The anime Sailor Moon takes place in Azabu-Juban, located in the Minato Ward of Tokyo. We explore the Azabu-Juban neighborhood and also look for some locations found in the anime that are based on real locations!
You can read a little bit about these spots in this article by Tokyo Weekender:

For she yo good Morning good morning good morning good morning hello uh Lexi good morning Jason Aloha how’s it Sasha how are you doing saying Audio and Sound are good thank you for that update Ario good morning Eric hello Matthew Sun Sherry the J Vlog D Ohio gas Kelsey oh hope everyone’s doing well uh Sasha says

Audio and video I mean my head slow hurts I’m so sorry I hope you feel better uh Dave good morning p uh Pink pit boy what’s up generic blue ninja nice to see you Amy Ohio yeah Nick teacher onong uh Kelsey says Skittle says hi what’s up Skittles what’s up what up

Sandra C cam how you doing Maron how are you cat eats Pizza mey what’s up says Sailor Moon tied with for best 9s anime along with Dragon Ball Z I am probably going to have to agree with you on that one 100% uh and if I remember

Correctly Sailor Moon used to come on right after Dragon Ball Z every Wednesday I used to watch Dragon Ball Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z on TV back in the ‘ 80s and ’90s when it was like actually airing on TV live you know every week you wait every week for the

Episode um every Wednesday I think and then it was like 7:00 p.m. for Dragon Ball 7:30 for uh Sailor Moon um if I remember correctly I’m trying to remember the time schedule but anyways good morning everyone good morning um risal how are you potato conspiracy what’s up says are you a magical girl

Cory I am Stacy Reed how are you doing Chuckles good morning uh keij May that is my mom guys everybody we need some hearts in the chat right now for my mom kij she is in the chat right now how you doing Mom thanks for tuning in uh Kiana

Sid pernicious bisma Shirley cobbler how are you I hope everyone’s doing well lri what’s up nice to see you Stacy Reed what’s up yeah Sakura Kitana good morning so cat eats Pizza says we got Sailor Moon at 400 p.m. on the East Coast I think Cartoon Network and Dragon

Ball Z at5 yeah next time on Dragon Ball Z all right I was an adult seeing that stuff on like tunami or Cartoon Network and uh it was just funny listening to the English dub cuz I grew up listening like watching these shows only in Japanese no English subtitles and uh to

See it as an a adult in uh English with the English dubs uh it was actually pretty funny they they actually omitted a lot of stuff anyways good morning everyone good morning it’s a nice beautiful day let me turn the camera around here yeah good morning everybody what’s

Up it is Monday morning here in Tokyo I am in rongi uh rongi Hills is behind me and um today we’re going to be doing a pretty cool episode of our live stream our weekly live stream here we’re going to be checking out real world real life

Locations of Sailor Moon um I don’t know all of them I can’t remember even the story of Sailor Moon but uh Sailor Moon is definitely a badass anime if you guys have never seen it you guys definitely should watch it it’s like classic ’90s anime and um it takes place basically in

Azabu jban uh which is right here by rongi we’re we’re starting off in rongi and we’re going to walk just right down the street to azabu duban area um and we’re going to check out maybe six seven eight different locations that uh appear in the anime um if you’re like a DieHard

Sailor Moon fan you might recognize some of the the scenes some of the buildings um signs and stuff like that so it’s definitely going to be like a thing for Sailor Moon fans uh for sure but yeah um before we start make sure you click the

Cog wheel change it to 1080P and uh we yeah we are streaming in 1080p HD uh hope my audio is okay um it’s really warm today I like it’s nice I guess I should say like I have my winter jacket it’s zipped up but I might have to open

It up later um I think it’s supposed to be 13 or 14° CSUS today that’s not that cold um so yeah it feels uh feels very good but um what else uh as we walk around here I don’t know if the signal might uh become weak and the stream

Might buffer for a little bit but just hang tight if it does and um I hope you guys have some drinks and snacks we’re going to be doing our usual uh enu and Neco count counting cats and dogs as we walk around um they have to be alive

They have to be real um and uh spotting dragons since it is the year of the dragon we’re adding that this year just looking around we’re not counting dragons but you know just if we see a dragon or something we’re going to point it out and be like hey look at that and

Then zoom in on it or something but uh yeah it’s it’s pretty warm Kelsey um I don’t you know thanks climate change but what else uh yeah I think that’s it let me just turn this around we we’ll get started I hope everyone’s doing well um let’s freaking

Go yeah so back to this view Anna how are you doing good morning uh thanks to everybody tuning in oh yeah I forgot to mention um if I miss your comments your questions your Hells and goodbyes uh I do apologize in advance dance um stream sometimes goes by so fast that I can’t

See the chat and I miss people’s questions or comments and stuff but uh yeah Eve how you doing Michelle what’s up so we are looking uh East from rongi hills which is behind me I’m at rongi Hills uh we’re looking East that building is the the very new azabu Dubai

Hills Building it is the tallest building in Japan um the tallest town Tower is Tokyo Sky Tree Tower but this is the tallest building um yeah and then we can see a Tokyo uh Tower let me zoom in a little bit of a better view yeah so

Yeah that just opened um at the end of last year very new uh Pand how are you doing Drake in the house Deb what’s up um yeah Eve how are you so uh what was I going to say say yeah there’s uh you know there’s already a lot of

Walking videos and tours and stuff inside of there um I might do one later maybe I don’t know we’ll see but um yeah so this is in the rongi kind of azabu neighborhood and starting off for you Sailor Moon fans um right down here we have a rongi junior high school and so

Actually sailor Moon’s School her high school or whatever um is actually modeled off of this school so if you notice the wo wo wo if you notice the the rounded rooftops there and then if you watch the anime or read the Manga and stuff you will see

This building shape a lot um there’s another part of the the manga and the anime that shows like the front of the school I actually don’t know where that is so I don’t know if we’ll see it today but um right off the bat right off from

The beginning for you Sailor Moon fans right here this this is the real place that uh her high school was modeled off of and you can compare like oh by the way um if you want some information about this uh like video and Sailor Moon locations in Tokyo uh in the

Video description itself there’s a link to a Tokyo Weekender website and there’s an article about uh like eight real life locations so I’m kind of basing this live stream off of that a little bit dinga how are you yeah and then so uh Lexi is correct

