Oh…. Now that’s just sad

by Viridi_Kuroi


  1. llllpentllll

    Tbh looks like something that could come from the milliecord robe enjoyers dont hold punches with millie

  2. Histylicious_mk2

    I am reminded of that one episode of the Game Grumps where Arin made a lame pun and then followed it up with “Just *pity* laugh, *please*!”

  3. EndellionQT

    In the past she wouldn’t have to say this because she’d know that her chat would give donations on demand when asked but now with all the shiitakestorm that’s gone on she has to second guess whether they would or not.

  4. BillyHerr

    And then people just send her $5 SCs because of what she said.

    Tbh idk which case is more pity for a streamer… Only a few gives normal superchats, or a few thousand viewers giving like $5 SCs (given how low views NijiEN got these days).

  5. PalpitationOrnery424

    “Goddess, please make Gura stream on the same time for this debut. It would be so fucking funny.”

  6. Kind of pointless to make posts like this because you can’t prove it’s real.

  7. It kinda hurts reading that…

    Like watching a train crashing into a car in slow motion, so slow that you can see every detail of the damage done.

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