
Riding FIRST CLASS On Japan’s Bullet Train 🇯🇵 Worth It? (Shinkansen)

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In this video we explore the hot spring town of Kusatsu In Japan

Watch all our Japan Videos here:

Music by:
Epidemic Sound (

good morning everyone here from katsu where 
we filmed our last video the magical onon  
town this place this ended up being one of our 
favorites in Japan so far just a really unusual  
unique place and right now we’re heading to the 
bus station cuz we’re going to be heading back  
to Tokyo in this video we’re going to get on 
the bullet train but first we have to go to a  
city nearby called kuui Za we’re about to get 
a bus from here to kuua and then we’ll get on  
the bullet train we’re going to be traveling 
in first class too on it so that’s something  
that we’ve never done before and then we’ll be 
filming a bit of Tokyo some other places that we  
haven’t seen and I think the cherry blossom 
season is supposed to be starting properly  
now so hopefully we get to see that properly in 
Tokyo too it’s a bit noisy cuz we’re all rolling  
our luggage I’m definitely glad that we decided 
to buy these bags we used to not have roll bags  
but way less tiring and we will be leaving the 
snow now cuz in Tokyo I think it’s around 25° C  
a massive difference the last time we were in 
Tokyo I think it was just around 8 9° so yeah  
huge difference that’s why the cherry blossom 
starting [Music] now hello uh Express is 6 bus  
1020 we pay on the bus the buy now okay how many 
people uh four express the express yeah yeah four  
okay how much is it 8,960 I can pay with this all 
right thank you one two three 4 one people one
okay okay thank you yes I think the guy said 
it’s not guaranteed that you’ll get a place on  
the bus so it’s best to queue up first we’re 
getting on the 10201 it seems like that bus  
over there goes straight to Tokyo but it’ll 
be a lot quicker getting on the bullet train
so we’re just looking for the ticket counter 
I think we have to print off the bullet train  
tickets I think we just got to scan the QR code 
so the ticket for the first class is is going  
to be around $62 that is with a booking fee from 
cluke but we’ve been using this app quite a lot  
cuz the sites are kind of confusing here yeah 
for us uh foreigners and it’s since it’s our  
first time in Japan we are not very used to 
the the system of Transportation in general  
so it’s a bit confusing I was checking the 
The Local website for the tickets but it was  
a bit confusing so we just thought it would 
be easier to use cluk and it was really easy  
and straightforward also to get the tickets here 
at the station and this place looks really nice  
too kizawa A lot of people stay here can see 
the ski slopes back there the ski lifs I think  
they also have the onson around here there’s a 
nice waterfall so yeah we saw a lot of tourists  
staying here if we had known maybe we would 
have spent a day or two here as well [Music]  
so I think the ones with green car are the first 
class ones where do we put our bags at top yeah  
quite a lot of space you can shove that one up 
there dad so before we could even sit down it’s  
already off they’re very on time in in Japan 
loads of leg room too me and Carol are pretty  
tall I can almost stretch my legs entirely the 
hook yeah it’s just kind of like a plane really  
do some laptop work I think you can charge it 
right almost like a bed yeah good sleep too  
good you all right back there very comfortable 
yeah I’m thinking already that this is the most  
comfortable Trin that we’ve been on I wish it 
was like this in airplanes so I could actually  
sleep yeah it would be a big difference you can 
never sleep on airplanes pretty much because it’s  
just too bad the seeds nowadays but this one 
is really good the only problem is that it’s  
just 1 hour and 14 minutes so not enough time 
to sleep we need to go on a longer ride yeah
so from what we read the first class is supposed 
to be even quieter and smoother compared to the  
other carriages yeah it’s very quiet we have to 
speak like this we are the only ones that are  
speaking here Japan is very quiet uh normally 
like every day but here is another level think  
we’re arriving at another station now don’t 
know where we are and there is Wi-Fi and  
the I was able to connect just fine it’s 
working and the speed is good I think too  
yeah cuz some trains they say they offer Wi-Fi 
not in Japan in other countries and then they  
don’t but the Wi-Fi here is available on all 
uh fairs not just the the first glass one I  
also noticed that there’s a light here so if 
you click that think it’s like a reading light  
and we got a little cup holder I suppose this is 
somewhere that you can put things to so I forgot  
to make mention that this ride is going to take 
around an hour and 12 minutes I think by car it  
would be 2 hours and 30 minutes and by a bus it 
would be even longer and on this line I think  
it goes 260 kmph Max but on some other lines 
I think they can reach like 320 a lot faster
