Hello everybody you might be wondering how I got to this that oh I point that way and it’s there um you might be wondering how I got there uh if you’re not sure where I am in this uh short video picture um I am at a snack bar uh

Doing karaoke with an old Japanese man and uh three Hostess girls um and it’s a long story so I’m going to go into that today um honestly out of my trip Hiroshima was one of my favorite uh probably my favorite city I was in um everyone I tell is kind of shocked um

Because they just have this like image of Hiroshima and like obviously what happened there years ago um they would think that they have some reservations towards tourists and stuff like that but honestly and truly out of the Cities I was in in Hiroshima by far was the

Friendliest to tourists uh and not to say other places weren’t friendly like I I never felt like um anyone was rude like Japan you know super nice um but heima like I was blown away so many times um so I I I just really enjoyed hirosima and in all and there was so

Much to do I listened to uh Travis Scott’s Utopia for the first time time um walking through and uh the album dropped it was like 10000 p.m. in Japan um because of the time change obviously so I was like walking through Hiroshima just like refreshing my phone

Like did it drop did it drop did it drop and it was like in the middle of the day so that was really weird um but uh I I listened to it uh on my headphones and I was just walking through a really really cool Park um and it was like up this

Mountain and I got some really cool pictures of uh hirosima like overlooking so I’ll put that here um so that was really cool and I will always associate Utopia with Japan so that’s probably why it was my favorite album last year because I listened to it for the first

Time in Japan um it’s also a great album but that definitely I definitely had uh something to do with it for certain for certain um so that was really cool but um probably the most eventful day in Hiroshima my dad uh when he went last

Time I believe he um went to a Korean ezekiah run by his friend Rook um and I I I went there the first day we were in Hiroshima I went there and uh I met these uh two guys that were one of them apparently was related both of them

Related to him one of them I know at least was um and I with these strangers I I I I show up to eaya and then we talked for like an hour or so and then they were like yo you want to go to a a girl bar and I’m like

Sure I’ll live a little um so I went out with these strangers I just met um which normally in a lot of other places I probably wouldn’t um but the fact that they were related to to ro and um and R is literally texting them the entire

Time for my dad R is is an MVP like he is the goat um he was texting him the entire time just making sure I was cool for my dad um and he gave them my dad’s line and everything so um like I I I felt safe there was never a moment in

Hiroshima at all even when I was alone even when I was like there was no moment in Hiroshima I felt unsafe um so that I was completely like Blown Away Ro is the MVP um so I hope to have him on one day he doesn’t run the Korean E A Kai

Anymore I’m very sad um but uh I hope to when I go later this year I hope to meet up with him for sure um I also went to uh this cool little hot dog bar to kind of go on a side note run by my another

Of my dad’s friends Messiah but um he did uh speak any English so it was a little difficult trying to communicate but we just used Google translate um and it was it was nice to have have a hot dog there and uh uh there was a buffalo chicken that was legitimately probably

The best buffalo chicken I’ve ever had in my entire life um so everything like I say that and like everything was just like exacerbated by the fact that I was I was in Japan like everything is like oh yeah that’s the best thing I’ve ever had in my entire life but like probably

Helped that I was in Japan like an incredible experience you know um but regardless it was really good um and I think the next time I go he’ll have his uh he’ll have a new place if I’m not mistaken so I’m really excited to check

That out too I’ll let you guys know once I do if you guys are planning to go to hirosima you got to check it out I’ll let you guys know uh where it is and um stuff like that so definitely highly recommend if you want some hot dogs in

Japan it’s really cool um we also I was going to go to a Hiroshima carp game but the day we were supposed to go to the carp game um I had a I had a date with a girl I met at the Izakaya um so let me let me backtrack a

Little bit I I I went uh a little off track so um when I went out with these guys to the girl bar um we we sing it was so fun we sang karaoke I’ll put up some uh I’ll put up a video of me um at

Karaoke and I I I I was like oh yeah I like these anime openings cuz like all the Japanese stuff I listen to I’ve said this before but like it’s nothing like super poppy so it’s not really something I want to bust out of karaoke and I

Can’t I I when I was there I couldn’t I still can’t but I I I couldn’t sing it because it was all in Japanese so um I ended up just picking anime openings so I uh I did fighting dreamers from Naruto at and um I uh the only part I could

Sing was we are fighting dreamers and then and then my friend next to me sing the Japanese part so that was really fun and then um I sang I sang Idol from uh oin NOCO um uh with one of the uh hostesses at the girl the girl bar um so

And then my friends were trying to get me with her um the entire time um and I was like like uh no thank you um I kind of fumbled a little bit I’m not going to lie but um didn’t really didn’t uh but uh I’m trying to

Keep it as PG as possible on my on my Beast sneeze Channel maybe a patreon one day I’ll go more into detail but I also know my uh a lot of my family is watching this too and I’m not really uh not really going to share all