In the dub in the American version or the English version um so like they have the school name down here like rongi chako uh Middle School um they they took the kanji off cuz you know obviously the American uh you know English speaking audience can’t read kanji for the most

Part and so they changed it to English and I forget what it said it said something different uh Costa’s world of Music memories how are you so yeah um it’s Monday morning you can see there’s looks like they have some kind of like PE class or Sports class they’re doing

Something down there are they playing quidd I have no idea it almost looks like they’re about to but um yeah that’s it right there rongi junior junior high school middle school rongi middle school so it’s technically not in azabu juban so in the anime and the manga it

Actually it’s supposed to be like in aabu Juan but um anyways yo Jane how are you says uh sharing with my fan girl friends yeah yeah yeah welcome welcome Fighting Evil By Moonlight yeah uh we have uh the TV Asahi building right here I believe they’re pretty popular uh Network um

They have a lot of Dramas and stuff comedy shows and I think the most well-known thing that they’re uh known for is doron but uh that is where their TV network stay station is right there so we’re going to walk out of here and then we’re going to go down towards that

School and over into aabu juban you guys ready are you guys ready Lexi says I wish I was there yeah I should like I don’t know it would be funny if I uh started like a you know my own tour my own walking tours and we had a a Sailor Moon

Tour I need to I need to rewatch it cuz uh like I said I don’t remember the story much at all like I I used to watch it and I was just like you know bedazzled by uh the transformation animations the powerups and stuff that was always cool to

Me thanks a lot for doing nothing again Tuxedo Mask yeah yeah what a crappy boyfriend no just kidding um another place that uh Sailor Moon fans should definitely go um if you’re coming soon to Tokyo is the uh small world’s exhibit in Oda they actually have a recreation of azabu

Juban neighborhood and the Crystal City too believe in yourself what’s up how you doing yeah so we’re we’re just passing through this uh kind of small shopping plaza Building cuz we got to make our way down downtown those are fancy doors indeed they were yeah so we are we are in rongi Um this is part of the rongi Hills area rongi uh the Mory building is right there it’s very huge huge huge Landmark you could see it from like all around Tokyo yeah if I go this way there’s like a Shake Shack and other things that goes

To Tokyo Tower uh can I go this way down I think I can oh wait no maybe that goes to parking okay uh I believe that goes to parking yo Michael T how are you yeah I always like walking by here because I can smell cinnabun they have an actual cinnabun

Here good morning and Seattle’s Best Coffee feels like I’m at the Airport but yeah it’s Monday morning guys it’s like 10:00 a.m. a little after 10: um I hope everyone had a good weekend my weekend was pretty good though it was a little bit rainy or actually a lot rainy it rained kind of like almost all

Day but not I don’t know um I need to figure out how to get down can I go this way is there an exit Mary Jane how are you yeah my mom’s like please thumbs up you got to give the video a thumbs up guys everybody whoa this car sounds like crap something’s

Loose yeah very nice day look at this look at the clouds very fluffy fluffy clouds uh oh this is a dead end oh crap there’s a sign that even says dead end then right there uh okay damn how do we get down I’m sorry I didn’t think about this

Part of the stream like from raponi hills how do we get down to that road that’s the only cinnabun in Tokyo if I remember like I’ve never seen any other cinnabuns uh sure Cobb how are you says I wish we had rain instead of the Arctic

Blast here in Chicago yeah I heard the Midwest um just got completely crushed waa that guy tripped completely crushed by uh it’s like insane Nick most of the cinnabuns closed in Korea damn that sucks yeah I know that this street goes down uh we might be buffering a little

Bit guys so if if the Signal’s weak just hang tight I am getting like a transmission warning down this alley but um thumb number 18 nice thank you is there a Cinnabon in weno inside of oh is there in muui I don’t know you know I’ve been in

Mad like once on the like the ground floor or whatever where they they have a lot of food and there’s like uh they had like smoothies or something but I didn’t remember seeing a cinnabun yeah so I’m kind of taking the long way down but it’s okay this street will go

Directly to uh aabu juban there’s a Falafel Brothers vegan shop over here pretty good falafal if you’re uh in rongi sorry I’m kind of like walking quickly yeah right here runi’s falafal brother uh shop right there and this way goes up towards the main street at

Rongi uh Drake says I had to remind myself where Fuji TV was yeah that’s located in oiva hung hung how are you yeah so down this street there’s um you know little restaurants and stuff skia and uh aburaya there’s uh little eies there is a a shrine right over

Here we’re going to skip that for now we’re just trying to make our way into azabu juban cuz that’s where the the majority of uh the show takes place but I just want to show you guys like if you’re ever in raponi this is how to get to aabu uh

Rongi Hills was to get that view of the school I think that was the key the key thing um cuz you don’t get that view from anywhere else you know looks like cinnabun merge cabun Seattle best coffee what yeah they’re always kind of side by side right like from my memory of like

Airports and stuff I always remember them like kind of side by side wow yeah the weather looks nice yeah when I left my house the real feel was 5° C but like I said it’s it’s pretty warm out here it’s sunny um I had to take off my scarf like this guy walking

Towards us is holding his jacket supposed to be like 13 or 14 today Celsius it’s uh pretty warm probably another warmest day on record for Tokyo for this date uh Google says there’s six cinnabuns in Greater Tokyo really Mike Hawk Mike Hawk yeah so right over there straight

Across the street um we’ll see it there’s a big building there’s a Starbucks um on the first floor that is kind of like the outer edge of azabu duban and then we can see there’s the mor building so I started the stream at the bottom of that building that’s a part of raponi

Hills uh Lori ask did Tokyo get snow recently yeah last week uh two Saturdays ago um there was like some snowfall and and uh it it was random it wasn’t expected it was supposed to just rain but there was this cold crazy wind that came from like the north from the

Sea of uh Japan or the East China Sea however you guys want to call it um but it came from there and it uh it kind of blanketed a little snow uh in my area in Matsu there was snow on on the ground a little bit like I don’t even

Know like a quarter of an inch or something and on the cars and then even the next day like all the cars that were in the shade that Wen that were not in direct sunlight they had snow on them like almost all day there was probably a faster way uh

