Yes the irises have almost finished but the pond lillies are out. Walk with me through this sanctuary right next to Meiji Jingu shrine.
I’m in Japan for the next few months and I am using the amazing pocket wifi from Japan Wireless. Highly recommend if you are travelling to Japan to use this for reliability and great connection at all times😍

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

greetings everybody from magi jingu the inner Garden we’re in Tokyo Japan it’s all travel Tuesday so we’ve just come to this little beautiful spot here I’m starting down by the well so this is Kum masu’s well and look how clear the water is it’s absolutely beautiful I’ll just zoom in on it for a moment for you how’s that for clear clear water and getting a beautiful Reflection from the plant around so I’m going to take you for a walk through the garden we’re starting right up here at the very end I’ve have do have a map so we’re going to follow the map and we’re going to end up going back to past the iris garden and down to the fishing spot there the N pond so let’s go there we go this is K masa’s well Lisa how are you good good good lovely to see you see my so let’s go let’s go let’s get this nice walk in few people coming to have a look at the well so yes K Masa the well I’ve got a little book here with some information so we can have a look at this from time to time but it’s a beautiful walk I suddenly remembered the irises beautiful Iris Garden here so decided to come over but the iris is have almost finished but we can enjoy a lot more Beauty with the garden oh so fabulous it’s really another hot day so it’s beautiful to be around here in the nature CA Roy nice to see you having a little bit of time in nature people going down to look in the well the very very beautiful clear clear water the temperature never changes I was reading um so it feels warm and winter and cool and summer I didn’t put my hand in I didn’t like to spoil it so going to follow this path and just enjoy some of the nature I’m very close to Harajuku so the shopping area so when you get off the train here of course there’s lots and lots of young people all dressed up all out to do their Tuesday shopping but we’re at this little inner Sanctuary here and for Marie awesome so nice to see you wow so nice this morning the postcards that went out today have got beautiful stamps all over them the post office did these amazing big red stamps because the stamps I’ve got don’t have enough value on them because the postages increased recently and I may have lost oh K Hugo so much green absolutely okay cool we might have the signal back good good good good so it’s beautiful here we’re in the Magi jingu inner garden and of course this existed long before before the shrine was here so it was established here 16003 and until 1867 the area was the Garden of Lord K of Kumamoto and later went into the ownership of Lord e of hikone wow area became the property of the Imperial Palace and was named yoyogi Goan imperior imperor Emperor Magi expressed great pleasure at this tranquil garden and composed a walker a walker poetry in its honor deep in the Woodland of Y Yogi the quietude creates an illusion of seclusion from the city whoa yeah you remember coming here unfortunately I’ve missed the irises so they’re the beginning of June but the water lies um and the lotuses are just beginning to bloom but we’ll still see some gorgeous irises so you do pay 500 yen to come in and that’s sort of like a maintenance fee um for the garden so we don’t mind paying 500 yen but it’s amazing how many people turn away at the gate when they’ve got to pay something because of course if you walk up to the main Shrine 16003 you heard the most enormous butterfly as I was walking up here as well our signal is not going to be that flesh here yeah that’s right A lot of people just want to do free stuff and there’s a lot of free stuff but you know yeah you’ve got to get off get get away from the crowds look here this is busy two people there and three sitting there so it’s really gorgeous and there’s another person just walking AC we’re going to walk across that bridge in a minute but yeah so of course Iris oh these are going to be this is going to be beautiful these look like Cosmos that have all been planted so it’s a seasonal Garden oh I yeah I think with all these trees here and I’m sort of in a little bit of a valley it’s nice and cool actually it’s lovely I think my Signal’s not going to be that that flash either um so the seasonal highlights of the garden here we go late May to late June is the irises and June to September lunch it’s gorgeous yeah I’ll get you up close to some of the irises soon for Marie but in the meantime look at the old fetched w house here which is lovely yeah let me know somebody let me know hi Kathy we’re back I’m getting lots of messages getting four messages from you and four from Lisa we’re going to walk under here I think the signal might be a bit wonky but let’s walk under here beautiful all the fetch Roofing you’re here oh nice good good good good that’s lovely that’s all that counts that’s all that matters I’m here beautiful thatched Roofing it’s low isn’t it whoa even I would bang my head yeah so you can sit here and contemplate the garden it’s nice everybody just happened to move away and then they have some photos of the different types of Iris that’s here I think that I was reading this around 150 different kinds it’s sort of on the walk up to the big Shrine the Magi jingu Shrine so good morning Romania Monica nice to see you signals on and off yes sorry Romania how fantastic thank you so much for joining here in Japan it keeps hanging yeah I think we may not have such a um a great signal although it seems to be okay but let’s keep going if it’s too wonky I’ll um just upload it at the end that we just look at some beautiful irises I’ll zoom in look how gorgeous they are we go from bright purple to this beautiful move still plenty but they’re a little bit spread out nice when these things are [Music] all dense fantastic yes see we are all around the world it’s amazing it’s amazing keeps dropping Lisa yeah sorry but we’ll we’ll persevere we’ll keep going go that’s amazing looking back up there can you imagine what this was like in 16003 or even 1703 or even 1803 or even 1903 the world was still pretty unspoiled up until that time there’s that huge butterfly again will it come back this way it’s about the size of a bird it’s huge but too far away to to chase yeah see how they planted them they need lots of water yes yeah well it’s all these big trees here isn’t it look it’s gorgeous lots of water here yeah so of course the