Um but it was a lot of fun um and uh and then I got a text from my dad or maybe rook and uh no no no Rook texted the guys I was with and they were like hey these two girl these two Hostess girls just showed up uh bring Sam back we’re

Going to try to hook him up so these guys are the MVPs I’m not going to lie um and I I showed up and they were super cute and um I I started talking to one of them and she was studying English um so I I lit

I at that point I had like two beers so I wasn’t like completely gone but then um we started uh so I was I was fine at that point but then we started uh drinking more and I had like three shots of uh oh shoot um what the heck is it

Called the Korean vodka showed you um I I had three shots of that and then I had like one and a three4 shots of um what’s the uh malort because my dad always brings malort to get the uh to get the people in Japan to try and um because

They don’t have it over there obviously and it’s fun to see their reactions and uh the girl I was next to didn’t like it so I finished it for her so by then I was kind of gone a little bit and I I I I learned that day that I just become really

Talkative so I literally talked this girl’s ear off for three hours and I felt bad she probably could understand what I said um but we we eventually agreed to go out the next day um and uh that is when I learned the difference between a date and a date doll uh and

I’m learning that right now in in geni um so that would have been helpful to know um but uh I we we went out again and she was like we were going to go to karaoke bar but it was uh closed or something I think and then so we were

Like all right uh so what and she’s like oh we can go to where I work and honestly that was really cool to see where she worked because she introduced me to her friends and we just it was basically just like oh like trying to communicate as best we could without

Japanese um and uh I just was like oh yeah I’m from Chicago like I like this music and they were like he wow um so that was kind of fun and then like partway through us talking um this there was like a business because I guess it’s pretty common in Japan for

There to be business addings to snack bars and if you if you’re aren’t familiar with a snack bar um I’m not a huge fan of snack bars or girl bars um but I kind of got a through this experience I kind of got like a new

Found respect for that cuz like I it it it’s super like I I respect uh what they do 100% it’s just not for me I feel uncomfortable going there um but uh a snack bar and a girl bar are kind of different a snack bar is there’s like a

There’s these girls that serve you these like cheap little snacks there will be like cookies there will be like there was like this um Plum I think it like a plum candy thing and they got me to try it because apparently everyone hates it and I I was like it it’s like really

Sour and so they laughed when I tried it and made a face and then um that’s like the like so many times in Japan like they just want to embarrass you and I just like went with it with my chest out and it it like it it was just fun like

They don’t mean any like anything malicious by it like um the Japanese word for uh male genitals I’m I’m not very PG on this uh Channel but the Japanese word for male genitals is Chinchin and uh instead of saying like compai as in like cheers uh we would

Always get every to say chin chin to Cheers um cuz it actually kind of works um so like they just like to like embarrass you and stuff and everyone was super friendly at the bars and it helps that everyone’s probably drinking but nevertheless um it was it was still a

Lot of fun so um like I I just met so many so many cool people and got to experience a a snack and girl bar from like their perspective kind of I didn’t like obviously do it but um it’s definitely more of a place for like

Older guys to go to to talk to the girls cuz they don’t get to do it much as a salary worker I’m just being honest um so like it it’s it’s just like it’s it’s it’s over here it’s weird to talk about because like I mean we have like places

Like cters or Tilted kill or stuff like that so it’s kind of along those lines um so I don’t really feel comfortable going there when I go this time I probably won’t unless I’m going out with friends um but uh over there like over in Japan it’s like not a weird thing at

All it’s just like a cultural thing so that was kind of interesting to learn um and I I don’t want to talk I don’t want to talk about it like I’m talking down on it it’s just different um so that’s definitely something if you’re going

Over there to be aware of um cuz it might come off as weird to you as a tourist um but it’s just kind of a thing over there um like made cafes stuff like that um so that was that was very interesting for sure um and I I don’t

Say interesting in like a roundabout way of saying weird it’s just interesting like I I I love seeing how different cultures are and that’s why I love traveling uh so that was super duper cool so um I the after I uh did that I was like cuz the whole night that when I

First met the girl the her friend was like so what do you think like are you going to ask her out and I’m like I what so um I I was like all right I guess she wants me to so then I asked but then she

Was like no it’s just a just just a hanging out I’m like okay cool it it was still fun to hang out um so uh yeah definitely very memorable um I I I I’ll throw pictures and videos as I talk about it but um very fun so uh hope you guys enjoyed

This little uh episode it it was it it it deserved its own video for sure for sure I keep wanting to say sure and certain at the same time and it comes out mixed up but uh album of the week just came out we got bright future by

Adrian Adrian Linker I’m going to butcher that I already know but it’s by the lead singer of Big Thief just came out literally like today um and of the week what do we got uh Child’s Play by Drake um not a uh not one for the fam to check out it’s a it’s

A rap song but um yeah I hope you guys hope you guys enjoyed um let me know how you think of this video that whatever um I’m I’m rambling at this point but uh I will see you guys in the next video thank you for watching as always byebye


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