot and the wind is literally cold and of course since like um the winter season here in Japan is about to come so that’s why um that’s why the temperature is about to be changing of course since I come this will be a bit soft like I’m CH if it is like if I go to Korea because um this week is going to be my last week over here in Japan and of course since I come it’s literally sad for me that’s like I’m going to leave this one of my um ancestor country as well I like I’m soon um I’m going to South Korea now for South Korea is Lally one of my another favorite country as well because since like um I never seen Korea before and of course since I can’t wait to do another Vlog here I know it’s hard when we go to so the [Music] moment we were just um trying to to chill and also to get warm under the Sun but since I come the wind is getting cold my my went away good more I want so at the moment um we were just trying to get like another idea which um bikes the are we going to do here into our tour from this place bad I don’t know what I was cuz last night um seems like the reason why I get some enough sleep due to the two cans of 500 M beer so as you can see over there that’s type of the human like and of course like if he wants to get to have like an experience for that you have to pay for like 1,000 plus I mean you never know because is this a freeat waiting here so right now we just like um finally walks around and of course huh since um I still got no idea what doing at least like um our activity over here is done and also the is a good day so hey guys at the moment so I’m just buying um one um barbecue meat as you can see over here from the back and of course I’m literally into the que at the moment but lots of customer are buying some um barbecue meat some over there as long as that man cooking and also um since like um a lot of tourists are like I’m getting hungry and also buy me that food and of course me I’m just only waiting for my young C so yep that’s those the local like you know I’m to literally um go take a pie um P sign on my vlog and of course that’s a cute baby over there and like um this days and also this holidays makes my vibes good and of course I’m still waiting for the line because seems like um there’s still a lot of customer are buying and of course I have to be respect at the moment yep so at the moment I’m literally next customer who’s buying the food now so as I can show you as you can see that’s like um this man is about to my yep oh yep as you can see just like he’s cooking my order now and of course like I’m I’m just trying to wait until my orders to be cook so at the moment he’s just cing be so yep at the moment I got my Foods so I can wow she Dick let me show the show it to them yep and this is how the barbecue sticks can I try yeah little sister yum it’s juicy don’t get on your clothes you have to commit to the whole thing you the whole thing it looks really good oh yep and right now it’s my turn to hear it because seem like I’m the one who buy this you need to go into that shop just support his business to buy a barbecue nice because since like his barbecue beef is very tasty and also it’s very delicious because this one I can wait is like um 10 out of 10 so at the moment we just stopped here into the Wago restaurant as you can see from my back and of course I’m currently on the line at the moment and waiting for the other customer to finish and of course since um there’s still a lots of customer who just been recently eating and all so sitting so at the moment over there that’s one of the food what I come going to eat and of course like um I don’t know if I’m allowed to take a video over there or not because since you know every store or every business here they don’t want like expensive they don’t want any like a video taking on their restaurant on their business here [Music]

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