We finally landed in Tokyo, Japan after a 14.5 hour flight!

We were so exhausted once we finally arrived that we got an Uber straight to our hotel in Nihonbashi, got some convenience store food from 7-Eleven, and soon after fell asleep.

This video kicks off some very exciting and jam-packed Japan adventures, and we can’t wait to share them!

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== About Us ==
We are Matt and Rachel, a couple based out of Pennsylvania, with a knack for adventure. We want to discover all of what this wonderful world has to offer. Follow along on our journey of exploring exciting places, meeting new friends, and trying unique foods! Join us in this crazy adventure we call life and learn with us as we go.

00:00 Intro
00:25 Flight
01:20 Convenience Store Food from 7-Eleven
05:54 Hotel Tour
08:00 Outro


  1. So sorry that a lot of this video was shot in a hotel room, but it was the most we could do after a 14-hour flight. 😅 We promise there's so much more to come, and we are so excited to share our Japan adventures! We hope you join us along for the ride. ☺

  2. We’re so excited for you guys!!! We spent a few days in Japan on our way back to the US and LOVED IT! Eat enough food for us please 🤤😂

  3. Wow I am excited to watch along. This is high on my list but it seems so far. Oh man sevs in japan is just amazing. I bet you had some crazy jet lag. I would have gone to bed. Haha sweat. lol man the egg salad is also something I will try. I also heard that the sushi is great in 711. Nice room tour. What a great first day in Japan. 🎉

  4. Awe i bet yall were super jet lagged!! Love the convenience store food, we love buying food from Japan, we actually have a local store thay has a Japan section and we like their soda with those glass balls in the lid, lol. So excited to see where yall go, as Japan is on my bucket list ❤

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