I honestly couldn’t care less. I’m just happy seeing the ship sink… to the bottom of the ocean to the depths of the abyss.

by LG_Offical

1 Comment

  1. I’m sorry but I really hate it when people turn the goal of the anti-Niji movement into “I want to see Niji burnt to the ground and Riku has to suffer”.

    I’d prefer to focus more on how the innocent Livers can ultimately come out of this situation and be happy with their decision and life, regardless of whether or not that means remaining in Niji or leaving it.

    I’d rather see Riku and all the other upper brass resigned and have Niji change its management to a more competent, compassionate one with actual vision for the future instead of short term goals, Livers like Elira and Vox issuing an apology, and then we can all move on. Unlikely, yes, but at least it’s wishing for a positive change, not wishing for more hurt.

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