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I visit the American Treasure Tour Museum in Oaks Pennsylvania, enjoy!
Sets, Streets and Eats: A travel and Retro-Archeology Vlog. Traveling thru cities in the USA, searching for artifacts from the 70s, 80’s & 90’s, listening to Animatronic bands, visiting movie sets and locations and enjoying great food along the way!
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285th Vlog.
Welcome back to set streets and needs guys I’m Chris bow I in Oaks Pennsylvania today I’m in front of the American treasure tour Museum we’re going to go in there and check it out American treasure tour Museum is basically a giant collection of Americana um think of it just if you’re
A retail alist or just a fan of the different things in pop culture that America has produced over the last 20 150 years this place probably has an example of it um I’m really here to focus on fast food culture animatronics lots of other things like
That and this place has a ton of that plus a lot more so I’m excited to get in and tour it for my first time and I hope you guys will join me let’s go see it hey guys if you guys like the shirt I’m wearing then you need to check out all the shirts I wear in my videos I get from and I’m proud that they are a sponsor of set streets and eats if you visit their website you will get an overload of nostalgia that will bring back so many fun-filled memories from your childhood if you were
A kid or a teen in the 80s you will find your childhood favorites like Chuck-E-Cheese Pizza Time theater the movies you grow up on like Ghostbusters or Back to the Future the games you used to play from Nintendo or atar and the bands you loved like Iron Maiden or de
Leopard follow the link in the description below to find your favorite childhood memory on a tea and thanks to for sponsoring this Video so it starts off in the music room so all self-playing pianos and music machines It’s pretty cool a lot of these are very old this one behind me just started playing this one was playing and that one’s playing this one actually plays a banjo it heard me and drums as it does wow it’s like Bert from Mary Poppins if he was a
Cabinet it’s like Bert for Mary Poppins if he was a servant at the beast’s Castle from Bea and the Beast this one’s two violins that’s pretty cool this one’s just a single ban Jo man it’s like here’s a I’m pretty sure it’s just an a motion sensor but it’s more fun to think they can hear me this one’s got the single Violin that’s pretty awesome these big organs are huge 1930 it’s got an accordion at the top hopefully it does more things than just play the accordion cuz that’s awfully big for the that I got even more over Here all kinds of doll houses on the top check it out there’s a Ronald doll I guess mural against the back wall there it’s a bunch of clowns this makes sense I see you Ronald McDonald you got gri in your pocket pure Terror doll Head well you guys want to bet these dolls come to life every night pretty sure it’s like Toy Story in here but way scarier these all just start rocking back and forth and singing ooh this is cool it’s like a village it’s quite more like a city a lot going on in
Here a pirates R2 Mecca Godzilla how’d you guys get in there oh this is cool look at this that’s Awesome check that out it’s like a diarama for scci I made back in like the 80s or early 90s that is amazing I definitely had him I think he’s from BSG like the old BSG and look at this the max rebuild band these are some cool diamas check out this Hoth like ice
Castle now that is awesome Lando got frosted Queen amadala that’s weird she snuck in there chewy frosted back there ig88 that’s pretty cool I dig that Dr Who aliens what Dune that’s awesome Batman GI Joe oh we got a wizard of the Oz Wizard of the Oz what am I talking
About a Wizard of Oz couple of them those are pretty awesome actually ooh look at this aliceon Wonderland one that’s awesome Mad Hatter there’s Alice there’s all the characters actually there’s a bunch of Wizard of the odz ones stop calling a wizard of the ozs what is wrong with me
Wizard of Oz oh look at the melted witch um he’s from the Grinch same kind of hair though I get why they stuck him in there he could pass I’ll let that one slide ooh Lord of the Rings another munchkin land that’s cool these are fun you know what this aisle needs more
Raggedy an just a few more doesn’t have quite enough ragged an and an it’s hard to believe there’s that many of those toys those toys have been around for so long I’m sure they still make at least retro versions of raggedy and and Andy they have to I mean they’ve been around
For like a 100 years I don’t know when they started but they’ve had to have been around for at least 50 or 60 years I would think that’s pretty cool there’s a lot of them wow a lot of them so many dolls in here nightmare
Fuel so I called and asked my first girl out on a phone exactly like this I’m pretty sure it’s the same shade wonder how long it would take to dial my my old home number but I won’t be able to find out because it says please don’t touch and I
Already did that but if you think about it so it was 81 Zer so we go eight and it go one zero which you go all the way around then two 3 4 2 1 3 8 and I’d be able to call home that would take like 10 to 12 seconds to call
