I know Enna has zero media training, tact, and other things, but the situation was cooling down already, why would you try getting the hate flames again..?


by Additional_Flower743


  1. thatoneplayerguy

    I do believe that ringing in your ears is the alarm you set to remind yourself and the entire apartment block that must take your meds, OP

  2. How is this fanning Niji drama?

    That said, not a fan of Diego. He’s one of the people that shared the doxxsite rentry document.

  3. CodPrestigious402

    She’s following the trend of vtubers showing their irl self, to promote herself. Kuro, Mint and a few others did that already (I can’t remember if Michi or Matara, did it too?). It’s not drama worthy, to me, it’s just so meh and tailgating.

  4. claudJAEus

    just let it go bruh even if it looks like a mascot of a certain someone. considering that she addressed the “mentally ill”, consider everything as just bait and let go.

    that’s just Kiiroitori from Rilakkuma.

  5. CPC_Alice

    This doesn’t make any sense if you ignore the obvious.

    Not gonna put myself through the absolutely insane mental gymnastics needed to make sense of this. Even then, I doubt I’ll reach the highs needed.

    Why even try to do this?

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