From over there yeah actually we started like right over there we started off like kind of right some somewhere like over there there’s probably a faster way to come down here but you know what it’s okay we’re going to um we’re going to cross the street we’re going to go into

This neighborhood this is aabu jban yeah sometimes the stream if if your uh if your internet or your Wi-Fi is not not good uh I said not not good um isn’t strong um sometimes the YouTube player automatically downgrades it from 1080 to like a lower setting like 720 or

360 what’s up John what’s up Timothy Ben Benny how are you still have a few inches of snow from the last Arctic blast in Central kentucky yeah so right here is a Taya bookstore um it’s kind of a small one but on the first floor is a

Starbucks is this still is it still Starbucks yeah it is Starbucks okay I didn’t know if they if they changed or not just YouTube being YouTube yeah if it happens you know just change it back to 1080 or uh you know if you’re on your computer just press F5 to refresh the

Stream usually that kind of solves the problem but yeah so we’re going to go down this so this is the the main street that goes this way if you follow this it actually goes to Tokyo Tower but we’re going to go this way it kind of veers off at an angle

Into um azabu juban neighborhood yeah and so this neighborhood this is where uh Sailor Moon takes place I don’t know where she lives I have no idea about that um but we’ll see a few things ining around here I’ll try to explain what I what I know or whatever

That I read about and point things out and we’ll just take it in oh look there’s a dragon first dragon spotting happy New Year what’s up Misty Michelle says can you send the Arctic blast my ways yeah so what can I say about aabu jban it’s uh it’s kind of like it’s a

Residential area but it’s also kind of like upscale like like the people who live here have money like you can’t be like lower middle class and really live comfortably here uh to my knowledge to my knowledge um you know every time I walk around here there’s people driving their their

Porsches and you know aies and stuff and people are wearing like you know expensive clothing and walking their their dogs and but this area this is a really nice area to just kind of walk around um there’s some old shops from like the 1800s and stuff yeah money what’s that I don’t even

Know um what was I going to say Yeah in August they have the um aabu Juan noo Festival noo mat and that is the largest food festival in Tokyo it happens once a year in August for like 2 days and all of these side streets there’s many side streets around

Here all of them have uh tents set up and there’s vendors like over 200 different vendors from all over Japan selling all kinds of stuff like Regional beef um uh fruit you know Seafood from like Okinawa and Hokkaido um potato um just like all kinds of stuff it’s a

Very cool and huge and very crowded food festival but yeah oh there’s a big dog down here hello big doggy hello big dog so that’s dog sighting number one enu number one yeah it’s pretty good I’ve been twice uh the first time I went with my friend um it was before the pandemic

That was pretty fun we ate so much food um I went to the one last year it was really hot um yeah those 500 yen pizzas they’re they’re kind of like it’s like bar food pizza don’t expect like very good pizza it’s cheap it’ll fill you up but uh it’s like bar food

Quality yeah so let me slow down now that we’re in aabu uh juban let me slow down just kind of show you guys what’s around here too cuz that’s that is also part of this uh stream is you know just checking out the neighborhood seeing what’s here we’ got a old soba

Restaurant it’s very Nice yeah it looks like they redid the street this uh this was not like this before this looks very new it it even still has the white chalk line they they just did this wow it wasn’t like that before ah okay so um this hill we will we will come

Back to it but I believe that’s called the uh what is it I can’t even remember uh kuas kuya Sami zaka Hill I don’t know we we’ll go to it but uh that’s that’s in the anime but we’re going to come back to that cuz that’s going to be on the

Way to where we need to go yes I did uh I did a little bit of research trying to find out like the best walking route here um well oh this is Taco Rico oh the dogs’s coming by pretty yeah it’s the same dog from

Earlier it’s a taco Dio I never saw this before is this new it’s probably like a really tiny burrito grilled chicken burrito regular 1,000 yen large 1,250 n grilled chicken the street has a cool design yeah I think they’re trying to like make it look better cuz it was just like

Straight up like you know black asphalt asphalt um during the festival when I was last year that was the last time I was here it was in August but yeah they uh they did the imprint you know they lay the conc uh they lay the concrete and then they imprint it so it

Looks like uh Cobblestone or whatever Drake you had a bigu when you were uh in kindergarten that’s cute I don’t think I’ve ever seen a beagle shisu mix y so local uh Supermarket here is a DI there’s a Ramen vending machine let’s go take a look at it Ramen 5 from 550 in

W that’s pretty cheap wow they have all these different things here usually uh some of these are what do you call it like a like double this price like 1,000 yen so that’s pretty cool oh it looks like it’s is it only on the 15th oh on the 1st and the 15th

Ultra day that’s weird it’s kind of a cool deal yeah it looked pretty good um yeah so there’s a lot of dogs here this is kind of nice too to see um they have an azabu juban pet adoption Fair um this is on the 28th Sunday from 11: to

4: so there’s the C R code if you guys want to check that out lonely pet. JP what a website there’s a can do this is a 100 yen store chain like Dao there’s a pug right in front of me um so this is is going to be enu number

Two youu number two uh fully service departments Oakwood residence aabu Jan yeah so looking at some of the buildings um they might be in the background art of uh Sailor Moon so you might recognize like some of the shapes of these buildings um there’s one Straight Ahead

That we’re going to go check out it’s uh I think it’s the Crown Prince Pachinko it used to be a Pachinko place but now it’s a McDonald’s but it’s still it’s in the same building so it has kind of the same layout the black car was sweet I missed

It uh here’s a Chinese restaurant too it’s kind of cool there a pet store yeah there’s a lot of mom and pop shops around here you know some you know locally owned you know like Boutique clothing there’s like a massage parlor little bars and stuff uh Ginsu it looks like a

It’s like a fish store um what do you call it like selling fish tanks aquariums oh I just realized there’s a bunch of kids here Good morning Jojo how are you uh Michael says the first d uh da on aahu was in Pearl Ridge Shopping Center in the late 70s wow we’re just waiting for the light but yeah this is Sailor Moon’s neighborhood Y’all sailor Moon’s neighborhood it’s kind of busy you can see people are walking around and stuff people are doing like their morning shopping and whatnot uh we do need to get a drink at some point so we will uh you know find a vending machine as usual you loved watching peanut butter

