The Great Egypt Pyramids | Finally Went Inside the Biggest Ahram E Misar | Watch this Before Visit
#alqassim #dammam
#travel with tayyab

Am engineer om he’s my friend hi engineer Omar he worked with me in uh Saudi Arabia so I came to meet him how you feel good yes 550 560 H 540 for and 60 for you tell me how do you feel I feel very good I I am very I am very happy

To look this uh paramid I am from night I am thinking how people make this without using technology yes how they build this pyramid you know when each Stone of the vermits uh um clearly yeah and no one knows how the ancient Egyptians transfer this stones

From the the the north of Egypt to here it’s about it’s around maybe 10 hourss car by car oh okay so they transfer this Stone from the other City to here but without any Vehicles without any equipment without anything but how they move these stones in past this is a power of ancient

Egyptian but not no egyptian no power no power now no Power y cubes in English what is the name of this pyramid uhra yeah and [Applause] English come with me make a video this area very beautiful view I think this point is very good make video I make some Zoom to show what is inside it’s like uh a great Tom

Ah great Tom yeah like uh at the basement uh poor people bury them inside okay once you uh get uh a level up okay uh important people them until you get to the top the king king at the top uhhuh but there uh is not good space to go

Inside uh why uh because uh they want to protect the their uh their King and their uh equipment and gold and all the stuff because they think after death they are going to uh realive with uh with all this uh gold and all uh their equipment so they have

To they have to protect the gold and all the stuff so after they bury them they close everything lifejoy Ch pi paramet spee par Pam Museum or or G par so

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