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Welcome to JAPAN – the world’s most futuristic country! I have returned for an 11th visit to shoot a 5-part series about the most interesting people and hidden culture across this amazing nation. In this first episode, I share with you 12 mind-blowing ways that Japan is living in the future – from robot-staffed hotels to vending machine parking lots to insane toilets that clean your butt! Comment below if you would add anything to this video – I will be reading and responding to all your messages!
#japan #future #travel
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I’m Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it’s the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!
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Japan is the most futuristic country in the world I’m going to travel around the country to show you 12 mind-blowing innovations that make you feel like you’re living in 2050 oh it’s drying your butt wow this is so freaking wild all these are cars and it goes all the way [Music] upan is the future number one robot staffed hotels welcome to hen hotel at the henan hotel in Tokyo these Avatar robot ladies have replaced humans and can handle tasks from checkin to luggage transport I mean how cool is that we’re going to go check in to the robot Hotel let show you what it’s like wa this is weird she bowed at you when you walk in you’re greeted by these two ladies who are not real people they kind of freep you out mil thank you what did you think about that so scared okay that was pretty interesting now we going up to the room Hotel no human no stuff 100% automated yes yes okay pretty cool you got a bed this is not the smallest room I’ve had in Tokyo by the way way rooms tend to be really small here but this place you can put your clothes in here and it cleans them for you pretty cool bro yes really cool we got a big TV with more robots on the TV to be honest the best part about any Japanese hotel is the toilet it is heated toilet seats and you got the full b day action here literally you just press this button cleans your butthole it’s awesome you got spray strength oh it is just a treat number two automated cashiers at 7-Eleven you can have it make you a smoothie without any verbal interaction simply put $1 into the machine and watch how simple it is to check out the Japanese are obsessed with Automation and efficiency and that’s why I love it here but it goes even a step further we just entered a convenience store with nobody working here but there’s about 70 cameras on the ceilings this is cool time time first time yes do you think somebody’s looking at us right now I think so they literally have everything shaving gel toothpaste toilet trees everything coffee station guys this is the future of the world we are living in the future right now the future in 20 years like all countries will have something like this already what happens is when you put it in the basket it automatically recognizes what is in there and so it puts it on the screen then you just double check it and that’s it so easy yeah okay he so easy we finish shopping yeah we bought this bizarre Japanese dish called nat and we are about to try it right now it’s made from fermented soybeans and it’s known for its strong flavor numerous health benefits and really slimy [Music] texture oh sh I want to eat I want to eat o m so good the smell is very strange oh it’s so gross dude it looks like freaking it’s [Music] notnot just the thought of mucus is I think what’s turning me off number three super Advanced toilets if you don’t want anyone next to you to hear your pooping sounds or bodily functions you press this music button and a rainforest sound comes on [Music] watch that’s awesome Japanese toilets have insane features like seat warming automatic lid opening and a spray for your hole which reflect the country’s focus on hygiene and Technology they can even check your blood pressure this big clam shell looking thing is a toilet a public restroom in Tokyo let’s go check it out oh W she speaking wow that’s cool thank you so much using toy today she say oh this is crazy it’s like there’s someone speaking to us please play light flush heavy flush cool man yeah cool [Music] toil oh it’s drying your butt air is coming [Music] out frush hi to thank you so much music hi toilet play therapeutic music hi toilet start b day hi toilet flush toilet what’s wrong with you I met up with my Japanese friend and fellow Creator tekashi and he shares his perspective on Japanese toilets to be honest people say oh Japanese toilet is amazing stuff like that but if you’re from Japan sometimes it can be your weak point if you go abroad you get to you get used it so much right so like I feel like I feel like frustrated speaking of futuristic inventions that can have a positive impact on our life let me introduce you to the sponsor of today’s video AO it’s a convenient eim technology provider that lets you have data in over 200 countries and regions if you’re a traveler like me then you know the importance of having a working phone to stay