Uki Violeta and “white people”

Uki Violeta and “white people”
byu/FakerSally inNijisanji

by FakerSally


  1. FakerSally

    Sources for Every time Uki mentioned white people:

    * [The hosts won’t let me win because they are “white people”](
    * [While impersonating Reimu, “white people can’t cook”](
    * [Who walks and runs in the summer? “White people” *awkward laughter*](
    * [“White man does the bare minimum”](
    * [“You’re a fucking white male”](
    * [“White people can’t kiss”](
    * [Some white people give him a friendly greeting on the street. He assumes they’re racist.1](
    * [Some white people give him a friendly greeting on the street. He assumes they’re racist.2](
    * [“White people’s hotdogs suck”](
    * [These clothes will only match you “if you’re a pasty white person”. Chat goes LMAO!](
    * [“creepy ass white man….I hate you”](
    * [The only times white people were mentioned and it wasn’t in the negative sense: “that white man was there again”](
    * [“the naked white man”](

  2. LuxendarcKnight

    Wow, this was certainly a post to learn from. Everyday I’m learning something new.

  3. PennySawyerEXP

    You and your sockpuppets have thin skin, it seems

  4. I can definitely see some of these as jokey. But yeah that white town bit definitely felt like he assumes white people are racist. Like you can joke around but I also feel like after a while the joke is just “white people” and it gets old. Just like any race based joke

  5. Throwawayaccount2556

    Are they not corporate vtubers? They need to watch how they speak sometimes.

    Stuff like this is gonna backfire on them somedays.

    These are one of those days.

    EDIT: Its funny hearing him say this all these times considering hes working with white people too in NIJI EN.

  6. Loose-Donut3133

    So how much do you think you’re going to get for your account when you’re done karma farming?

  7. Batgod629

    Some might consider comedic but he goes on with the bit for longer than it should

  8. He’s an example of what people were afraid of when Hololive announced the EN branch.

    Thankfully, they ended up being nothing like this.

  9. I never really cared for him anyway. Nothing lost, he can take that racist shit on a long walk. I did like the interactions of him and pomu though they had a good vibe.

  10. Visible_Jeweler_3653

    This is why I don’t watch him. I’m half white. And I feel like he’s using humor to hide away his hate.

  11. Appropriate-Pen-6267

    Just giving context to a couple of clips, not excusing anyone.  

    Last three parts from a game featuring a white colored ghost who is naked and creepy. I will be seeing that in my nightmares.

    The two from the life is strange: true colors,  if you rewind those parts a little. The guy with the beard, Uki is shocked that he understood that the main girl was uncomfortable and migrated the damage. Without her having to say anything.  When a commenter called the beard man sweet, Uki did agree that he was a sweet man. 

    The second clip from that game with the bruises on his face. That game had a scene where the white guy Mac was confronting an asian man named Gabe and about talking to his girlfriend behind his back. 

    When Gabe tried to explain to Mac, Mac started throw fists and kick him while he was down. Gabe fought back. Now Mac is talking to his girlfriend who wants to find Gabe to ask what happened. Mac lies and says that Gabe started it first. Uki chose the option to tell the truth about Mac starting the drama first which why he calls him a psychotic.

  12. Jumbolaya315

    Making fun of white people is so common these days, it stopped being funny a while back

    Lets go back to making fun of french people

  13. Does this clown think that way about all the “white people” from his close environment, friends and family?…

  14. Cyberbug7

    I mean most of these aren’t even jokes. It’s just him saying “white people bad”

  15. 3GlowingStripes

    This explains why 39CasesOfBrainDamage is a friend of Nijisanji EN now.

  16. spilledmyjice


  17. understrati

    So many butthurt folks in this thread, its amazing how you all came crawling out the rot the instant EN gets put in a bad light.

  18. Ok-Ninja-4516

    One racial joke here and there isn’t a big deal, but when you’re “joking” this much and always about the same group of people it starts to look like you’re just trying to use humor to express bigotry in a safe way.

  19. Boltup310

    I hate the mentality that if someone makes racist comments towards white people they think it isn’t racist. It’s racist no matter what.

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