Home from a pay phone when I was a kid and that seemed quick wow crazy hello 90s oh I had one of these and I had one of these actually this was cooler because this had the slim battery the first ones the battery was just as
Thick as the phone and I thought that was super cool that’s right don’t judge us we didn’t know any better you don’t even know what cool was back then my first cell phone weighed at least 2 lb and it fit in my pocket so that was the most awesome thing ever you almost
Done cuz I I need to all right fine just hog the phone that’s cool whatever jerk I like all these phones pay phones that were everywhere ow check that phone out that’s awesome caer l phone love that phone Kit’s the coolest these are awesome Eminem phone oh I would have killed for that
Spider-Man phone check these out Opus I definitely had that phone never opened it though thought it was going to be worth a fortune I’m an idiot think every baby in the 80s and 70s had one of those phones oh a Lego phone that’s pretty cool wow that’s awesome a slinky phone that’s awesome
Alvin very cool very cool very cool T-Rex phone’s badass Tom and Jerry phone is awesome a star fish or kissed tuna phone really Beetle Bailey that’s pretty cool wow Strawberry Short Cake goofy very cool very cool more old music machines all these machines just to play music automatically for us we’re so
Inventive check that dollhous out good Lord that’s huge wow Haj Mahal of doll houses literally that’s pretty cool up at the front of the music room they have a gift shop where you can explore your wares check this out it’s like a kind of like a
Man’s garage I guess that’s got a man cave in it got all his fishing supplies and hunting and golf posters from the war for some reason lots of money stuffed in the desk his boat lots of catches from the past that’s pretty cool it’s got a lot of detail in it this is
His I guess hunting cave that’s kind of cool little diaramas now we’re in the gift shop lot of cool mugs Bears books and signs taco Tuesdays always a good day Elvis purses oh I love these these 3D puzzles those are cool die hard love these old posters in the wall
Though zombies of the Str Stratosphere Dick Tracy versus phantom Empire easy come easy go starting El this Presley all these clocks for sale bunch of towels for sale tote bags things for the Kitties bendy astronauts and books these are pretty cool they have unique strips of they cut pieces of 35mm film from different movies like Blues Brothers Forest Gump grease those are really cool that’s pretty unique I like that breakfast at Tiffany that’s really cool couple little tiny cars vesa before scooters they had
Automobiles I don’t know if fesa still makes automobiles we’ll see all this when the tram starts lots of cool stuff in here oh this is cool look at an old Disneyland map what year is this one from 1962 that’s one of the early ones but they
Used to give these out or you could buy them at the park I remember we got one when we went my first time going was 1984 and we got a map I think it may even been on a place mat come to think
Of it but we had one and I used to look at it all the time these are really cool and they’re such a great snapshot of how it looked at that time because as you know it’s always evolving I love the the Florida ceiling covering of different posters and
Everything it’s really cool Berry pop culture King griffy Junior Wheaties I remember the honey frosted Wheaties those are actually tasty wonder if they still make those I haven’t had those in years I bet they don’t those are pretty awesome pictures of clowns little Coca-Cola car old cars and bears old flint and stone
Painting old car models an old International truck really old International Truck 197 wow just some random historical figure rakins and giant violins all right that’s not Zar there’s no name for her old jukebox old puppet show that’s cool and they’ve got a lot of old cars
In here in like really old cars and then just surrounded by so many stuffed animals so much plush it’s plush everywhere you look plush plush plush plush plush plushy plushy plush plus plush it’s an insane amount of plush honestly y’ am I seeing what I’m seeing the old balcony chuckecheese from
Chuckecheese Pizza Time theater in his vest and bow tie and bowler hat right Here just sitting here between two very old automobiles one driven by Shrek the other driven by a bear look at him he’s definitely seen some better days he’s a little dirty but he’s got his Chuck-E-Cheese bowler hat on looks like he’s got all of his innards inside him I see a lot of
Mechanics through his eye sockets and there he sits wow there’s old Chuck just sitting there taking the tram tour through the warehouse of toys and old signs a gorilla situated go hope you enjoy ladies and gentlemen vampires and zombies predators and dinners welcome to the American treasure tour special Halloween edition toy box
Tram ride where we will explore one Anonymous man’s private collection of amazing popular culture with a special twist honoring our favorite holiday okay one of our favorite holidays but definitely our favorite holiday that happens in October love Halloween and so we invite you to enjoy it with us American treasure tour