The Shiva play gyromite last week oh I don’t know what that is is that a band yeah I can smell bread and this is why there’s a bakery right here this looks really good it’s like Japanese style though a lot of kind of like mini pizza breads um this one has black sesame

Seeds um sausage kind of hot dog stuff uh this weird corn Fritter thing definitely like Japanese style Bakery yeah a lot of little side streets uh they do have a free you guys were just talking about um Chipotle in the Stream chat I saw I wasn’t engaging in the conversation but

Uh yeah you all were talking about Chipotle this is the closest thing to Chipotle in at least Tokyo it’s called fries um this is the third location that I know of um they do they do huge burritos it’s you know to order like you go up to the

Counter and you tell them what you want um but yeah it’s uh there’s one in Shibuya the one I go to is usually in um underground Tokyo Station area yeah so a regular 1,180 n Grande you get a bigger size 1,660 n and they do everything they do

Chicken pork or beef you can do a mix of combinations they have guacamole they have uh different Salsas and stuff it’s um it’s it’s pretty much like Chipotle hey puka how are you uh we have a SEL Supermarket over here they have um a lot of import stuff a lot of

Cheese um sausages you know cured things like olives like if I’m going to get olives I buy it from SEL cuz there’s really nowhere else that sells like good olives um there’s all this construction up here but so yeah around here this is also kind of uh the location for some

Episodes the backdrop you know the background art for uh Sailor Moon episodes I’m going to go over here and show you guys this McDonald’s oh it’s unfortunate the construction is literally right across the street from it though are they tearing it down it looks like they’re gutting McDonald’s Yeah so uh this building if you can recognize there’s like a slight Arch on the window there this is the location for uh the Crown Prince Pachinko uh in Sailor Moon and so they they changed it into a uh McDonald’s but now it looks like they’re doing something I don’t think they’re gutting

It I think they’re just like maybe changing the interior a little bit Yeah so there it is um if you all watch the anime you can see like this building and then you you’ll notice this apartment next to it yeah uh Kelsey I don’t think this is like a boycott thing this is

Um yeah it looks like they’re just like renovating um maybe upgrading the doors it oh yeah that’s what it is they’re they’re actually changing the doors but uh yeah so anyways like I said second floor little arched window there you’ll notice that in the anime uh Crown AR yeah Crown is it crown

Arcade or Crown Prince arcade I forget um yeah so I don’t know how many of these buildings are actually in the background but for sure the McDonald’s one is the crown arcade what’s up slow somebody really wanted a Big Mac yeah going crazy for the Big Mac

Yeah and then so we’ve come to the end of the street and right over here is actually the entrance to azabu juban station and uh in the anime it’s just called juban station or azabu station I forget well this is kind of creepy y what’s up Frank just lurking no worries no

Worries yeah so let me um try to get that angle so y’all can see yeah right here boom there it is aabu jban station so this is from the anime same same everything same shape they just changed the the station name in the in the Sailor Moon anime um clock looks

A little bit different but it’s still the same kind of uh like three clocks placed together on this little pedestal Tower Thing uh real life stuff how you doing yeah we are actually at the real life locations of uh Sailor Moon anime from the 9s um here in azabu juban so yeah uh this was uh I don’t like obviously I don’t remember like what episode or what scene but for you

For you die hard Sailorman fans um yall can see this right here oh so in the anime it’s the arcade and later on there’s also a cafe both Crown yeah so I I believe that the the McDonald’s is the arcade it’s like a Peno parlor maybe it’s an arcade I don’t

Know cuz I know there’s an arcade in the anime they play like video games and stuff it might be that not too sure but there is a there’s a lot of cafes here I don’t know this has a crown on it it’s called Oslo coffee I don’t know if this is the

One it’s Crown Game Center okay yeah like I said um in the description of this video there’s a link there’s a URL link to a Tokyo weekenders article about eight eight real life locations for Sailor Moon here in this neighborhood and that’s kind of what I’m basing the stream off of yo

Christian yep yep yep we are here we are hereos little crazy he’s like talking to himself but he threw the peace sign I threw the peace sign back at him so for you die hard fans in the chat um do do you recognize any of these places so

Far does it look familiar to the anime fruits parlor Crown yeah I’m awful with names of things fruits parlor Crown that’s the the cafe right yeah so um like I was saying you know there’s a lot lot of you know Boutique shops kind of like just you know private businesses

Here find all kinds of weird just like interesting stores weird sale sign the S is to the right of the a little weird but um yeah this is Sailor Moon’s neighborhood y’all sailor Moon’s neighborhood oh yeah there’s this really old famous uh photo studio here this thing has been around forever it’s called

Matsu photo studio matsuo this thing is like a a very famous landmark in this neighborhood like look how old that is yeah so I believe this is uh yeah this is the the dude the original the original dude I’m I’m going to assume he passed away but it looks like sh Shas

Sanu that’s uh when is that that is uh that is the s60s this photo is from the60s 1960 maybe I was trying to do the conversion Shah 37 I think 1960 or 1962 no it has to be 1960 okay um I think uh Moon sails rather than sailor moons

Haha yeah let’s go back up this way um there’s this little Park area over here and that is a very well-known Park in the center of this neighborhood and uh that is definitely featured in the an I made quite a lot and there’s some shops and um places

Around this square right here it’s like a little like Plaza Pavilion type of thing oh it’s 1961 what okay thank you thank you chat I was off by one year yeah so this is uh the little Plaza here you can see some stairs and stuff

So let me try to get some of the different angles that uh I saw from like background art but uh right here this window right here this is also featured in the background of some of the sailing route episodes you can see it’s got all this like the angular glass on

Here so this is definitely in the show showah 42 1967 yeah I was born in showah 56 which is 19 81 so that’s what I was kind of thinking like showah 37 would be I was trying to do the math in my head but I suck at

Math yeah yeah so it’s it’s like you know the these locations were kind of like referenced in the background a little bit but you know they might have tweaked a few things yeah so this is one thing right here that’s definitely in the show showah 69 yeah baby um and then looking this

Way right here we’ve got uh the steps these steps right here and uh there’s the clinic right there um that that clinic was in the anime and that clinic is still there it’s the same sign and these steps right here so I believe this is where usagi meets people like quite