safe and connected to the world but roaming costs are really expensive and it’s too exhausting to get local SIM cards or rely on public Wi-Fi AO is a great solution that has helped me stay connected everywhere I go like right here in Japan it’s super easy to use and just takes a few minutes to set up and activate now with a working phone I don’t have to worry about booking an Uber finding a restaurant posting on social media or texting my friends because I’m connected to the world and the best part is that you get to keep your original phone number if you click the link in the description down below and use the code Drew 3 then you’ll get $3 off your next e purchase all right guys let’s get back to the streets of Tokyo number four Urban parking lots all around Japan you can find automated parking systems both underground like this one and More impressively in tall buildings which are more like vending machines for cars talk about efficiency to park our car right now at the hotel there’s literally like you pull into this little garage and then the car goes up okay so I I pull here yeah wow this is crazy machine wow this is so freaking wild look how tall it is parking my car at the hotel here in Kumamoto and look at this garage all these are cars and it goes all the way up as far as the IE can see this is so crazy man so crazy so Japanese we are not picking up our car from the car vending machine which is like 20 stories high so they’re going to press a button and the car is going to come from the sky down to delivery this is oh wow [Music] amazing can hear it coming I can’t believe the car just came down from 24 floors wa there it is amazing number five bullet train this is the bullet train to Osaka we’re going to go check it out let’s see what we can find if you are obsessed with unique Transportation like I am then you will love the trains in Japan they are Next Level try riding on the shinkansen aka the bullet train which goes over 320 kmph it is quite expensive but very luxury to ride one and you can travel from Tokyo to Kyoto in less than 2 hours and don’t worry about being late because it is always on time number six vending machines for everything very glad I just bought my mysterious ball from this vending machine Beyond drinks and snacks sweet potato pie tastes pretty fresh too vending machines in Japan give out hot meals so we’re going to go with a hot coffee right here cheers to my hot coffee it’s literally the perfect amount of heat umbrellas and even Electronics offering unparalleled convenience Co before you can even blink it’s there there it’s replenishing there are more than 5 million of them spread around the country right now I’m in a very remote area of Okinawa Island and there’s vending machines here’s the drink smells like monster but here’s where it gets better I just walked into this ramen restaurant and I order on this little machine in front of me I don’t speak to anyone simply order from the vending machine sit down and 2 minutes later the chef brings you your delicious bowl of ramen the best part is only bucks the noodles have this like crunch to it the texture is incredible the soup is creamy I have no words number seven automated agriculture Japan uses the most advanced agricultural techniques including vertical farming drone technology for crop monitoring and automated harvesting machines all of these things increase productivity and reduces labor dependency I can only imagine that in the year 2050 the rest of the world will finally be catching up to what Japan is doing we just entered the fields here of Okinawa where they grow all their vegetables there’s an abundance of fields because the climate is so rich for it in summer season I planted and sweet potato Mustard Leaf and winter season I planting a main that’s pretty awesome number eight smart cities the urban areas of Japan like Tokyo and Fukuoka are developing into smart cities with integrated technology for Energy Efficiency traffic management and Disaster Response these things enhance the quality of life for all Japanese people living in cities I mean just walking around the streets you will notice so many things that just make sense in the train station if you want to get work done you just go in these private booths you put in a dollar and then it opens it’ll make you wonder why don’t other places in the world do [Music] this number nine capsule hotels originating in Japan these accommodations offer compact sleeping pods that are just enough space for a bed they are quite popular among budget Travelers and conveniently located near Urban Transit hubs but beware if you are claustrophobic I’m here in Tokyo Japan and I’m about to check in to this capsule Hotel let’s go discover it’s called 9 hours capsule and run are we going to run or are we going to stay this is capsule Hotel yes my first time staying at a capsule Hotel oh it’s all great thank you so much so this is your name yes this is your c key is so your CS number is 417 on the fourth floor check out time is 10:00 a.m. so you cannot extend time when you check out please return your card key yeah and this Amity back and