We’re a family of 3 from California living in Philippines because we want our daughter to experience this side of her identity!
We asked papa Ed to pass over his special chicken BBQ recipe and he kindly helped us prepare it! We accompanied with Mexican red rice, beans and Agua de Tamarindo (tamarind water).
We usually mix our meals with Mexican and Filipino food and today we wanted to share with our family here.
Any meal ideas we should try?? :)) We LOVE food.

We’re on our way to the market once again because this time we want to try making the barbecue chicken and the Mexican rice of beans I’m going to the market looking nope but they have a lot a vegetable but not the one we’re looking for yet we found a few of the

Orange I think onions which I think we can still use right ma am these are these are the peppers that they have so I haven’t found any jalapeno or Tamarindo but what are these called what are these called do you know I don’t know what kind of pepper

Called oh hello po how much is the onions it’s 80 per kilo I’ll take a kilo please 1 Kil thank you thank you you’re [Laughter] maganda oh you know how to speak oh me too a little bit oh okay I’m trying I’m trying try they have sticks here barbecue sticks are these the

Mangoes that you eat the green mangoes that people eat with theama the shrimp paste I think so what is it called the shrimp paste what bong Bango um and the salt and red Thai Chili Pepper that’s the one that I like but I don’t know if I bought the right

Mangoes I would say mission accomplished cuz we got everything yeah everything we need we got except extra I’m supposed to be on a diet but U what are we going to do those are so delicious thank you Kaa push we’re trying to oh oops we’re trying to find

Icea we’re going to make tamarine water cuz I really want to share a little bit of my home with our family am purified tobic purified water I we’ll probably grab two just in case okay one to keep the other cold so weak it’s so strong all right

Baby I’ll work out m maybe one more no two B I think there two okay one to keep the other cold yeah I really want to share tamarine water cuz I don’t think they know what so this is the tamarine we bought from the market apparently there’s two

Kinds these are the sweet ones they’re like red and then these are the other and then inside is like green no they’re just not ready oh these are not the ripe one Oh I thought they were two different types well that’s what we were told that there’s a sour

One and a sweet one but these are good it’s fresa and I’m peeling them now we’re going to make AWA fresa with these we’re going to boil these and then say sprain strain stra no sprain strain the water strain sugar water ice Yeah going to go try and find some charcoal to make barbecue and Charco oh God I want to say it’s ooling I think I hope we’ll see my husband bought me salted peanuts is they’re so yummy and they are called ooling and of course you got Little Snips and those are my favorite

Yeah I’m proud of you love my wife just made ouro I don’t know I’ve had a ever since moving here I’ve had more of a sugary taste let’s try it out it’s not cheese it’s tamarino you know Philippines res sourceful recyle it’s good need more sugar no no it’s Perfecto tastes

Good it’s delicious now we’re off to make red rice because our bake bio box came and I have my red norisa should have bought more it’s like less than a third left Mom to send us so sad all right now it’s time to make red rice the tomatoes are different they’re

A little tinier yeah but they have so much flavor in them even the garlic and onions everything all the fruits and vegetables here have so much more flavor the garlic is super strong the onion is super strong so no no white onion it’s it’s kind tast you do what

You can with the tool that you got with ingredients that you are Given delicious yeah y frying the Rice Tamar Tamarindo sh up sh up oh it’s good we did it think we started up helping or doing no you’re just going to start it up I’ll be here to do it my I gave my dad that looks like a lot of work there I did that I cleaned it you’re didn’t

Okay I was going to do the barbecue but my dad basically took over for me he likes to Look at that so Charco found something what’ you eat Kobe what are you eating we need make like this you kind of started eating already yeah I like the final product bam super super delici only took an hour 30 minutes only small little Grill Yumm red rice and chicken man Grandpa’s

Marinade tell Grandpa I


  1. Sorry no Jalapeno in local market but we have Siling Labuyo, small chilis that gives a good kick 🥵🥵

  2. I remember when I lived in the province for more than a decade. Dieting was an unknown word. Seafood, poultry, veggies, pork, and beef were always in abundance back then, though I much preferred seafood, veggies, and poultry.

  3. He visto otros videos con precios de algunos articulos o alimentos en filipinas y me parece que son similares a los precios de México.

  4. Quiero ir a filipinas en el futuro. ¿crees que con 100,000 pesos mexicanos pueda estar un mes por allá? Saludos. Tengan un buen día

  5. Gracias por la respuesta. Por lo que mencionas, me imagino que BGC debe de ser el equivalente a Polanco o Santa fé acá en la cdmx.

  6. Va va va . Gracias por los consejos. No creo tener problemas con las diferencias culturales. He estado viendo tus otros videos y en verdad se siente familiar la cultura. Cuando vaya a filipinas, voy a ir al tianguis así como acá y le voy a comprar unos tamales a doña pelos. Ví un video de una youtuber filipina en el que se ve como estaba comprando algo muy similar a un tamal en un puestito como los que hay acá en México.

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