Often in the show that like the girls are like hanging out and stuff in and around this area um I see a dog like down the street yeah enu number three it’s a Shibu can’t see the face Akita that’s a Shu dude staring all up at you yeah I don’t

Care um the overall architecture and the vibe are super familiar yeah this is Um the Central Area this is like the main central part of this whole neighborhood why don’t you guys do a real life photo anime photo side by side maybe oh yeah I wish I don’t have another camera or anything like that um my thumbnail has that so this is

Actually one of the views of the thumbnail but yeah I I don’t have a second camera so I can’t like take that I guess it’s like a side project I could do that I could look at some background art and then come here again in the future and try to

Like scope out the place yep and then um so besides this angular glass this right here the second floor with the red um that is also in the background of some scenes where like the girls are talking to each other or Something yeah so that’s a a restaurant up there I think it’s like a French Restaurant people stare at you all the time yeah so yeah this um it’s very cool place you know come and just chill on the steps yeah Shah was the longest era in Japanese history long time uh there is this statue right here which is also in the anime it’s Kimi Chan yeah this is kimich Chan um she’s based off of a story called uh the little girl in the red shoes and um from what I’ve read uh that story is basically this it’s kind of sad and like weird but this little girl gets basically whisked up by an American and

Uh goes to America and I don’t know if she like marries the dude or whatever but um yeah she goes to America and like lives in America because of some dude and she’s like a young girl like he basically he like kidnapped her or something I I don’t know but um the real

Story about this girl is actually that happened but she died of tuberculosis on the way to America she never made it to America so this is a very famous story very sad uh of kiman um so that happened I think in Yokohama but I don’t know why it happens

Here too like why this statue is in this location um I guess I would have to like try to find out uh oh it says the little girl in The Red Shoes has found a permanent home in aabu jban okay so like in the good story I guess she lives here

In the in the sad story she’s in Yokohama yeah it’s pretty messed up but yeah so um in the anime she’s in it like this this park obviously is in the anime this statue is in the anime and then um right over here this building is also in the anime I don’t

Know what what shop is there in the anime but this building is from that so right now it looks like it’s a a confectionary store and it looks like there’s a dental clinic and a hair salon and a beauty salon on the upper floors but yeah so that’s another thing from the

Anime did someone put a scarf on her statue yeah it looked like it yeah this place is called patio patio juban see I just looking around it’s a jewelry shop in anime okay uh Michael says I’m old school my favorite anime was candy Cy and

Ton I know the candy candy one uh the tonin one I have to like look at a picture to maybe remember it but yeah um we are in the heart of where Sailor Moon takes place basically um yeah I’ll have to check this one yeah if it’s a jewelry

Shop or not in the anime but yeah that’s it it has the circular thing on the top there apartment uh appt location for a dentist above a confectionary I know right hammy hamster oh there’s a dog right here on my right coming yay that’s enu number

Four hi cute that’s uh enu number four right was it number four uh William jet asks do you think you will do a walk around video in Hiroshima so um that would be amazing if I could uh it would be very nice if I could go to Hiroshima but but just to

Let you know Hiroshima is very far from Tokyo I live in the Tokyo area I don’t make a lot of money I’m I’m pretty poor um traveling to Hiroshima that that’s I I’d have to fly there or take a a bullet train or something like that’s not

That’s way that’s Western Japan um but like I said I would love to go there oh what is this 420 healthful and recreational Cannabis what recre is this sign okay to have here recreational Cannabis um CBD dispensary chillax interesting CBD and legal weed 420 free trial available Hiroshima is not on kushu

Hiroshima is part of honu Island it’s West of you know west of like Kobe and Osaka and all that it’s not on kushu Fukuoka is on kushu um a little smoking area there’s like a like a little mini thing here get myself a free Tri well it’s closed right now uh

They have a CBD Vape vending machine and then they even have this uh security camera on there but it says 20 plus adult only drive do not drive and vape is that a law is that a law not to do that OG kush look at the price for the these things

These these things uh 500 500 tape Vape cartridge 8,800 in ADN um it’s not cheap it’s definitely not cheap um there’s another CBD shop actually somewhere up the street and um I I used to get uh CBD Vape cartridges there it was like 7,500 Yen it was a a

Little bit cheaper um but that you know you only get like 200 Puffs out of it or something like I was getting less than 200 Puffs off of it for 7,500 Yen that’s really expensive so I was I just kind of stopped yeah so um you know unless someone donates like $10,000 or

Something you know there there’s no way I’m going to like really travel anywhere outside of Tokyo so much like maybe Yokohama or saitama or like Kanagawa is like the furthest I can afford to go anywhere else um it’s just way too expensive I don’t have a car um Shin conen is like really

Expensive one way um Japan is wild y do you need a special ID for that I you know I didn’t see it uh it said you need to be 20 or older but I didn’t check the machine um if it had a thing for your card cuz uh on alcohol machines

And tobacco machines they do have like a like a thing that reads like your license 20 to 50 in California a gram Graham cartridges wow I thought you were thirsty yes uh we will we will get a drink we will we will I’m just trying to make my way back

To this hill so we saw this hill earlier um this is the kurami zaka kyama uh Ki Kura God I can’t speak CA Yami Hill oh it even says it there in English yeah and so this hill is also in the anime um I believe something happens where there’s like someone goes

Missing in one of the episodes uh it took place on this hill so we’re actually going to go up this hill and we’re going to make our way towards a a shrine he Kawa Shrine which is supposedly I think where uh Sailor Mars lives or her parents work or something like

That Ally there you are I was wondering where you were I was like what happened to Ally yeah so these are all like kind of very looks very expensive to live around here 10,000 Yen yeah that’s like uh what is that that’s like eight70 $80 maybe even less than that with the exchange

Rate oh there’s the Austrian Embassy is here I didn’t even realize that yeah Austrian Embassy she lives there with her Grandpa okay at The hikawa Shrine yeah so that’s where we’re going to go we’re going to go to the hiawa shrine which is um up

This way so yeah I don’t know the the episode specifically but um yeah on this street on this hill is where uh someone goes missing and I guess uh I guess Sailor Moon and her friends have to go find her or something I should cross the street Yeah it’s kind of a steep hill um you could see down this way it curves down and they even have these circles do you guys know what these circles are for on Hills um it’s to provide traction like in cold weather if there’s ice and stuff

