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Weekly Convenience Store Foods 7 Eleven Really Super Hot Snacks and Haagen Dazs Ice Cream

Weekly Convenience Store Foods 7 Eleven Really Super Hot Snacks and Haagen Dazs Ice Cream

Weekly Convenience Store Foods 7 Eleven Chocolate & Custard Whipped Cream custard whipped cream soft & moist sweet puff pastry bread chocolate & custard whipped cream are good! Sour Mania Snacks/Spicy Mania Snacks Sour Mania Snacks sour pickled plum flavor sour and refreshing Spicy Mania Snacks oh!? surprised! …spicy … spicy, spicy, spicy! really hot! but delicious! refreshing my favorite is … Spicy Mania! really spicy but yummy! Rich Grape / Pistachio & Summer Vanilla white grape/black grape summer vanilla/pistachio black grape gelato is fruity and sour white grape gelato is rich and refreshing rich grape! pistachio gelato is nutty summer vanilla gelato is sweet and a little salty rich vanilla! my favorite is… Haagen Dazs Creamy Gelato Rich Grape refreshing! it’s suitable for summer! spicy snacks + sweet ice cream = yummy!? … no They didn’t go well.

Weekly Convenience Store Foods. This video shows 7 Eleven sweets and snacks.
Chocolate & Custard Whipped Cream(168 yen): Soft & moist puff pastry bread. The half of the bread is coated with chocolate and it sands custard whipped cream inside. It’s yummy but I want more custard cream.
Fritolay Super Spicy Mania Red Red Pepper(145 yen): Hot habanero powder corn snacks. It’s really really really spicy but delicious!
Fritolay Sour Mania Super Sour Pickled Plum(145 Yen): Pickled plum flavor corn snacks. It’s sour and tasty.
Haagen Dazs Creamy Gelato Rich Grape(325 yen): Purple part is black grape gelato, white part is white grape gelato. Grape taste is good.
Haagen Dazs Creamy Gelato Pistachio & Summer Vanilla(325 yen): Ivory part is pistachio gelato, white part is summer vanilla gelato. Rich and mild sweetness is good.
Total: 1108 yen(6.9 USD)
#snacks, #foodie, #sweets, #asmr, #7eleven


  1. Interesting collection of convenience store foods. It's a complete taste senory party from something sweet, spicy, bitter and sour the combination senses for a perfect day. It's always great to end everything with sweet food like ice cream and sweet pastries a fun way to chill and relax. "Thank You" for the video lots of love and blessings.

  2. Wow! I bet all these treats taste like heaven. From Japanese wonderful convient stores 7-ELEVEN. All 5 of these treats look so delicious. The chocolate and custard bun looked sweet and delicious. It looks very similar to a eclair that they sell here which is delicious as well. Filled with either custard or whipped cream.And the corn snacks looked super. Made by the same company that makes all of the variety of cheetoes. And the Gelato frozen treats look tasty as well. A perfect treat to beat the summer heat. And that combo at the end of the video was absolutely a thumbs down. I bet it tasted so strange. Thank you for the awesome video. Have a fantastic Friday and weekend. 🥰😋❤👏👍

  3. The Spicy Mania snacks look the same as Spicy Nik Naks snacks that we have here in the UK. I guess I won't try dipping them in ice cream.😆

  4. 激辛マニアが妙に開けにくかったの、もしかして本当に激辛だという警告だったりするのか……?

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