rainy season is just beginning and of course we need Japan needs the rain fill up all the gardens all the rice fields so that is the plus side in fact talking about rice fields as well the emperor actually created a small rice field in here uh which was like a teaching Garden so it was to teach the young people living in the in the um in the palace about growing rice the importance of rice and how it um yeah which is really really amazing yeah so tomorrow you might remember Kim from Periscope Kim and Bandit I’m meeting uh um meeting Kim for lunch so we’re bound to do something together either here on YouTube or on um I was going to say Periscope now that would be a wonderful thing or on Instagram but I’m going to meet her in Yokohama and she’s going to take me to a new area isn’t it pretty looking through there look yeah well I got it twice um Hugo so I’m pretty sure you only sent it once so yeah okay oh we’ve got a fork on the road we have a fork on the road we’re heading now to the water lies which are looking gorgeous and this is the fishing pond um this will be the beginning of it I guess yeah be great yeah yeah I usually catch up with her a couple of times a year so um yep we’re going to the Tokyo bay area and it’s a new area so we’re going to head back this way we’ve got a few people coming towards us which sort of puts it into perspective really big tree lots of bamboo [Applause] [Applause] oh here’s a little peep through here so this looks very still through here so possibly the pond is damned probably for irrigation purposes for the for the garden I guess yeah so this beautiful nature is right in the middle of Tokyo we um two stops from Shinjuku and I’m just across the road from Harajuku the shopping mecca and there some new places that I need to go and have a look at down there as well so over the next few weeks we will explore a little bit more of the area this is the map of the garden oh yes there’s a couple of big ponds there look at that so this will be the tea house which is just behind me so we’re going to be having a look here you can see all the see all the lilies yeah so and yeah so that’s where we walked in just through the Tory gate and then through this entrance this entrance here is closed at the moment so we came over over the bridge yeah that’s a good map of it actually that’s a really good map so let me show you up to the tea house which is just here and all the gorgeous xia bushes so there’s the tea house doors are open I wonder if they’re doing tea that would be nice have a little tea ceremony okay what head over and have a look at the water lies then I’m going to head off well actually I can walk you up to the tea house and um it’s a nice view from up there as well so we’ve been to the iris garden and we’ve been to Kias as well we will step down maybe we’ll step down a a little bit further over here oh there’s a lot of people here taking photos of the of the water lies maybe we’ll just go down here he all the birds yeah oh fantastic that’s great for Marie yeah look you could do a series of water Liles so there’s Lotus and water lies in here the lies are just starting to bloom let me zoom in on them for you we don’t have any right up close unfortunately let me see what I can do here we go oh and the reflection look at the reflection in the water isn’t it beautiful wow yeah amazing and those big flat leaves just floating on the water it’s a nice time of the day to be here cuz we’re getting all that beautiful flection few dragon flies wow oh oh 2:00 2:00 everybody amazing I’m just waiting there’s a few people on there’s a nice platform here that you can step out on to there’s a few people on it so just waiting for them to finish their photos and then we’ll do have a [Applause] t really beautiful spot though isn’t it look at the tea house it’s pretty as a picture beautiful yeah the pond looks really cool take a space to go here we go we’ve got our space we go look that yeah it see a big Coy swimming around in there as well it’s actually a lot busier here than I expected usually when I come here there’s hardly anybody here so just shows you how many people are around in Tokyo and of course being a hot day of people want to get away from the um the busy streets let’s have a little Zoom let’s have a little zoom in here and I can see there’s going to be some Lotus blooming right here very you see the little pink buds coming up yeah it’s nice and of course the water lies Pond lies they call them here looking spectacular oh nice wow now we got the good [Laughter] spot here we are look oh they’re beautiful look at this absolutely gorgeous life yeah amazing the color of them just so beautiful yeah so this doesn’t make a happy day for everybody I don’t know what would this is just gorgeous and we’ve got the best spot in town just shows little bit of patience yes but you know it’s interesting because all of these Gardens are beautifully manicured and they look amazing but then when you get out around the suburbs well out where I’m staying everything’s just left to grow wild so all along the side of the roads it’s just it’s amazing I need to share with you um yeah it’s amazing they just leave it pretty natural for all the insects and birds and different um a different Wildlife so it’s really really cool and of course a Japanese Pine right next door it’s a little bit cloudy today a little bit hazy but it’s was 20 9 when I um last locked but anyway there we go look at that I love these they’re beautiful they’re beautiful so I think we might just finish here I want to get a few photos of the cuz now the it’s hardly anybody here I’d like to get a few photos of the um the water lily so let me turn the [Laughter] camera hey thanks so much for for joining me everybody fabulous to have you walking with me we started with the well we saw the irises finished with the water Lise take care everybody hey Hugo thanks so and I’ll look forward to seeing you all again really soon thanks Lisa yeah I’m glad you could stick with it I know that signal got a bit patchy there but let’s finish with these beautiful water lies absolutely fantastic thank you thanks Kathy thanks Monica Monica Sophia oh oh fantastic I hope to see you again thank you okay bye from Japan lot of love to you all yes for Marie thank you take care and Roy if you’re still there too yeah okay bye for now hug go yep have fun take care travel Tuesday go somewhere around the block just go somewhere coffee time take care tread lightly leave no Trace next time we come back we’ll have lots of Lies hopefully they’ll all be out as well take care have a great day bye for now


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