Snow uh even on rain rainy days um that provides traction to the cars yeah check out these cars Mercedes BMW Lexus all side by side Chi USA is it Chi USA yeah I I you know I don’t know who goes missing but in one of the episodes it takes place here on this

Hill I know that’s Korea but those houses look kind of like the one in parasite movie oh yeah there’s a lot of um similarities in uh between Korea and Japan a lot of differences but a lot of uh also similarities yeah so I can see here kurayami zaka this hill see

It okay so we are going to go out look at that building it’s kind of swanky kind of swanky style building over here and it’s uh right next to a a little Temple so Greg says are you are are we outside your apartment again with your whips how’ you know how did you

Know uh duuk Kan says are you referencing new Sailor Moon anime or OG Sailor Moon from the80s yeah the the the old sailor moon original Sailor Moon from the like uh early ’90s early to mid 90s I guess yeah so if we keep following this street this will take us to the hikawa

Shrine newer anime is just redoing the manga okay Lexi says if we are being old school when they introduced sailor Mar uh when they introduced Sailor Mars a bunch of girls went missing on the bus and yeah CH chibusa also gets uh into H drinks a lot yeah I remember she was

Like always getting involved in some crazy stuff I need to cross the street here but we got cars like zooming it’s kind of a busy road this is a moto aabu Hills this building here I’ve shown this before um kind of on the other side of the building is

Actually the Russian Embassy and the South Korean Embassy it’s a little little crazy over there there’s a lot of um lot of Japanese police lot of security for you know obvious reasons to huge very important embassies right around here oh there’s a dog that’s beautiful cute but uh this building is also famous

Because this is where Carl gon used to live at the top in the penthouse he’s the he’s that guy who was uh he was like the CEO or whatever of Nissan and then he got involved in some corruption Scandal and uh the Japanese police held

Him and he was on house arrest here and then some guy some two Americans came saying that they were going to film something and they brought in a lot of uh like equipment cases and they actually smuggled him out in one of the cases put him on a private airplane and

Flew him to Lebanon where he is Out Of Reach of Japanese dirt uh jurisdiction he basically escaped and he’s still there to this day um yeah he lived in that building ’90s anime 200 episodes version yeah I hope we see crows yeah um I wonder are crows a thing in the anime I

I honestly can’t remember I haven’t seen a crow in a couple days I think I see another dog there’s like a Yorkshire Terrier no cats yet guys yeah little yorky what is that enu 5 enu number five that’s wild it’s crazy it it happened like in 2019 or 2020 it was

Like right before the pandemic yep because the the Japanese police they don’t care they they’ll confiscate your passport and they’ll hold you in definitely for 23 days at a time and they’ll just keep they’ll release you and then hold you again and release you then hold you again and they can do it

Forever and it’s very kind of like crazy and inhumane um so yeah he uh Carl gone he was basically you know I I think he’s pretty guilty he doesn’t he doesn’t he didn’t want to uh deal with that cuz he’s like you know I’m I’m the CEO of

Nissan and uh I’m going to piece the F out and he and he hired some people those two Americans that uh he hired to sneak him out of the country uh they were arrested we’re at 64 minutes nice yeah we’ve got uh we’ve got like 30 minutes

Left proud Moto aabu that’s a weird name for a building proud yeah it looks uh pretty expensive to live here yeah he had he had money he got the hell out of here nobody knew it wasn’t until like later like that night or like the next day they realized he was

Gone so right here this is the aabu hiawa Ginga azabu hiawa Shrine this is the one Sailor Mars and her grandfather like live at or work at or whatever is it kind of dark is it just me got a lot of lanterns out here Old Stone Wall poor American dummies hope they got

Paid enough to be worth it well now they’re in prison for who knows how many years um well those guys failed but uh Carl go got away he is living scot-free in Lebanon I bet you he is eating steak and lobster every day laughing to himself yeah so this is it right

Here the hiawa ginger so you might recognize this from the anime too Sailor Mars living here or working here or living here I don’t know with her Grandpa so I don’t know how many scenes in the anime or Manga take place here but you might recognize some of the

Shapes of things shapes of uh stuff in the background wow it’s real and I love it yeah lives and works here okay cool cuz like I I remember she was wearing like a like a Shinto priest like Priestess uniform one time right it’s like white and

Red yeah imagine that tower being in the backdrop but yeah this is uh it’s called azabujuban hiawa ging aabu hiawa Shrine so we’re going to go ahead and do a little prayer here for chat since we’re here and this is very important for all y’all Sailor Moon fans uh it looks

Like oh there’s some kind of a funeral service going on in on the inside sorry I was pulling out my coins oh the dogs’s going to do a little prayer wait for her to finish there’s a smaller enina Shrine over there for that’s my Clapping okay got the prayer done for chat um just saw something uh oh yo uh Cyclone how you doing long time no see with the 50 guys hearts in chat for cyclone says hello old friend love your content keep it up thank you so much Cyclone hope you had a good New Year’s

And uh you’re enjoying the stream so far yeah so uh just a little prayer here at sailor Mars’s Shrine did a little prayer for you guys chat for your your health and uh no anxiety no stress all that good stuff um inside of this thing this is where they

Hold uh they they like basically Park uh a mikoshi so here we can see this is uh oh this is actually the picture of their mikosi so every Shrine has their own like unique mikosi um very beautiful it has a Like a Phoenix at the top nice and

Gold yeah so during festivals and stuff the uh this um will be carried on the shoulders of a bunch of people from the shrine and the neighborhood um oh they even have some pictures here of that happening oh it looks like they don’t uh are they carrying it they’re like

Wheeling it out of the place cuz it has wheels they’re Wheeling it out but then it looks like later on they actually carry it yeah so it’s a very nice mikosi yeah here down the street so that’s that’s what a lot of that’s what like all shrines do pretty much they

Have some form of a mikosi whether it’s big or small um you know who knows but yeah oh there’s another dog across the street that’s enu number six or seven six little cutie looks like a Pomeranian so uh from here guys we are going to head uh further down the street

And I believe that’s where the Sendai zaka Hill is I think that’s what it’s called my God there’s many cars okay okay I guess I got to just walk this way I can’t Cross here we go yo costal world of Music memories with the $5 guys hearts and chat for Jim and Harriet thank you so much yeah we got to get a drink I’m kind of thirsty um there is a church here Stone Church yeah so in this neighborhood

