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We’re staying at Mitsui Garden Hotel Fukuoka Gion, located in the heart of Hakata , walking distance to Canal city and just a 15 min taxi to the airport. And since we’ve never been to Fukuoka as a family together, it was more than easy to accept this invite from the hotel. That said, the overall value you get for staying at this hotel is amazing as it offers an incredibly insane Japanese breakfast, luxury style onsen bath, steam sauna, and premium customer service. This ultra affordable hotel has a seafood restaurant, Uoden on the 1st floor, which is actually a popular spot for locals to go to as they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. What we loved the most is definitely their fresh fish section. This is not your standard Japanese breakfast buffet and definitely need to check it out for yourself. Also, Mitsui have hotels all throughout Japan, like Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo, etc. so worth checking wherever you are staying in the country.

🎁Get ¥3000 discount on reservations made on the official website of Japan’s Mitsui Garden Hotels, THE CELESTINE HOTELS and Sequence Hotel. Use my Code “Paolo5”
Mitsui Garden Hotel Fukuoka Gion
Mitsui Garden Hotels

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I’m staying at an affordable hotel in Japan with an insane Japanese [Music] breakfast so I have traveled outside of Tokyo to Japan’s a fukoka Hakata area and I’m actually going to be doing some filming some behind the counters as well as some street food adventures and I think in this video I’m going to be sharing you some of the behind the scenes as well as this hotel that we’re staying at their insane breakfast and all other the things that we’re going to be doing I’ve got a lot going on in this one so definitely stick around and let’s start from the beginning so we’re staying at mitsui Garden Hotel Fukuoka gon located in the Heart of the City walking distance to Canal City and just a 15-minute taxi to the airport and since we’ve never been to Hakata as a family together it was more than easy to accept the invite from the hotel that said the overall value you get for staying at this hotel is amazing as it offers an incredibly insane Japanese breakfast luxury style ons and bath steam sauna and premium customer service I’ll get to the prices in just a bit but let me check in first so as expected it went smoothly as we were able to head to our room quickly after the lady at the front walked us through the hotel facilities well they have lotions and face wash [Music] too okay so I think we’re down here in 12:23 [Music] nice [Music] nice wow this room is amazing it looks so cool oh they have my special machine very nice that’s for the moon yeah let’s check out the moon oh [Laughter] oh so let me quickly show you our Junior sweet twin room it’s got two double siiz beds charger and Outlet on both sides very comfortable pajamas I love the spacious workstation in the fridge they have free water bottles I like how this room even has kind of like a library type feel you have all of these like knickknacks you got these books this kind of feels like a little nicer than normal even have these pictures of the Matsui okay so let’s quickly check the path area oh this is pretty nice you got double sinks right here you got all of the amenities you got this uh Snow White mirror mirror on the wall thing going on oh and this is inside Wolfie’s kids amenity bag I love the little details you have in here too got these like little iron lamps here too pretty cool cool check out this pretty large bath they have this cool shower system and like body streams what do you call those body nozzles basically you have a shower and you have these streams that hit your body what do you call that I forgot and of course they’ve got a super duper Japanese wash toilet so since we were invited we stayed in their premium room but the hotel offers many room types like this one starting at 19,000 Yen which is about 120 USD a night so pretty affordable GI in the location and Facilities our room though starts at 880,000 Yen about 500 USD per night that said mitsui have hotels all throughout Japan and they gave me a special coupon code to get even cheaper room rates so I’ll leave that code and a link in the description of the video okay so we are finally heading out to venture into the city super excited for this [Music] so this trip was supposed to be a rainless trip we didn’t plan on having this much rain luckily it’s kind of like died down sprinkling a little bit so we don’t need a umbrella but man would have been a lot more uh sunshiny but you know it is what it is and we’re going to keep on continuing on today we’re out filming food spots for a video coming out soon and we’re taking wolfy along for this one it used to be super easy when he was a baby and he was trapped to mea mama monst monst let’s just say he’s a lot more mobile but he loves coming along and sharing the experience with us it does take a bit more time to film with him but that’s the beauty of it as we do what we have to do while enjoying our time together plus each new experience he has you feel that it helps expand his mind for the future so we just made our way to canal City it’s actually just right next to our hotel it’s kind of a mall area looks like it has pretty much everything here Canal City Hakata is a Giant entertainment facility that runs along Hakata River with more than 200 shops and restaurants and even a theater you can literally spend all day here or maybe even two and of course we checked out the jump [Music] shop what do you like Michael’s and what what do you like Acadia can you show me the one you just showed me it’s like your pants my pants completely different actually I I read over oh and the water show here is pretty cool so worth trying to catch it especially if you’re with kids so this place is called the Bandai Namco cross and it has all this like Bondi Namco stores the Bandai Namco crw shop was an experience all in itself okay Wolfie definitely enjoyed his favorite gusa and we played in the arcade fill with the newest Bai [Music] games we were pretty Blown Away with a variety of interactive games that they had oh this is what it’s all about playing with r going to all these different places that was actually pretty fun man this place is pretty cool there’s just so many like anime related stuff you have these games you have like all of the card games you have the like little um shops quite a lot to do here it’s pretty cool so they even have a Gundam base here although I’m not a DieHard Gundam fan I do appreciate the intricate designs of the Gundam and love to see it firsthand all of their creative Figures it’s pretty impressive that they have so many different models here on display the best part about it is that it’s free to look at all the different Gundam so you can spend quite a bit of time here if you wanted so if you’re a Gundam fan this is definitely a must visit [Music] [Music] spot good morning y’all waa that was an awesome night of sleep actually got up a little bit earlier Wolfie is still kind of in bed over there and um Michael just started her morning rou