See Puerto Rico from a completely new perspective as The Points Guy’s Colby KirkPatrick zip-lines, hikes, and goes horse-back riding across the island! With the help of Génesis Yamille, a Puerto Rican local, Colby experiences the hidden gems of this Caribbean Island that most travelers might miss. Tune in and check out the adventure you need to add on to your bucket list next!

I’m Colby that tennis and we’re literally hanging out in Puerto Rico but before we get into that let’s zip back to how this Wild Ride began hey Kobe how are you today oh my God that view looks so much better than mine this is my favorite place on Earth

Come here with me enjoy this I wish I could baby you can just hop on a plane and come you don’t need a passport I definitely tempted then it’s a deal you come and I’ll take care of the rest sold I’m In my name is hes jam and Welcome to My Island it doesn’t matter to how many countries I travel there’s no place I home and I can’t wait to show my Puerto Rico to Kobe I’m on my way to Puerto Rico I have no idea what henis has in

Store for me but I can’t wait to find Out 4 hours ago I was in New York in the freezing cold and now I’m standing here in sunny Puerto Rico at Henda Ooa I cannot wait to meet henis she told me to meet her here I’m not sure what we’re going to be up to today but I can’t wait

To see what she has in store for us hello Welcome To Paradise my friend thank you I thought it was the best way to welcome you to Puerto Rico yeah style yeah I see you’ve got some friends with you can meet them this is one nice nice

To meet you welcome to as CH is a family ranch he’s getting the family for four generations yeah let’s go enjoy the day and have a nice ride are you ready yeah let’s go ride let’s do It That’s a good horse legendary so peaceful it’s style we’re on our way to the top of the mountain for what promises to be a breathtaking glimpse of el Yan the only rainforest in the United States a reminder of the magnificence of this island so yeah guys what you’re looking

At right here is the South face ofun wow so this is a view I bring you here for I can’t believe that 5 hours ago I was on the subway and now I’m on a horse in Puerto Rico so should we go for some drinks let’s get a Drink hesis says we’re going to her favorite mojito bar but this is definitely not what I pictured as far as our plans go henis isn’t taking her foot off the gas we’re heading up another Mountain Trail in an ATV and I’m about to find out just how unconventional this tail spot

Is hello guys welcome to asenda Rico welcome to Eco Quest my name is Miguel today we’re siip lining super fun all right and at the end we get to land in the Mojito bar zip and zip situation exactly I like that you guys ready for adventure yeah let’s do it let’s do

It ready ready to go wow woo W [Applause] w almost there Woo fast all right you the stair on the other side how was it amazing oh my God that one was fast we did it we did it I’m going to need that drink now time perfect we glide into the bar and henis orders up a couple of fresh

Mojitos you’re promise reward thank you well deserved I’d say definitely how have you lik first day you were not joking around with this first day this was adrenaline full like from the very jump uh my horse legendary Legend Legendary Legendary I become a legend with him yeah he lived up to his name

For sure in uh New York we have to take the subway to the bars so taking a zipline to the bar pretty great I love it that you get to experience all of this part of Puerto Rico that it’s maybe not that known so let’s cheers and rest

Because tomorrow we have our big day we start a road trip I can’t wait to see what you have in store after an exhilarating day I hit the hay early exhausted but excited we’re up bright and early but I feel refreshed and ready for whatever henis is bringing today good how was

Your night I slept like a baby oh good where we headed first let’s go to my favorite place on earth oh my God I can’t wait what do your you and your friends like to do like on a a normal weekend we love to road trip road trip we love to

Road trip yeah if it’s like what we’re doing a few days you can visit so many places yeah cuz you can drive the whole length of Puerto Rico and 3 hours 3 hours that’s amazing so we’re getting close to the first stop almost there seeing the ocean so we’re going to a

Beach we are it looks beautiful marikita is a stunning natural half moon pool formed by Limestone outcroppings here the intense Atlantic water meets the Tranquility of a protected Cove it’s an idelic spot and a vibrant slice of Puerto Rican life so this is the spot it is what do

You thing well I don’t think I’ve ever been to a beach that’s pretty I’m impressed why is it one of your favorite spots in Puerto Rico I think the sea the sea is one of my favorite places on Earth because it it’s what connects us

To the island and as foran is one of the things that makes us more proud so usually on the beach places we have like places we call chinchas where we get something to eat like locally it’s mainly like fries kind of stuff and with a Paca there’s no better thing actually