the lerer at the reception okay amenity bag let’s go that was a quick checking process now I’m heading to the elevator oh there’s a women elevator and a men’s elevator that’s weird guess I’ll take the men’s this is so weird fourth floor I don’t think I’ve ever been in a men’s elevator not even in Saudi Arabia all right here we go dude look at this that is so crazy here are the numbers 404 4 five this looks like a spaceship or something all right okay okay yo this is tiny oh my God I’m tripping out right now this is the capsule hotel in Japan I can’t believe this is 100 bucks a night this should be like 20 bucks a night maybe you pay for the experience look I can spread my arms halfway out and I reach the end and I’m short I’m only 5′ 7 and so imagine tall people in here there’s a nice little phone phone placement holder right here you know just built into the wall that’s nice here’s the light switch so I guess that’s off turn it all the way and we’re on One USB only one USB this must be USBC maybe there’s no real Outlet so I’m not sure how I’m going to charge my drone are these speakers oh man this is it that’s dissect this amenities kit that they give you so towel cool small towel pajamas and a shirt very Japanese there’s a toothbrush and toothpaste which I’m going to use there are slippers and another towel so I’m going to go change into this and go check out the bathroom wow time to brush case you didn’t bring her own toothbrush and this tiny toothpaste that’s like an inch big probably works for one or two [Music] times time him take a shower so the shower room is pretty small they do have their own soap and shampoo which is nice sexy [Music] time oh comes out cold nice smells [Music] good you know I got to be honest that was a pleasantly clean and enjoyable shower it really was back to the Pod good [Music] night well well that is the capsule Hotel experience of Tokyo number 10 Elderly Care technology did you know that Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world on average the Japanese live to be 84.95 years old because of their healthy diets and active [Music] Lifestyles how many years have you been doing he was a 15 years old now he’s 72 years old wow I traveled to the island of ok to meet with elders and hear their stories like this lady who’s 103 years old how do you stay busy in your day-to-day life morning he’s training bu in so he she B that one the steing machine really when it comes to Elderly Care Japan utilizes advanced technology like robotic assistance monitoring systems and Smart Homes to support its aging population number 11 Advanced arcades now I’m in Japan this is exactly what I needed to see right now my first trip here in 2011 this is all I remember these arcades as the inventors of Super Mario Zelda Pokémon and Sonic it is no surprise that Japan has insane arcades you’re crazy man in big cities like Fukuoka and Tokyo you can find multiple story arcades and entertainment centers and going inside one will blow your mind this place is huge look at this it’s like entering a new world with cuttingedge Graphics motion sensors and immersive environments to give a futuristic gaming experience trust me if you go to Japan you have to check out an arcade because it is a staple of Japanese [Music] culture number 12 the post office here’s a curveball for you the post office is the only way that Japan is not as advanced as the rest of the world in Tokyo I had to stop by the post office to ship a hard drive to my team who live in the Philippines and not only did it take 30 minutes for a simple task but it had to answer about 50 questions on their little iPad and it was very very stressful I spent 2 years living in Korea and in my opinion I think the two countries are similar when it comes to these old school practices like the post office I know it sounds strange and I hope that someday they’ll be able to get the post office working a little bit better if you couldn’t already tell I love Japan and I think it’s one of the most incredible countries in the world if you’ve never been before I highly recommend it not only for the technology but for the food the cleanliness the nature and the safety if you have been to Japan before please use a comment section down below to write your favorite destinations in the country or share some travel tips so everyone here can benefit stay tuned for my next episodes in Japan like trying the world’s most poisonous fish going deep into Tokyo’s only slum and renting a friend for a day for $100 adato gas and see you later [Music] n [Music]
What's your favorite place to go in Japan? Mine are Okinawa, Fukuoka, Kyoto and Tokyo! Let's use this comment section to share Japan travel tips and advice, so everyone in this community can benefit 🙂
As someone who lives in the beautiful Japanese countryside, I disagree with anyone who believes that all parts of Japan are “futuristic”. Yes, places like Osaka, Tokyo, etc. might have things that seem futuristic, but don’t let that paint a picture of all of Japan. Thinking that all of Japan “futuristic” is like thinking all of the US is like New York City and Los Angeles.