There’s a lot of foreigners that live cuz uh that live here and work here there’s a lot of embassies and stuff there’s a lot of uh inner National schools in this area it’s kind of very affluent neighborhood you know so uh they do have Catholic Christian churches and stuff uh in this

Neighborhood um what is that building Straight Ahead sorry whoa whoa whoa whoa okay yeah what is this looks kind of crazy yeah so here um I told you uh there’s the the Russian Embassy and the South Korean Embassy are down this street so there’s a lot of police

Presence in this neighborhood uh we can see here there’s this police guard uh right here he’s got a a a gate so if something happens and there’s going to be an attack or whatever um he can just close the road down like super quickly

Yeah so if we go down that way it goes to there but um I believe we want to go up the street to the arisugawa park which is going to be our last stop on this live stream um that Park is where usagi um goes on dates and stuff and

Hangs out by a clock or something believe in yourself how are you doing uh Ali says yeah that gate is going to do something they’re trying yeah I it might slow people down I don’t know um very interesting Doorway to This Old House back here oh it’s abandoned I can see

It in the back there it’s kind of dark looks abandoned but it’s right next to this super Swanky house is this a house or is this like a duplex what is this I think it’s a it’s someone’s house their last name is Otani this whole thing is one person’s

House I don’t know who lives here someone very rich uh got another cop right up here on the sidewalk just tapping his feet there a old uh baseball field over here yeah so um I’m not sure what else on this street is like part of the Sailor Moon

Episodes but yeah we we’ve already left that like main azabu juban area yeah we’re just going to go to the park um is this the park am I going the right way hold on oh there’s a bunch of kids across the street but I need to maybe

There’s a map over there all right all right let me not look at them okay so there is a map here uh oh thank God I looked at the map so we are here I was actually going to keep going this way um I need to go this way to the park arisugawa

Park and there’s this old like weird sculpture looks like a water wheel but it’s not that’s like a windmill old school windmill we okay chat we okay big Park yeah so um we’ve been down down this street before the German Embassy is over here

So we did a live stream and uh I was like where’s shushu shushu is she’s our German friend it’s like her her Embassy was down this Street and there’s this crazy like office building thing right here um it looks like a like a villain’s layer or something it’s kind of dark the clouds I think are kind of messing with the the auto exposure William says uh you do a good job I feel like I am right there in

Japan great job yeah you’re welcome thank you yeah I’m trying to you know be informative and just kind of show you what Japan really looks like like as it is from my perspective as a as an American but also as someone who was born and raised in Japan

Yeah so looking at this building this is kind of a Crazy Design right here very interesting architecture I believe this is an office building it would be kind of cool if that was an embassy like if that was the German Embassy that would be so epic yeah but unfortunately it is

Not yeah the German Embassy is uh it’s down this road road but it it starts going downhill and then uh the embassy is along that Hill crows yeah I heard the crow I didn’t see it though yeah but this is it oh is can we go in here it’s like fenced off or

Something uh this is the arisugawa Memorial Park um I’ll try to see if I can can walk around on the inside hopefully it doesn’t buffer looks like there’s a a school or something across the street Mami aabu um it’s so eclectic it is looks like architecture sneezed while drawing up the

Plants yeah uh Gabriel and Johnny how you doing long time no see uh duuk Khan says German Embassy later hosen outfit is required to enter I would totally wear that cuz my um on my dad side of the family my ancestry is all like like the majority like very very big percentage is

German so I could I could do that I could get away with it my white side is mostly German so yeah this is the park um it uh chat Sailor Moon fans that know uh is there some kind of um there’s like a clock or something in this

Park that I should be paying attention to like looking for I feel like I read that there was a uh some clock oh I see a clock over there let’s go look at it but yeah chat can uh like Ally or Lexi someone can y’all tell me

If you guys remember yo toshindo how are you doing yo Chris how you doing uh aado how you doing says uh was that uh cter from Dukes of Hazard walking by I have no idea I didn’t notice uh daon says have you found any authentic German restaurants in Japan not really no not

In Tokyo at least um what is it say attention children eat lunch here so please do not bring your dog into this area oh clock with a water fountain okay so I see a clock there this park is pretty big so I don’t know if it’s that clock but we’ll kind of

Look around try to see if we can find that clock thank you Ally um down in like Southern Chiba prefecture there’s like a a fullon like authentic German Town like a recreated like twoo style German Town um I believe they might have some authentic stuff but

In in Tokyo I don’t know I haven’t really oh this is it right here there’s a fountain and a clock is this it what’s up Stacy Reed just saved 15% on car insurance by switching the Geico nice yeah so here we go Sailor Moon Sailor Moon nerds all you Sailor Moon

Nerds um just kidding um yeah this clock this clock with the fountain uh Stacy Says Yep this is where chiusa goes to and from the future really what like she goes into the fountain I don’t remember that like I said I used to watch it after Dragon Ball but I don’t

Really remember like the story so much oh see a dog let me zoom in it’s dog number seven or eight cute cute cute yeah so yeah we’ve seen uh several things from Sailor Moon during this walk pretty cool um let’s look in the fountain since we’re here what’s in here

Uh looks like someone threw in like a bolt or uh I should say a nut like bolts and nuts someone threw in a nut I don’t know why I have to say it like nut it was just a nut but not a nut nut and a nut is different you know they

Have different meanings no koi yeah I don’t think a koi is going to live here um she uses the time key here okay daan says there’s your business opportunity open her Cory Maye Schnitz Palace and beer gten yes I should vending machine is right there yeah let’s go look at

It actually I can see it from here it’s a Coca-Cola vending machine it doesn’t have a good selection you know Coca-Cola is such a huge company huge brand but their vending machines are always pretty crappy um yeah so that dog we saw earlier was a Dalmatian um there’s a lot of uh foreigners

Walking around why the F isn’t a Sailor Moon machine re yeah they need a Sailor Moon machine vending machine uh we’ve got a a statue here of of uh someone um what does it say ariso Shino from 1835 to 1895 I don’t know who he is but apparently he’s like very

