I am s YouTuber today I talk about why you should not travel anywhere but Toyo and C if I were to travel to Japan for the first time I would definitely go to too K Oraka near of course each region of Japan has its own Champs and I think it is fine to visit other region where you come to Japan for the second time or later so let’s get right the first part is that there no den concentration of tourist spot there are many tourist spots in Japan but many tourist spot are densely located in too t and OA for example in Tokyo there aak Sky Three M or so in C and oaka there are many temples in usj so you can Joy lot of s SC part just by going to one of them however if you go to a area such things are not possible for example shakago a world heritage site is located in GI prefecture and preserves the for more ancient Japanese dwelling of course this place is very nice but there are no other tourist attractions nearby in particular therefore it is difficult to enjoy many sites together next and next the second reason is that transportation is not comp conven Al lar cities such as Tokyo Cato and OA public transportation systems such as railroads and buses are very well developed making it very convenient to travel between tourist attractions for example too has a dense network of Subway and J lines in C for example their buses and Subway that cover the entire city however in rural areas there are fewer public transportation systems and the intervals between services are no longer so it often takes longer to get from one place to another for example a trip to furano in hakao takes several hours by Express train from saalo and even after that buses or rental CS are needed to get around the area thus that is advantage of traveling outside of too C or Osa is that it requires a lot of time and effort to get around due to PO Transportation this makes it difficult to visit manory spot efficiently which is connected to the first reason third I also have to talk about the lack of rry support measure cities such as too C and Osaka have extensive Ming information p and interpretation services to accommodate FR tourist quite often MultiLing stff upd at major tourist attraction and train stations however in rural areas there are fewer information BRS and pet available in languages other than English and there are few fren language speaking staff in some places there are still many places where only Japanese is available this makes it difficult for FR tourists to smoothly explore the local area in addition since Transportation information is often Prov provided only in Japanese and rural areas it can be a challenge to figure out how to get around next the first reason is that there are few places for shopping in large cities such as Tako kto and oaka there are numerous places to enjoy shopping as well as sing for example too gin s c aligned with World Famous Brand stores lar department stores and unique speciality store every Ina areas such as C Street and umeda offer a wide range of products from sub to luxury goods making possible to enjo shopping in between tiing tours however you look at R areas there are only a few small stores do around the local speciality and handcraft and shopping malls and large department stores are often located in area that cannot be ra without a cur this makes difficult to enjoy casual shopping during a trip except as svenia shops in tourist SP it is easy to combine SI s and shopping in the city center the fifth reason is the lack of restaurants in large cities such as Toyo K and OA tourists can enjoy a diverse food culture with an abundant of restaurants of various gen if you living or around too C or OA there’s always some kind of restaurant at the nearest station so you can easily enjoy a meal when you are hungry furthermore a slightly L station there are numerous restaurants that offers not only Japanese cine such as Ramen sui and tempura but also Italian French Chinese and other cine from around the world on the other hand when you go to rural areas the number restaurants is of limited and in some places there are no restaurants at all enjoying food culture is one of the major attractions of travel and major cities have an overwhelmingly advantage in this Rec how was it of course the countryside is a wonderful place but if you are coming to Japan first I personally hope you will enjoy the city after that I’d like to come back to Japan I think it would be a good idea to go to the countryside if you decide that you want to come back in Japan again


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