f up [Music]
so we’ve arrived at Tokyo 
Station and it is real warm here  
as we were expecting it is feeling around 25° 
man look at that train though looks super slick  
I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one with 
a nose that long it was a good ride wasn’t it  
yeah yeah various moves and silence just like we 
expected really yeah so on the way to KATU we got  
like the second class and we wanted to compare 
I think this one is around $15 more per person  
but it is way more comfortable but it is a short 
ride though but the seats were like not as comfy  
not as thick you didn’t have as much room but if 
you’re on the budget I think the second class is  
still great yeah cuz I think uh what we see here 
in Japan like all the transportation that we have  
taken so far are really good and just just really 
good in general so if you’re on a budget just go  
for the cheaper one so Japan is kind of famous 
for its amazing trains when we went back from  
Nico to Tokyo we got this kind of new one called 
space share X that looks super futuristic and  
even the carriage that we were in it was like 
a bar or a cafe had sofas things like that so  
yeah just really amazing trains throughout Japan 
and now we back in the organized chaos of Tokyo  
always hard to walk around so we had to get on 
another Metro and we come to shimbashi station  
well that’s where we’ve gotten off anyway we’re 
going to be staying around here looks pretty  
cool kind of laid back for for Tokyo a bit less 
people it’ll probably be another cool place at  
night with all the Billboards and signs litting 
up we’ll check it out at night pretty cool how  
you can go from a place like KATU to here in 
just a short distance yeah just two different  
sceneries well I said short distance it’s not 
short distance short time it is pretty far [Music]
away I suppose it’s a bit like sumida the 
part that we were staying in last time  
over there there weren’t that many people 
around really kind of more of a residential  
place not in front of the station though that 
place look pretty cool seem to have a few bars  
there bar streets all right this is us Hotel 
wink so it’s a pretty simple place it’s $162  
per night and I think it’s that expensive cuz 
we’re right in the cherry blossom season once  
again just like the prices were high last 
time we were in Tokyo but yeah this place  
is extra tiny and this is the view seems to 
be Apartments maybe some office blocks back  
there pretty decent size TV compared to the 
the small room got some food delivery stuff  
might do that today and it does include breakfast 
though in that price and then small little old  
bathroom wow look at that bathtub that might 
be one of the smallest bathtubs ever [Music]
so now we’re going for a walk around the area 
that we’re staying and we just found out that  
we’re right next to the Tokyo Tower so we’re 
going to go close to that that’s like one of the  
famous landmarks of Tokyo yeah definitely liking 
this neighborhood though just really laidback  
nice Parks yeah so I guess this is actually a 
pretty important Temple complex so many people  
come in here so the main building that you’re 
seeing over there it’s called a Hondo the main  
hall another benefit of this place is that you 
also have the cherry blossoms now we’re finally  
starting to bloom looking really beautiful yeah so 
you can check like forecasts online where it tells  
you the peak days I think it’s going to be in 
about 2 or 3 days here so we’re going to be here  
in Japan during the peak it’s going to look a lot 
more impressive I see one over there too [Music]
so I don’t think you have to pay to go in here 
out of all the temples that we’ve been here in  
Japan I think it was only the ones in Nico 
that we had to pay those were like a UNESCO  
world heritage site though so maybe that’s 
why yeah so it’s definitely looking like a  
great area to stay in and we knew absolutely 
nothing about it really so interested to see  
how the night life is later as well since 
the places look pretty cool really nice and  
peaceful beautiful here this place like 
a zen garden really it is the Zen Garden
so we’re going to see if it’s possible to 
go up the Tokyo Tower now don’t know if you  
needed a reservation we didn’t make one since 
we were even planning to come here might be  
a huge queue it is a Sunday today also man that 
thing is Big got the British double deer bus why
not no idea what this thing is the Lemon 
the lemon mobile yeah I don’t know what  
it is so the top deck was fully booked 
I think they only had a time slot for  
like in two hours time but we’re going to 
the main deck that is still 150 M that’s  
1,200 per person W what’s that like uh 
the old Tokyo really cool I’d love to  
have seen that that so I think the top deck 
would be 100 m even higher but it’s a lot
smaller all right just need to find a empty 
window yeah maybe this side yeah we’re  
already pretty high up would have definitely 
been cool to see it from the the top though  