routine so we need to get ready for breakfast right now uh Wolfie you ready to go no he is not ready to go but we do need to wake him up so we can get the day started you ready no we have to get ready don’t you want to go get some they have food downstairs they have not do they have fruit they have juice they have n they have Nat ready how you doing this morning good I actually woke up early I didn’t want to wake up Wy so I was in the bathroom what do you think so far about the hotel I like it uh well we been going to the room so well I noticed one thing like at Lobby like almost everybody speaks English like the staff it’s really foreign friendly hotel so dark in here WBY can you open up the curtains or you want Daddy to do it daddy going to do it daddy going to do it Daddy do it are you so this hotel has a seafood restaurant called ooen on the first first floor which is actually a popular spot for locals to go as they serve breakfast lunch and dinner so cool they just gave us uh some Dashi this is exactly what I needed to wake up nice gentle [Music] taste the breakfast can be added to your hotel reservation for about 3,000 yen about $18 and it’s completely worth it what we love the most is definitely their fresh fish section this is not your standard Japanese breakfast buffet for starters they offer freshly grounded Bonito Flakes two different kinds of rice yum shizuku and Natsu honoka all next to their freshly cut sushi and sashimi offerings on top of this there’s an incredible variety of traditional Japanese soza dishes all set out udon with Dashi Cur soup just to name a few I’m getting hungry just talking about it you want fruits wow this morning Buffet is so amazing one of the best I’ve ever seen there’s just so many different options y all know I had to get some fried chicken right here got some like Tempa fish cakes I got all the different Sashimi right here got some men Tao and look at that M so crispy and crunchy and tender on the inside freshly fried pza fried chicken bam M oh that’s good yeah you don’t even need any of the soy sauce take some of this Sashimi dip it into the soy sauce with Wasabi look at that delicious and then I love like how you can see in the kitchen they’re freshly cutting all the Sashimi as like people order it so you get really really fresh shashimi Sushi is fresh as well look at this you know what I love about this place is that you do get that like very Japanese restaurant Vibe like I love just the interior and how they decorated it they have like the sake wall and have all the different sake on there and you can like look up they have the light shades that they got the little lamps that are hanging from the ceiling all the food is just laid out it’s just so beautiful how’s it my go it’s so fresh I’m so happy that I can’t eat fresh fish for the morning you can go to so many different hotels when you’re like traveling but to have a breakfast like this you feel like you’ve started Japan on the right foot I can’t say enough about this breakfast so I’m here too so before we continue on I want to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of this video Squarespace if youall don’t already know Squarespace is the number one way to build your online presence in fact I use Squarespace from my website Tokyo zebra here just some of the reasons why I love using Squarespace so much now with fluid engine their next Generation website design system it helps anyone unlock their creativity with reimagined drag and drop technology for desktop or mobile and start with a completely personalized website with a new guided design system Squarespace blueprint then customize it like I did for my website to fit your own needs check it out at my homepage shows my latest videos for both my channels if you want to sell products online physical digital or service products it’s easy with Squarespace invoice your clients also easy with Squarespace or update your written content guess what it’s easy with Squarespace AI so there you go go to today for your free trial and when you’re ready to launch go to forp from Tokyo and get 10% off your first domain or [Music] website so they have this rooftop living bath that we’re just going to go check out right now kind of excited to see okay take our shoes and put it over here here let’s go inside their rooftop living bath is quite spacious and was designed to make you feel like you’re floating on a machia roof and in an outdoor onen that uses carbonated water which I felt was quite a bit hotter than the indoor Onan plus there’s even a steam son here which you don’t get to see often it’s perfect on a day like this perfect what’s nice is that they have them indoor ones in here and then they have this outdoor one here that overlooks the city you doing Wolfie definitely loves the bath here apparently the female bath even has a fancy powder room which Michael really liked same hey where you guys going today we are going to La Laport I found that there was a like a petting [Music] zoo just going to go there so I guess um I’ll see you later yeah yeah so today’s activities is we’re going to have to split up a little bit because I have to do a behind the counter filming while we’re here and they’re going to go out and play I’ll see them later tonight so yeah it’s kind of going to be a work day slash kind of fun day for all of us bye love you guys bye here we are me and Wolfie hello we are walking towards to the um Pama Museum which is about 15 minutes away by foot on foot by foot probably with this guy it takes when 30 minutes on the way to the Anon Museum Michael and Wolfie got to check out one of the oldest shopping streets in Hakata kaab on Pond Man characters were hidden everywhere so Wolfie couldn’t help but smile and laugh the entire [Music] time apparently the Anon Museum here felt as big as a one in Yokohama but with fewer people they had a blast playing in the playground shopping in their character stores and watching the shows so we’re eating popn 3,000 Y is it [Music] good and they finally made it to dinner where I was actually filming one of our upcoming behind the counter videos [Music] how is it Michael it’s so good that I want to just keep chewing in my mouth forever is that it’s so good I love the tural flavor okay so I just finished filming now we’re hanging out usually doesn’t happen that Michel is here but you know once in a while she does come like I think we did theug restaurant and she came that’s it I’m just going to eat cuz I’m so hungry just watching this food all night made me hungry and then uh we’ll continue later tomorrow so one thing about staying at a hotel with a family for several days is that the laundry starts to pile up so luckily luckily so luckily they had a coin laundry on the top floor cool all good wash and dry all in one all right so that concludes our trip I hope you enjoyed some of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on in our videos If you guys like this video like always help us out and hit that like button if you guys want to help support the channel then definitely check out the merch and my hot sauce and if you want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button we’ll catch you guys in the next one