Style we do encourage you to take pictures but only with your phones and cameras please do not take any of our and please don’t touch any of our Treasures some of them may bite you one more thing remains seated and keep all of your body parts inside the tram
During the entire ride we have enough bodies on display already and we do not want to add yours to the tour we begin on your right past our classic 1956 Ford Thunderbird where America’s favorite superhero Batman is enjoying a picnic with a friend Batman was created in 1939 by artist Bob Kan
And WR build finger as a smart skilled and exceptionally wealthy man with no superpowers but with wits and an Incorruptible sense of justice on your left are animatronic characters originally created to be displayed in the windows of the paring store credit for this wonderful form of marketing goes to Macy’s in 1883 their
Christmas display threw crowd to their store and began a tradition that continued for decades this was long before you could buy stuff on smartphones in fact it was only a few years after phones were invented back then people actually had to leave their houses to spend their money and
Animations were intended to draw people inside stores whether it was Christmas Easter Halloween or just a nice day animations were created to complement every season you’ll see more of these wonderful Creations as we continue on our tra ride many of them next to our classic bumper cars is
One of the more terrifying items in the collection a Philadelphia tobogan company roller coaster car built before actual safety regulations existed it has no seat belt no harness and no padding really was a death defying Thrill Ride micke past that you’ll see Albert Einstein e is equal
Mc² in which energy is c equal to mass multiplied with the square of the velocity of Life show the very small amount of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy that robit we knew he was smart but we amazed at how big on your right have an cute and
Cuddly apex predators hanging out some of their pre real polar bears can animat and can easily kill who gets in their way although they generally leave people alone in the wild but one of the most aggressive and definitely one of the deadliest land mammals in the world is the
Hippopotamus they kill more people in their native subsaharan Africa than leopards Lions elephants and rhinos combined they may look CU cuddly but do not approach that in a while they are very Territorial and can run up to 30 m an hour and are definitely not afraid of you maybe not so wild but
Definitely dangerous is Calamity Jane quite literally a cowgirl she may not have opposable thumbs but she is wearing a gun antagonizing her would be utterly ridiculous right at us on your left is a Custer chair invented in 1916 by a man named Lazer kuster of Dayton Ohio it is a motorized
Wheelchair that was designed in gasoline and electric powered models this is an example of the electric version great for outdoor or indoor use above the chair is a photograph of Mr kuster the second man from the right next to him in the black trench coat is a friend
Another Dayton man named Orville wri half of the famed Bri Brothers back to your right and behind the classic 1954 Chevy Corvette is aot long sign from Hooters restaurant Hooters was created in 1983 by six friends with absolutely no experience in the restaurant business who got tired of getting kicked out of
Bars for their bad behavior so they opened Hooters where they could hang out drink eat buffalo wings and discuss their Collective love of owls Straight Ahead as Ed Sullivan used to say is a really big shoe the woman who could wear that shoe would have to be over 50 ft tall so she
Would be able to look King Kong in the eye and if you’re asking why we have such a big shoe here at the treasure tour we asked why not check out that KFC sign too one of the in the collection is this strange looking red Contraption called a conference bike or Kobe for
Short one driver six passengers parisel was ridden on American soil was in 1799 in Salem Massachusetts brought to the States from England it was poetically called wooden horse circus ride now of course carousels entertain people of all ages all across the country not only in permanent structure but also in roving
Carnivals the carousels here likely traveled far and wide before coming to the treasure tour one of the most famous early American Producers of carousels was named Alan ersel who established his business in 1916 in North Tanda New York which was also the home of many factories where band organs and
Nickelodeon were produced by companies including warer on your left is a terrifying sea serpent that protects three miniature circuses from the groping hands of curious visitors the first circus is dominated by the big top a relic of days gone by the era of the Big Top ended in part
Because of a terrible accident that occurred in Hartford Connecticut it was July 6th 1944 when many many dads were off fighting in World War II moms looking for a fun diversion took their kids to see The Greatest Show on Earth the wringling brothers in Barnum and Bailey Circus
