I can’t believe there are not more videos about this place!!! This arcade blew my mind. Come along with me while we check it out 🙂

MIKADO GAME CENTER (formerly: game park)
ADDRESS: 1 Chome-42-19 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan

00:00 Intro
00:15 History
00:40 1st floor walkthrough
01:25 Basement walkthrough
02:05 2nd floor walkthrough
02:44 Standout games
04:19 Mind blown
05:18 Fighting games
06:30 Gundam Games
07:57 More fighters!
09:25 Shooters!
10:02 Outro

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Guys this is insane uh I didn’t even know this was a thing this is Crazy hey everyone so today we’re at mikato Game Center in eek buaro this is an incredible arcade it’s not the uba location that you might be familiar with but this one used to be called game Park and I believe a few years ago was bought by the owner

Of mikato and changed into a second location if you have more info on that definitely leave a comment cuz I’d love to know the history so diving into the arcade so first I’m going to go through each floor one by one there’s three floors and I’m going to give you an

Overview of what’s on each floor so this first floor is a bit of a general Amusement floor you might want to call it so there’s Racers Rhythm games light gun games there’s a few few traditional like retro arcade cabinets here we’ve got some blast cities um some Astro

Cities it’s kind of a catch all they’ve also got crane games at the front yeah so we’re going to do an overview then what I’m going to do is go one by one through all of the really interesting rare games some stuff that really blew my mind so definitely stick around cuz

You’re going to want to see some of the crazy stuff that they have here now going down to the basement level this floor is really cool for a couple reasons um one is it has some really rare Shooters but it also has some other stuff some puzzle games some majon games some Pachinko

Games um they also had like Super Mario just some different odds and ends the only downside to this floor you guys is it is a smoking floor so if you don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke on your clothes you’re probably not going to want to hang out here for too long

But there’s some really cool games that kind of makes it worth while so it’s ah It’s Tricky but really really cool floor overall with some awesome games going up to the second floor this floor is probably my favorite and this is the fighting game floor so they have

An insane selection of retro and modern fighting games as well as a sound system for tournaments that they host in the fighting game Community um just so much stuff here and they also had a couple Shooters you can see Tetris there on the right couple puzzle games as well as

Some Gundam games which were so cool so I’m going to go through all of the individual cabinets now let’s check it out so right off the bat you’ve got space Harrier classic Sega arcade game really fun nice to see the OG cabinet like straight out of shenmu um yeah

Gunblade New York really fun uh Sega Lyon game you’ve also got FZ ax which is an incredible racer for the GameCube and the arcade Unfortunately they didn’t have two linked units but it’s still super worth playing Sega rally really fun classic 32-bit Sega racer um just really kind of

Nostalgic era of racing games for me I loved that you’ve also got parodius my number one favorite shooting game oh God I don’t know karuga is up there but perod is just my jam it’s the best and as you can see the screen on this well

Maybe this is not the best way to show you but the screens in this arcade you guys were impeccable they were in such good shape overall Dynamite Deca AKA Die Hard arcade this game is the best I have it for the Saturn play it all the time

In multiplayer mode it’s super fun just arcade Sega beat them up cheesiness there’s just like wacky stuff in this game it’s super corny but really fun highly recommend this game Dungeons and Dragons Tower of Doom really cool little uh DND Capcom game uh I haven’t played this one a ton but it

Looks Super [Applause] Rad okay now this is the big one you guys this was in the teaser this is nuts because I didn’t know that this existed I didn’t know there was an arcade version of Ty of the Dead which is one of my like top 10 maybe top five

Dreamcast games I own it with two keyboards at home I play it all the time it’s super fun for like a party game environment um and I believe I did a little research I believe this is an original arcade cabinet so it’s not like refabricated or anything just so cool to

See uh in person and I discovered this here which is kind of like the magic of these Japanese arcades um little Keem here called called dancing eyes I don’t know much about it but I kind of like the graphics so this is kind of for me

To check out later uh R type classic irm shooter I’m not sure about the cabinet on this one if it was original or like a refab but it did have the irm graphics on that board I don’t know if that means anything and then moving to the fighting