but we’re pretty much higher than a lot of the 
buildings anyway so that was the temple that  
we were at just now and we walk from over 
there we’re staying around there somewhere  
there’s also this other Park that I think 
we’re going to walk through on the way back
and I forgot to mention that the top deck is 3,000 
yen so it is quite a lot more so this Tower was  
built in 1958 and as you probably noticed it 
was based on the I4 Tower but this Tower is  
333 M high it’s 30 m taller than the eiel tower we 
also went up there uh last year in Paris [Music]
pretty nice that everyone does the little 
picnics yeah like the Gathering friends and  
family together the Sunday picnic and a great 
little Park too with the tower like that well  
very calm and quiet if you would yeah if it was 
in Brazil it would be like music people shouting  
usually when we go to big cities uh there’s 
just a few touristic areas but in Tokyo it  
seems that everywhere that you go like there 
are so many places to stay and just so many  
touristic attractions it’s such a big city with 
such a big variety of things to do it’s really  
really cool yeah we definitely need to come 
back again see more different things different
[Music] neighborhoods so we’re going to check out 
shimbashi now at night see the night life like I  
mentioned before I wanted to see it all Len up and 
it is liten up right now it’s around 700 p.m. and  
I found online that there is a cool Buy area like 
where the real nighti is so I think we’ll walk  
through there don’t know if we’re going to drink 
as much as the other time in Tokyo no I’m very  
tired I won’t be drinking that much not tonight 
might have one or two though one or two sometimes  
turns into 10 so this is the part that I really 
wanted to come to that I had no idea was here  
look at this amazing looking street so this up 
there is actually the rail track that we were on  
today and underneath you have all these bars it’s 
kind of like arches I don’t know what you call  
these but look at those cool bars and it goes all 
the way down so completely different to what we  
saw the last night out in Tokyo how cool is that 
very cool now very nice yeah especially that red  
one back there what is it a Cap Fuel Hotel yeah we 
have many in Tokyo but not many where you come out  
and you right on this road so I think Tokyo might 
be the first place that I actually prefer walking  
around at night than during the day even though 
during the day is awesome too but just at night  
really goes another level so I think we are going 
to drink and eat somewhere just got to choose  
a place got a billion to billion options it’s 
definitely like a more mellow version of Shinjuku  
that area kabuku more chilled out it’s early 
though still maybe towards like 11 it gets real
busy so we ended up coming to 
that first Arch that we saw  
under the rail track the one with the 
Red Lanterns really cool on the inside  
more Red Lanterns too all right cheers to 
Japan Japan tokkyo to Tokyo yeah so me and  
Dad are going with the Sephora again Japan’s 
oldest bear I didn’t even know that since 1876  
and M and Carol Soo not Japanese Korean Apple 
flavor not Apple grap oh great okay [Music]
yeah so as I mentioned two drinks ended up being 
more I think I ended up sharing four of those big  
bottles with my dad but I’m pretty good yeah 
and I think you guys had 20 chicken SK skers  
or lamp skewers yeah 20 we ate a lot I think the 
bill overall was like 17,000 probably the most  
expensive bill so far here in Japan I probably 
have a problem if um if I lived in Tokyo cuz  
I’d want to come to these places all the time 
end up drinking too much so this looks like  
another cool street that we haven’t been down yet 
yeah this is probably the best bar street so far  
super CR hello so one thing that I haven’t 
mentioned so far here in Japan is that they  
have zero tipping culture you’re not expected 
to tip anywhere and we actually have a friend  
that’s from Japan and she just said it’s weird 
if you try and tip here and in some cases they  
might even find it offensive if you try and give 
them extra money so I think now worldwide in a  
lot of countries um yeah in is kind of accepted 
and even expected in a lot of countries that we  
go but yeah Japan is not one of those country so 
yeah you basically just tip nowhere that you go  
now we’re back in the quiet part again literally 
just walk like 2 minutes and everything becomes  
quite aome so I’ll probably close this video out 
now and this will be our last video from Tokyo  
on this trip but it’s already a city that we can 
see that we could easily come back we left a lot  
of things out there’s just so many places that 
you can visit but we’re only like halfway through  
our Japan trip so there’s still many videos coming 
here from Japan even though we’ve already done so  
much already so if you like this video just drop 
a like as usual to support us subscribe to see  
more videos like this follow us on Instagram 
and we’ll see you in the next one [Music]