  1. 🎁Get ¥3000 discount on reservations made on the official website of Japan's Mitsui Garden Hotels, THE CELESTINE HOTELS and Sequence Hotel. Use my Code "Paolo5"
    Mitsui Garden Hotel Fukuoka Gion
    Mitsui Garden Hotels

    Get 10% off with my link on Squarespace –

  2. Great video Paolo and that breakfast looked amazing. Great to see Maiko make an appearance again and looking incredible and wow, Wolfy has grown so much. Many thanks 🙏

  3. Love this video! I am visiting Fukuoka in August and was looking for a hotel to stay at earlier today – now booking this one! That breakfast had me sold! I sadly cannot seem to get the promo code to work but will still be booking regardless 🙂 Thanks for the content as always!

  4. You could not get breakfast like that here in the UK for what you paid for it.
    All your restaurants are incredibly cheap as well.

  5. I'm very curious about the upcoming Behind the Counter video. A $120 hotel wouldn't be cheap for me, but still enjoyed watching the family together. The breakfast looks worth it though and so nice to have fresh fish in the morning. The dashi seems cozy like warming up the soul. Wolfy is so grown! The way he imitates Paolo is adorable

  6. What was the name of that doughnut shop? Allergy free doughnuts would be awesome for my son.

    I used to work for a company based in the Mitsuitomo building just down the main road from Hakata station. My family will be in there in two weeks on our own vacation.

  7. well its good to know that my little man is not the only one making faces when I talk to him to early (late for me im up for 5 hours by the time theyre up lol)

    He is definitely not old enough to understand his face will be on internet forever and decide if he wants that or not!
    This is not respecting for him and you are NOT doing him a favor!

  9. wow are you really standing on the beds …. not exactly setting a good example there. Now think about it from the owners perspective, would you want somebody jumping about on your furniture. ….

  10. LOL he changed the title because he realized how bad it made him look. Didn’t change the intro though. He also deleted the comment pointing out the BS he was pulling.

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