Nijisanji En. Quotes (top picks)

by Shareboulder


  1. Yin-Yangy

    Oh, I wouldn’t make these quotes of the month just yet. We still have a couple days left in Feburary!

  2. Live_Juggernaut4984

    Dont forget

    “Support the artist”

    Wilson “stealing artist’s art” yu

  3. AriezKage

    Honestly the beginning where Ike just drinks water deserves at least a special mention.

  4. Appropriate-Ad-5948

    I believe that “I don’t think that was harassment” is the best quote.

  5. ryokayin

    “Who walks and runs in the summer?”


    That doesn’t even make sense as a joke.

  6. GoodGuyOtter

    Niji male livers boast a higher level of estrogen than their female counterparts. crazy

  7. Wargazm_v1

    Meanwhile at hololive en, top quote of Feb is “jdon in my soul”

  8. KaBar42

    Is there any context to Uki’s walk and run in summer: “joke”?

    Like, what possible scenario led to him saying this? What was the set up for him to get the idea to say this: “joke”?

  9. Piastowic

    I like how in less than 2 weeks people went from “Fuck the managers, theyre throwing the livers under the bus” to “Fuck the livers”

    Realllllly clever guys

  10. licoqwerty

    Someone needs to make these into a super smash bros edit

  11. gamer15807

    Babe wake up, new Kurosanji graphics just dropped.

  12. sasidulaSJ

    This is so funny

    Also I don’t know much about uki. He told those quotes to who again is it other livers in niji or random people?

  13. hunny173

    I love this. When the mods take this post down, repost it with the additions these comments made. I’d love to see an even bigger compilation

  14. Throwawayaccount2556

    This is just irony and PR mess mixed into one big pile of shit lol.

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