Game floor of course you’ve got third strike here is a great example of how nice these screens look um I I I need to fiddle with my capture settings but I’m telling you they looked way better in person and that’s what’s really nice about this arcade is overall the machines are really really

Wellmaintained you’ve got uh virtue of Fighter 5 final showdown one of my favorite virtue of fighter games really nice to see and they had some of these uh in network mode as well which was cool King of Fighters 2000 I’m not an expert on the King of

Fighters games but I have a couple of them love to to see them Dragon Blaze again this was like a discovery that’s the magic of these arcades it’s like it’s so rare to find retro games these days that you haven’t seen before so to discover new stuff is just like it’s the

Best uh and that was this one and this one as well was also a discovery for me I had not heard of this one before and it also had really gorgeous Sprites and graphics and I’m excited to give this one a try okay so moving on to the Gundam

Section this section was awesome there were a couple of retro Gundam games and first I’m just going to start off by just showing you guys this intro video because it’s so wacky there’s like a Gundam here flying out of this arcade machine and then you see all the

Different suits that you can play with a lot of stuff from your favorite Gundam series it’s just really cool um but it’s nice to see these retro Gundam games which I was not familiar with and I hadn’t seen before it’s really easy to find modern gunam

Games in Tokyo but these ones not so much so you can see by the gameplay here it’s kind of maybe more akin to some of those PS2 ARA Gundam games it’s a little simple kind of Run and Gun but I just love this era of graphics and again

They’re new for me so it’s like they’re just a magic to that that’s just harder and harder to find as time goes goes on and more people do YouTube videos and um more things get exposed and shared which is great but there is less mystery and

You got to love the mystery this one is called Gundam versus Zeon and it looks a little bit older than Gundam next more of like um like a PS1 style of Graphics but it also looks just really fun and um yeah it was just awesome to discover these games for the first

Time so moving on you’ve got virtual of fight Esports which is really interesting it’s got this terminal that you can log into um I’m not toally sure how it works but I do know on these two units you can play different games so here you can see virtu fighter 3tb and

There’s I believe like a majang Style game on the left um there’s this other Sega game here so you can kind of pick different games from that terminal I don’t know it’s interesting I need to dig into it more this is the tournament announcer area where they keep I believe

Like leaderboards and they and they you know obviously do the announcing for the fighting game tournaments that they have uh Street Fighter 2 classic had to show it unfortunately I filmed one of the cabinets that had a little bit of a funky oversaturated screen but most of them are super

Nice here you’ve got Capcom versus snk2 which is a fun fighter I actually have never played this one before here we have vampire Savior and vampire Hunter have both of these on the Saturn absolutely love these games they’re total Classics and these ones had really gorgeous screens

Too uh this is Sailor Moon this is like a fun little uh 2D beat them up which is just kind of cool to see and then going down into the basement we’ve got our last two games down here that I’m want to cover one is dodon Pachi classic

Legendary shooter I’m sure there’s a ton of fans watching this video right now like people go crazy for this game really great shooting game and then another new discovery for me that I was kind of familiar with but had never seen in person or play it is this uh macr

Shooting game so Macross is kind of um it’s like a Mecca anime kind of in the vein of Gundam I’m probably going to make some people angry but I saying that but it’s in that realm of like 80s Mecha anime and yeah just a cool little shooter

So that’s it you guys that’s the overview of this arcade let me know what you guys thought what was your favorite game um I didn’t even scratch the surface of all the games they have here so if you’re in the area like definitely you’ve got to check it out but let me

Know what you thought uh let me know what you would want to play if you were here and again just thank you guys so much for watching and hanging out with me and um if you could just give this video a thumbs up and if you like the channel maybe sub and

And yeah thank you guys so much really appreciate you all and I’ll catch you guys in the next video Bye


  1. Wait wait wait…
    Classic arcade that's like 5 times the size of anything in the west, got a smoking section with Gundam games.

    If I can BYO beer and sake. I am basically living there. End of the argument.

  2. This is awesome! I wish we had arcades like this around where I live.

    Who is your favorite Vampire Savior/Hunter character?

  3. This place looks amazing!! Bummer about the smoke…that def looked like the room I’d most be about, ah well.

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