Nearly 7,000 people attended the circus that day when a fire erupted and rapidly spread across the oil soap canvas of the Big Top within 15 minutes the tent was ashes and over 160 people had perished still it wasn’t until 11 years later that Ringling finally retired the big top and began performing inside Arenas ahead is is something that many of our visitors consider positively terrifying a 10t tall clown head with glowing red eyes clowns are loved by many for the joy and laughter they Inspire but they are also feared thanks to a few bad apples and some very effective scary
Movies we hope everyone here are clown giant that’s because there are many many more clowns to come the hundreds of animatronics you see throughout the collection represent over A Century of mechanical technology highlights include some of the Muppets from Sesame Street on your left you have
A good M to go home you had a good M you wouldn’t be here in the first place and babies that advertise sweetheart soap on your right look around you for all sorts of delightful characters but beware some people find the baby animations even scarier than the clouds wrapping around the animations on
Your right is a large spiral that is the world’s largest Slinky the slinky was invented by Richard James an engineer who worked at the Philadelphia Navy Yard during World War II in 1945 James and his wife Betty produced 400 slinkies and convinced the gimbals department store to sell them for
Christmas avoid the noly sold out in only 90 minutes and Slinky has remained in our culture ever since credit for slinky’s long-term success does not go to Richard however in 1960 he ran off to Bolivia with a religious cult and left behind Betty their six kids and many
Debs Betty James not only raised her family alone but she turned Slinky into a worldwide phen nomenon in no small part because of an iconic commercial with a most catchy Jingle Oh I not realize Burger King also had one of those helium tank Toppers just like McDonald’s Had look at There there they are folks and then look up here we got another oh we got several Ronalds back there many of our clowns hang out in front of a beautiful belgian-made mortier band organ called the emperor our clowns come in all different shapes and sizes and they are all very
Friendly in fact we are quite proud that none of our visitors have ever complained that the clowns have ever actually hurt them even the visitors who are crying when they exit that the tram don’t complain around 1960 the Philadelphia based lit Brothers department store commissioned the building of the enchanted Colonial Village they
Displayed it in their Store on Market Street for Christmas every and it spread Joy among their Shoppers until brother closed its doors in 1977 oh that looks after that the village moved numerous times before it arrived at the American treasure for in 2017 it’s forever home nine of the
Original 3/4 scale buildings are on display here including a clock shop a wig store and a Schoolhouse but there are strange things of foot in the village as we drive you through look closely you may see the cabinet with wandering eyes a glowing globe and people watching you from upstairs windows
Opposite the village is a collection of animatronics that include elves who never stop working a snowman with glowing eyes and perhaps the most disturbing of all a reindeer with a bright red Nose once the tram passes through Christmas we arrive at easterland where perpetually smiling bunnies obsess over decorated eggs ducks and geese survey the toy rain quacking happily and giant peeps relax because they know they are safe from any little boys and girls who might want to eat them on your
Left that Frosty’s nightmare fuel over there is he following me his eyes are following me find the no one loves Halloween More Than The Simpsons whose freeh house of horror Halloween episodes have been fan favorites since their introduction way back in 1990 e on your right is a homemade paper
Mâché display of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves the first wide release fulllength animated feature film was created by Walt Disney Productions in 1937 at Great Financial Risk to the studio nobody thought it would sell so Walt had to mortgage his house to fund it his gamble paid off and the movie was
A massive critical and financial success for Disney it inspired and continues to inspire many more animated Movies including Pinocchio released in 1940 to Great critical reviews but much less successful than its predecessor because World War II disrupted its release on your right is a puppet show with Pinocchio dancing happily with his friends in the far right corner of the puppet show is Jiminy Cricket apparently
A giant the same size as Pinocchio arguably one of the scariest puet in our collection hurry hurry the Strang on the crocodile Of the world you one at of a dollar we got the show with you got the dime one of the legacies of the Great American circus is the American side show also known as the freak Show as celebrated by its fans as it is reviled by its critics
The sidh show draws in Curious visitors willing to pay an extra admission fee to see strange per performers do very odd things whether they swallowed swords ate or walked on glass or were born physically different they haunted the dreams of many people back in the day on your right we have reproductions
