00:59 Hotel room tour
03:07 Coffee Supreme
03:57 Shibuya Parco
04:44 Ginza
05:24 Akihabara
06:55 Yakiuo Ishikawa
07:24 Omoide Yokocho
08:51 Asakusa
12:17 Ueno
13:45 Shibuya Sky
15:39 Harajuku
18:09 Shinkansen (Bullet train)

#vlog #Japan #tokyo #tokyovlog #thingstodo #travel #한일커플 #couples #sightseeing #food #restaurants #travel #japantravel

so we’re going to check that out [Music] [Music] Fe we made it we made it to the hotel it’s only 540 only 540 I’m not tired at all oh it’s bigger than I thought oh yeah okay we got a coat rack I love c yeah it’s really cute slippers sorry I’m not even holding wow oh so much R oh nice wall View but uh otherwise good morning Tokyo yesterday we got in around 3:00 or 4 I think by the time we got to the hotel was around like 6 or 5 we thought we’d have like energy to go get some ton KATU and while we were there we totally started crashing but the food was really good the KATU was so crispy and just super tasty but yeah as soon as we came back to the hotel we just immediately conked out cuz we were so exhausted today the plan is to go get coffee I don’t know which one will be open cuz it’s still really early and then we’ll get lunch with uda’s family and then we’ll explore the Shinjuku Hau area and then after that I think we have sushi dinner reservations it’s like Elma class style and then after that we’ll be seeing you’s friend to finish off the night woohoo I have a imp pack today what this a face wash okay should wash my face it’s blushing everywhere why is this [Music] happening spr water on myself dishonor on you dishonor on your cow a we’re on our way I can’t remember where coffee Supreme coffee Supreme a 20 minute walk still early [Music] I forgot what it’s called [Music] pepper Frank oan yes we just bought this and apply to our hands pretty smth they Blended in perfectly oh it’s turn oh the real deal huh [Music] PA of scissors [Music] cool just got this little guy [Music] the thing like has 12 fls we’re only on two or three sorry on three we’re on three oh [Music] [Music] TI same look [Music] [Music] all right we’re going to play this game very violent going to drive as well oh okay my H so [Music] bad second turn clear yeah [Music] Uncle and Cousin and now we’re eating again eating again [Music] okay [Music] we just got home from a long day of our first full day in Tokyo we got up at 7:30 hit the town at 9:00 explored everywhere and now we’re at home after seeing youa friend and his fiance and we went to a couple of places couple of bars that we’re super tired at getting ready for bed but excited for another day of Tokyo tomorrow it was so fun good morning from Tokyo we are about to head out yesterday we did a bunch of stuff hopefully I captured everything except for the80s bar boogies sha boogie shab boogie we can take pictures in there that was that right now we’re going to head to asakusa check out the Shoshi S I had this the letters it just got all jumped mhm so we’re going to check that out apparently might be crazy but we it’s it’s it’s iconic so we want to see it’s very famous yeah there’s a festival going on today there so it’s going to be a little hectic but uh first we’re going to try to eat some Ramen I can’t [Music] wait so nostalgic daughter’s boyfriend daughter’s yeah daughter’s boyfriend I don’t know what he weing that for should we get you one and how n it smells amazing here yeah that’s a cool yeah it [Music] take too long yeah how does the egg have two yolks keep burning my tongue but I want to keep no know food is for like Qui no no no no at the M people working there with like requests in the kitchen they say like what does that mean like I ask or like I wish I bag in a way all [Music] time it’s a different [Music] I me it makes sense it looks pretty epic oh [Music] wait regular Fortune yay regular it for oh you throw it in the the Box oh I see [Music] [Music] okay there [Music] we that was fun that was good yeah I feel almost bad like leaving asakusa asakusa on our way to now and really first time first time yeah well I [Music] remember even though this sun’s not out it’s perfect weather not humid [Music] [Music] we going to attempt to go to this Shea okay we some she oh they close getting out to dinner now to not dinner oh right Shabu skyers oh okay sh shu [Music] [Music] [Music] wow in the [Music] distance he like pretty big city this is like the biggest [Music] city look like hacker trash can this is the tiniest trash can I’ve ever seen goodbye tiny fridge we couldn’t fit anything except for nope goodbye I’ll miss you goodbye fancy P day I never got to use because I’ve had zero ball movement [Music] want to get in it yeah let’s do it [Music] [Music] Ral so cute your favorite dreams do come [Music] oh so cute oh my God to La memories made [Music] [Music] hey spe spe spee [Music] you can choose one to send your phone oh we only have 6 seconds [Music] oh not too bad W hilarious [Music] ising track number four please stay behind the yellow line [Music] [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] I

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