  1. The guy in the ticket office for the bus spoke English which surprised me. How common is that? I was in Japan for 30 years ago and then it was very rare.

  2. I guess Tokyo has something for everyone. What a fabulous city with so much variety of things to do. Love the temples and night life. So clean also. Arigato and Enjoy! 😊

  3. Travelling by trains in Japan must have been an extraordinary experience for you! Cherry blossom season is the most beautiful of the year.Flowering trees beautifully frame temples and gardens,enjoy the peace and quiet.

  4. 昼間に高層ビルの展望室から東京を見るのもいいですが(地の果てまで家が建っていて、日本文明の繁栄を感じます)、夜、同じように東京タワーやスカイツリー、都庁の展望室などから夜景の東京を見るともっときれいです。光り輝いています。私は10か国くらいいって、主要都市の夜景を見ましたが、東京はたぶん世界一です。(個人的にはシカゴの夜景も好きです。アメリカで一番かなと思います。) NYの夜景も立派ですが、東京は首都高が高い位置にあり、1つの都市でタワーが2つあり、レインボーブリッジがいいかんじにカーブして東京湾にかかっていて、船もたくさん入っていてきれいなのです。ぜひ、お楽しみください。

  5. Thanks for sharing the train experience always wondered what a "SUPER" train would be like. I noticed Carol's transformation while on the train 😃

  6. A videótokat megnézve ismételten meg kell hogy állapítsam, Japán gyönyörű! Vigyázzatok Magatokra!

  7. ファーストクラスを70分しか堪能できないとはなんとももったいない。でも快適に過ごしているようでなによりです。新幹線のご利用ありがとうございます。Have a nice trip.✨

  8. Great video,
    I noticed that it is not as pricy, probably due to the currency devaluation, it is provably cheaper than Rio


  9. As an American, I'm so embarrassed to say that Japan's transportation systems blows ours out of the water… Here in the states, the trains are ugly, dirty, and grafiti ridden (on the exterior/interior). Stay safe and have fun Chris and Carol, Japan is on my wife's and mine bucket list… GREAT VIDEO!

  10. No no no…. Guys…..a toast in France is CHIN CHIN…RIGHT…IN JAPANESE A DRINK TOAST….IS( COME PIE ), SAY IT FAST AS ONE WORD…AND DEEPER VOICE….compie,…hi ….DOMO igottogo, ….