I really liked Jigokudani, snow monkey park, in Nagano. You should check it out.. Best way – Shinkansen from Tokyo and then bus heading to the onsens in the mountains from train station. Go early.
Hi toilet, flush toilet..
What's wrong with you??
Hi toliet, flush Drew 😅
This was such an amazing and very interesting video- absolutely loved it!!
Amazing video Drew… Wish I could visit this amazing country someday..
Bro you use heaps of toothpaste 😂
Wow! Can't wait to visit Japan some day.
I'd ratherr live in the old school world.
seeing this just makes me think that my country is stuck in the 1970s, almost no tall buildings, no future pub toilet, no futuristic parking. its just small and full of old houses… (except capital)
Another stereotypical video. Guys, don't fall for the clickbait. Japan is NOT living in 2050… I lived there and many aspects are still backwards like using fax machine. This guy is just playing into stereotypes to get clicks
1-Osaka, 2-Kyoto and 3-Tokyo…happy days from Sweden.
13:05 This is a nightmare how he will extend his hands more like a coffin
Hi family thanks for support me
In the capsule hotel I think the 'men' lift brings you to the men's floor and vice-versa, they are separate.
LOVE FROM PUNE INDIA🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 🥰❤😎😉🤝🙂👍😊🧡❤🥰❤🥰
in Poland, we have „żabka nano” which is the same as the automated 7/11. come and see! 😁
He found the 404!!
My favorite vending machine is the used panties vendor!! Ain't nuttn better then a skidmark to end your day
Done watching!!! I really wanna go to Japan!!! Thank you Drew!
It's scary how the world has changed since i was a small kid
The reason why those elevators are split into genders is because Japanese women are often groped in those.
Japan may be living in "2050" in some regards but it's medieval in other regards.
We don't want digital id's smart cities or ai running our lives… it's lazy and dangerous
I think you got a pretty terrible deal on that capsule hotel. Anshin Oyado in Shinjuku cost me $45 a night, I could stretch my legs as a 6’2” 187cm tall guy, came with free food, drinks, and alcohol, had great capsules with thick mattresses, good shelf space, good ventilation, had a real power outlet, check out time was at 12PM, and the sauna and lounge were great. It’s also less than a block away from Shinjuku station.
You should totally come visit Northern Ireland!! Anyway, I loved the video and hope to go to Japan some day and I love all your vlogs.
It takes a certain amount of morals to have the majority of these items, which I don't think many Americans have.
How's the smell inside the capsule? Can someone who's 6'3 fit in it?
Favorite place in Japan-Kinosaki! It's an onsen town where we stayed in a traditional ryokan. Such a cool experience. Also the Shimokitazawa neighborhood in Tokyo is super charming.
The downfall is the elimination of jobs for human beings. Let's not be over happy with eliminating our own opportunities to provide for our families.
Going to Japan for solo travel this Christmas!! If anyone is interested in hanging out reply to this!
What about when Japan no longer needs factory workers
or employees in general ? Won’t
people be down bad ..?
Drew! Thanks for posting this video
Nice ways to take away people’s livelihoods
Just to remind you for the 100 Time tht there s a génocide commited by israël in gaza and u still not even sharing and talking abt it also you re deleting my comment
No it’s not China is.
I was very disappointed with your mindset in some points in this video… despite the views you seem to be a low educated person… really without common sense ! Good for thought, for your stupid American enthusiasm
Maybe the strict segregation of men and women in Japanese society is contributing to the fatally low marriage and birth rates.
Robots arent cool at all…are you serious. That aint living among machines…. digusting thought of everything getting automated meaning your life is also dispensable