You haven’t seen the best part yet oh yeah the best party from the year so I love to come here and fly my drone and just have the view from the top you’re going to be blown away oh my God I can’t even imagine hesis isn’t kidding marikita reveals its full

Splendor from above so we do swim when it’s more calm but you see people just come here for the view they just come and sit and relax and come in families and have a beautiful day just being here as we head south penis hints at a mysterious Canyon tucked away in Puerto Rico’s

Central mountains she tells me it was largely unknown a secret treasure veiled by dense brush accessible only by Hike what’s the deal with the canyon you can see no it’s really it feels like something from out of this world okay it’s yeah that Space oh my God I know right this is insane I know right I love that you can be spping a pñ in the beach and then you’re in the middle of the mountains with this VI unbeatable what’s this place called it’s Canon Blanco and it’s because of the color of the Rocks

Maria is going to be your guide for today hola nice to me You So are you ready for adventure yeah let’s do it Yes so Maria it’s explaining that before like by that time they didn’t have any written system so they used to communicate through these drawings the people who study this kind of thing they have the interpretations but there’s nothing certain 700 year old mystery I love but we can try to interpret what it

Is oh that’s a baby for sure they’re babies I love it yeah we solved the mystery they’re Babies so this is one of the most beautiful spots just uh got to land the mount and then you’re good it’s called a sofa you know what mean the sofa yeah the sofa so you come here and just relax even for me that I’m a local I the first time I came

I was so impressed it feels like another planet it does I know that’s what the first thing I thought it’s crazy we started the day at the beach and within a few hours we can be to the mountain no time it’s like what other landscape are

You going to show me a desert next ah I have one more surprise for you sounds Perfect we reached the southern coast and head West until we arrive at La Perera welcome to La Parera oh my God look at this view it’s absolutely abolutely gorgeous the thing I keep thinking about is that Puerto Rico is smaller than Connecticut and yet in 2 days somehow

You’ve gotten me on a horse in a canyon on a zipline we hit the road together I feel like that is truly the best way to get to know someone quickly is a road trip it seeing the island through your eyes but also through Juan’s eyes on Horseback and Maria’s eyes and the

Canyon everyone has just been so excited to share their their beautiful home uh with me a visitor and that just feels so special I don’t think there’s anything that makes us more proud than to be able to show our Island to the world everything we love we love to

Share so do you remember I told you I have one last surprise for you well there’s no way it’s another environment there is of course there is just get ready for it I can’t even think what it might Be Okay here we go guys I knew that was about to happen but still got Me I’m captain Mendo I’m the master Captain for Paretta water sports and Adventures we are located in Parera Puerto Rico is my hair okay yeah yeah okay we go kayaking and swimming in the bay we do bioluminescent tour and enjoy this amazing magical experience from Nature our beautiful sunset our 3-hour tour starts with a sunset swim the sky Ablaze with colors that dance on the water’s surface it’s peaceful almost meditative with the world around us bathed in a Golden Glow it’s literally like we’re on a honeymoon here in the quiet of nature you feel a

Deep connection to the Island’s natural beauty it’s a moment of Serenity and introspection a gentle contrast to the rest of our adventures in Puerto Rico Perfect Day in Paradise it’s stupid how pretty it is I know kayaking at Sunset is an unforgettable experience but Puerto Rico has one final

Miracle in store for me a bioluminescent Bay so we have these amazing beautiful microscopic organisms that create bioluminescence so we’re going to see that magic tonight okay let’s do it that’s insane I don’t know it’s you’re shining yeah it does it feels like a quixie dust what an

Incredible way to finish my adventures in Puerto Rico it’s a moment of pure Wonder A Perfect finale to a journey filled with Unforgettable experiences from the exhilarating Heights of the zip lines to the sunset glow of laera I know I’ve only scratched the surface of what this island has to

Offer I feel refreshed and I look forward to coming back and exploring even more of this Tropical Paradise


  1. Not to be nitpicky but it is not the only rainforest in the United States. Technically it is the only tropical rainforest in the United States. The coasts of Oregon and Washington state are both part of the temperate rainforest that runs up the the Pacific Northwest into the Pacific Southwest of Canada.

  2. Awesome video! Génesis you did an amazing job showing our beautiful island. Congrats 🍾🎉

  3. I feel so proud when i see people from other countries visiting the Island of the Enchantment. Once more i feel in my heart “i live where you vacation”. Thank You Genesis amazing job GBY 🙏💚🥰

  4. Excellent video, and thank you for showcasing the island. At some point, you should return to Puerto Rico because there are many attractions in other towns that you would love.

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