  11. 100%……right…. NO TIPPING, the reason a tip is a insult. And the Japanese see a tip as a mega insult…to the point of been shamed….. This is why…. The Honor code of the server Industry,…..the servers are all ready getting paid… They are paid to serve you. To make you happy. To make sure in a restaurant you receive the most wonderful time. And it is the ( Honor to be able to share and be there for you.)… A tip….. Insults them…because it's like telling them they did a bad job… serving you. I tipped one time, the girl chased me down….blocks away crying, apologize ING….for not doing her job. Japan, unwritten customs… deep. And you don't break them.. if you on a train or bus, and it is packed, and a old lady, needs a seat…( Never offer the elderly your seat thinking your been polite..mega wrong….) In JAPAN GIVING UP YOUR SEAT IS A INSULT TO THE ELDERY. YOUR TELLING THEM THERE WORTHLESS. I'm not joking. If you do get up, to let a elderly Japanese person sit down….you must get up and leave that train car…. You can how ever…..smash to the left or right….make room…. Let them, sit…..then get up…they save face then…. But never look any Japanese in the face when traveling,… It is there space, look pass them… Look up…. Do not look down. Even when saying thank you….. Face the person. Tilt your head….out of respect to them. I've been going and living in Japan……back to the 1960s,…..
    I've watched Japan…… grow up…….. And, you never break the rules….
    Domie, guy, jean…..say it fast…..( It means……stupid America.)…I heard it a lot till I learned….. social rules…. And any time to break the ice…. In meeting Japanese…,do it by trying to speak there language to them…..FACEING them….
    Great video….. I'm missing my house in Tokyo…..thanks.

  12. Another great video. You and Carol are indeed blessed to have your parents touring with you, it is wonderful to see. Your dad seems to just stroll along with large strides and your mom takes a lot of steps while walking. It's fun to watch and they are beautiful people. I enjoy hearing you talk to us like we're all old friends. The bullet train was awesome and Tokyo is a cool and clean city. Love all those crosswalks. I noticed the park with everyone just enjoying family time, no dogs, or at least I didn't see one. Thanks for an awesome video!

  13. You guys went to Shibuya.I think you did not go and see the statue of Hachiko. When you go back to Tokyo and if you guys have extra time I would like to recommend to go back to Shibuya station and meet Hachiko.

  14. Tokyo/Japan needs 4 trips. 2+ weeks each.
    1 trip for each season.
    Different weather
    Different vibe/themes
    Different seasonal foods – the flavor of the foods changes with the season I can’t explain it.

  15. This week is called Golden Week. Many Japanese will be traveling domestically 20 plus million. Another reason it’s going to get extra crowded! Love your videos in Japan. Spent 12 days in Japan last month.

  16. As far as tipping, I lived in China for 8 years and they didn’t accept tipping. It was included in the regular bill. They consider it to be offensive. What about the Philippines? Do you tip there? I’m home now in Michigan, USA, the tipping is expensive and even for over the counter buys, they try to get you to tip. Crazy! Thanks for all your wonderful videos!

  17. You really need to get Osprey to sponsor you. I have a rolling Osprey that you can also use as backpack or throw over your shoulder and it’s great. Connect with them. They could use you guys.

  18. i'm amazed that Japan finds tipping offensive. Here in California it's expected to tip at least 20%, used to be that 15% was the normal tipping when eating out. At a local Mexican restaurant there are 3 tipping jars, 1- waitress, 2- cook, and 3- restaurant. I usually only put $1 per jar.

  19. I'm loving the videos, my bf and I are thinking of going next year and your videos really help to get info and inspiration of all the cool places we can visit. You've just gained a new subscriber!! 🙂

  20. My advice : tourists ticketing office (they can do magic) or the machine.
    The only trap is reserved seats train only (usually the case in north Japan)

    Next step is to try "gran class" :p

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