Of authentic advertisements for the strange men women and animals who once populated the sides shell these paintings by Lancaster based artist Joan Fay were commissioned by our owner to celebrate the sidow each canvas represents an authentic act just at a reduced size original artwork could be
Up to 5 or 6 ft wide very few sidh shows remain today including the most famous Cony Island sidh show by the seashore in New York city so if you run across one make sure to go inside who knows you may feel quite at home and may never want to
Leave the truth be told she is only as real as Ronald McDonald and the Burger King the biggest difference between her and them is that she was not created to help sell hamburgers in fact we’re not really sure what she is trying to sell fast food has had a permanent place
In American culture since the rise of McDonald’s in the 1950s and its now famous competitors including Burger King and KFC with their yummy meals sold at relatively affordable prices it’s easy to understand why over 35% of all Americans eat fast food at least once per day but with it comes one of the
Scariest side effects to haunt nearly every person who enjoys these guilty pleasures high cholesterol next we continue past our collection of amazing trucks that date to the early 1900s to find some more old friends Chuck E cheese and his pizza loving Pals Mr Munch and Helen Penny let
Us not forget the war blesss standing behind them chuckecheese has been serving pizza and fun since 1977 developed by the co-creator of Atari video games Nolan bushel shock has seen many changes over the years even officially turning from a rat into a mouse in 1993 next to Chuck is the largest Gumby
In the world the happy Green Giant was introduced in 1955 on the howdy Duty show and has stolen Hearts ever since with his own series and a movie a candid behind the scenes look at Gumby’s life is available through 1980s reruns of Saturday Night Live starring Eddie Murphy as the belov character
And he stands next to a giant teddy bear watching for Troublesome tram Travelers we encourage you to act normal and make no sudden moves as you pass him by the Pet Boys Manny Mo and Jack are also watching they opened their first Garage in Philadelphia in 1921 almost 70 years later the bes
Spectacled Manny the guy with the glasses gave up his nasty cigar habit now healthier he’s never stopped repairing cars and replacing tires bans this Robin 1956 Cadillac San DeVille evokes terrifying flashbacks for countless Americans over 16 years old imagine taking this car to your driver’s test
And having to use it to parallel park at almost 400 ft long give or take a few hundred ft that is no easy chore next to the Cadillac you will see a gorilla holding a banana and wearing sunglasses and a silly hat we think it’s funny that’s
All on your left are four busts those of Thomas Edison Abraham Lincoln Eleanor Roosevelt and Douglas Fairbanks and inventor a president a first lady and a silent film actor all four were extremely successful in their professions of choice one might say they were way ahead of the competition
The Statue of Liberty on your right is a reproduction it is not the original Statue of Liberty that one is located on an island near New York City erected in 1886 the statue was officially recognized as a lighthouse before it became a part of the National Park
Service in fact it was the first lighthouse built in the United States with the then new technology of electricity it light could be seen 24 mil out to sea to help guide ships and mermaids into New York that giant skate at ruler Kingdom Arena another example of a terrifying collection the American
Treasure tour proudly displays is located behind the little red fir truck scales revealing the weight of people small and large these artifacts of the past are sure to spoil anyone’s good mood and perhaps Inspire regrets over that fast food you ate for lunch as we near the end of your tram ride we
Do encourage you to continue your exploration of our collection of popular culture please enjoy the self-guided sections of the tour through both the toy box and the music room we truly hope that you’ve enjoyed yourself and that your memories of us are not dominated by oversized clowns giant green creatures
Or disembodied heads that smile from a shelf please take any children and belongings that you brought with you and make your tram driver aware if you are missing any body parts that you had at the beginning of your tour that was very cool so as they were
Saying this is a private collection of one Anonymous individual so I don’t know who it is but somebody’s private doorer or private collection a lot of really great pop culture stuff check this out as you guys might know vhs’s are making a huge comeback for some reason I don’t
Know why but they are worth money once again so uh this Stack’s probably pretty pricey now so if you got like lots of boxes of vhs’s hang on to them start looking them up on eBay because they’re starting to go for good money if you have a VCR hang
On to that cuz that thing’s turning into gold I’ve had a couple of those Pepsi are two coolers over the years these are cool though check that out that robot makes popcorn and one’s a cotton candy machine that’s awesome lots of more old cars I like
That every old car has a stuffed animal drivve in it check out these old Nickelodeons you got the King Kong one Charlie Chaplan an artist pipe gream these are cool this is like a Pop Culture Paradise for pretty much all pop culture from the last century or more no weeren
Kidding this is like it covers everything it’s pretty neat it pretty much touches on every subject it’s interesting to if it is one person’s collection to to have a collection where you literally collect every single thing like as long as it’s pop culture related you collect it that’s very
Interesting you also would have to be quite Rich cuz clearly there’s no collectible too big or small pretty interesting it’s cool that they’ve had there was what two Chuckies and then a Munch and a Helen balcony stage Bots and two different orvets that looked like the had been retrofitted um into some
Different you know they had been ped the time that they were at chuckecheese um but that was cool they definitely had some of those and I definitely saw some naked animatronics on the tour as well I pointed them out I’m not sure exactly what one of them had Hooves
Um so some kind of a horse or donkey animatronic at some point but definitely animatronics less there’s Nathan’s still never have eaten at the original Nathan’s in at con Island I probably should have several times I’ve been in New York just never have gone down there I’ll bet this thing was5 or $600
Or more when it came out look how fancy it is all the bells and whistles they call it had an eight track player and everything I hope you guys enjoyed that tour of the American treasure tour Museum it’s a an odd and eclectic Museum
Which is the ones I like and uh just a cool collection um just a lot of different and boy do they have a lot of animatronics that did not disappoint a few guys have suggested going there over the last couple years and uh I’m glad I
Finally got the opportunity to do so so I appreciate you guys watching thanks a lot we’ll see you at the next one guys bye now
Nice to see Chuck E. Cheese ptt in an American museum because it was truly apart of Americana. Great vid Chris. Keep up the good work
the chuck e at 18:0
Now they need to have the 1993 showbiz pizza time, inc. wall art series in these museums 🙏💯🖼️🖼️🖼️🖼️
Most awesome video 😊 even with all the creepy dolls.
I am very impressed to see everything that is there. Clowns, CEC animatronics and all the treasures
from the past. A true paradise for a nostalgic person like me. I even saw a statuette of Bozo the clown
that i have in my possession. Thank you very much for this incredible video!
Great work mr Chris Bower! One of my favourite channels here on YouTube! I seriously appreciate your dedication to travel to all these destinations. Love from Canada!
it been two minutes of watching this and already I want to see this place!
After hearing what happened to the King at volo. Im thinking as I travel to Smithsonian, I will make a stop at American treasure!
Cool video! I’d love to visit here soon, my favorite pinball arcade is pretty close to this place and I’ve been wanting to go back there for awhile. Hopefully I’ll be able to do both sometime.
I wish i could go in that museum
Imagine being locked in this place late at night in the dark with no one but yourself around 😱
You know what would be crazy?
Encountering an actual Chuck E Cheese animatronic at a thrift store. Would probably cost thousands of dollars though because they're not the same price as a Chuck E Cheese plush toy.
Such an amazing collection! How in the world did you get away with having that Thriller audio in there during the end of the tram tour??
That is crazy! What a collection.
I'm a fan lol
Wizard of the Oz!
37:10 anybody else notice the old Disney store display figure in the background?
Hi chris great video as usual
This place is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE 😲 Thanks for sharing!!
I thought that was cool as you pointed at that machine and it started playing XD
Because the owner or owners are anonymous, for a brief second when I started following you, I was like maybe he owns it 🤔🤣
The dolls come to life i mean i would love this place except for the mannequins then I'd be creeped out. I would love the minatures for sure.
I had the Garfield phone. Definitely remember this stuff. My mom as a concert pianist would love the music room. On bucket list to visit for sure
Whoever this collection belongs to must have made thier money early on and started early on and just kept collecting. Maybe thier family has added onto it
Yes!! I know your channel is growing!!
Wow looks very exciting to look around at
I wish i could go there but I live in Australia
34:55 you can see a helen plush
Sets, Streets&Eats Museum great video keep up the great work
Chris I’m not sure if you knew this but those animatronic bodies that you saw were actually Dixie Diggers mechs. I didn’t even notice this until I went there today.
I was just waiting to see if they had a Teddy Ruxpin there lol
This place reminds me of the toy and action figure museum in Oklahoma on steroids
9:45 SpongeBob and there’s the infinite Garfield phone
9:50 and the Mickey Mouse phone well actually two different versions
There was a garfield phone? I have been trying to find a cheap garfield phone my whole life, and its in a thrift store?! I better come or else someone might take it