Important figure in Japanese history sorry it’s kind of dark the sky is like back lit behind here why aren’t they sailor mooning up this place yeah I don’t know I think maybe it’s just it’s not like people don’t want to live in a Sailor Moon neighborhood um you know what I mean

Like Sailor Moon stuff everywhere but they should have at least one thing uh oh I see two dogs over here there’s a Sheba a little tiny Sheba and a brown poodle uh come back they’re walking very yeah too fast it’s sailor Jethro nice yeah they should have at least like

One thing they should have like a like one sculpture of like all the Sailor moons together and like that’s it you know um Unfortunately they don’t have that you missed the dalmati um yeah I can’t see her she went that direction now she’s out of sight now I’m

Sorry trying to see yeah this is a pretty big Park uh we are here there’s like a children’s playground like kind of thing here but then they have this big pond and like a Waterway thing and like in the forest I’m afraid to walk over here because the

Signal is going to be really weak um between all those trees and stuff there’s going to be like very little cell reception in there so I probably won’t explore but we’ll we’ll head out and I’m going to head down this way um we’ll go by that German Embassy and

Maybe see some other things along the way um it’s almost time to end the stream so it’s probably a good good place uh what does this say let’s look at the sign notice don’t leave your dog please keep your dog un aash at all times that is not a

Dog it almost looks like she’s smiling and enjoying it she’s like oh my God it hurts so good W interesting okay um what is this other stuff oh yeah cats and dogs other animals yeah okay um it’s a vampire do it had it had literal vampire fangs it was a vampire

Dog but uh we’re going to cross the street Here it’s Inu Yasha yeah drop bears those crazy things from Australia uh nambu zaka yeah this is a pretty steep hill also and uh I believe this is the German Embassy right here yeah deuts I’m going to try to read it what does it say Bo bunders Republic

Deutschland residence oh it’s uh I think it’s where the people the the ambassador of Germany lives in there but further down the hill is um the entrance to the German Embassy and they have little highlights of things from from Germany so is this yako park yeah toshindo of course

Everything that you see on my live stream is just literally literally Yakuza owned that looks cool I want to go here in the middle of this Forest that looks super awesome yeah that child is crying cuz there’s a Vampire Dog Northern Germany I think this is where ke this is

Uh wait Keel is here right shushu lives in Keel um I don’t think Keel is here I think ke is here right I could be wrong it could be up here yeah Germany I need to go I need to go I you know I lived in Korea for 5

Years and I’ve been to Korea many many times growing up uh just because the flights from Japan to Korea uh like it’s only two hours and you know I’m half Korean so I’m like very connected to my Korean side but I have no no like nothing no experience or culture

Cultural things with my German ancestry so it would be really cool to uh to just go to Germany just go to Every Little like Province or area and just check it out go to the Black Forest become Robin Hood I’m going to dress like Robin Hood and just shoot rich people with

Arrows like I want to do that oh there’s a there’s a church here just outside of the embassy yeah here both South deuts discover Germany and there’s the German German flag and then the EU flag German stream I would love a German stream I would love to go to

Germany love love love love love they need a Korean penis restaurant in Japan why not a Japanese penis restaurant isn’t robit Hood Sherwood Forest in England um yeah that’s true but like I just want to go into a big forest in Europe and dress like R it

Doesn’t matter what country it is like it could be France it could be Austria but like the black forest is uh pretty famous like in the same way that Sherwood Forest is so I just want to dress like Robin Hood in Germany and shoot people with arrows Rich only rich

People this is National aabu this this is a big Supermarket but they have a big International section I think I talked about this before in a stream they’ve got uh Baskin Robins truck yeah I could go to Canada too but I want to do it in Europe so I can just

Yell some weird things like vasx while I shoot people VX I think it just be like really epic uh what is this 440 Broadway tacos burritos but uh when is it open oh on Wednesday Wednesday through Sunday so they’re not open today uh 11 to 9 oh man

We got to come back here sometime like between Wednesday and Sunday fortunately I can’t go to Amsterdam yeah I would I would walk around Amsterdam dressed like Robin Hood shooting arrows at rich people and yelling VX um that is my dream guys don’t don’t crush my

Dreams I’m going to go to the entrance to this park and we’ll wrap up the stream Okay so what did you guys think um of aabu juban rongi area looking at uh some of those cool Sailor Moon stuff the Sailor Moon scenes and you know locations what did what did you all think I know a lot of you haven’t seen Sailor Moon but you know just in general

What did what did you all think a taco stream that sounds like Porn yeah nice little Central Park area in this in this neighborhood we’ll we’ll go look at the pond here and then wrap up the stream sound good Wonder yeah uh Lexi says it was fun and made me super nostalgic like I can pretend I’ve been to Japan now nice yeah I think like

I think my goal now is maybe to like rewatch all of Sailor Moon cuz I don’t remember much of anything like I remember the characters and like that’s it really like I can’t remember any of the storyline I do need to get a drink uh Sher Cobb says a great love your calm

Voice love it oh yeah um we have two ducks over here look at them just chilling in the shade little duck duck duck duck uh Greg says uh pretty interesting just like seeing the changes in a place from a long period uh in uh long period time ago in a time ago

Yeah long arm how you doing long time no see says bro get me some Turtles out of there please there’s only tortoises not Turtles Japan doesn’t have Turtles they only have tortoises it’s it’s a scientific fact um let me look around are there actually

Any like kind of perched up on a rock or on the shoreline I don’t see any only porn if there is a taco nice I haven’t watched sa moon in years yeah long arms like Cory Cory you think I forgot I did not forget long

Arm PTSD Not the Falling Turtle oh no I remember little little Donatello we dropped little Donatello did I break your heart long arm I’m sorry uh Lexi says I just want to see uh Japan mix foodie review M that’s going to be really tough that’s going to be really

Tough it’s going to be very disappointing there’s like barely any like authentic stuff it has to be homemade pretty much if you want like authentic stuff but like Japan mix uh there’s a lot of that and it’s it’s pretty trashy it’s not good it’s it’s very bad as someone who lived in America

And had really good uh authentic abuella style like cooking um also just like TexMex or whatever kind of stuff you know calix whatever like it’s not even on the same level as those places it’s bad but uh I do go to the fries that I talked about that we saw that’s like Chipotle

Um yeah what’s the temperature hanging around I don’t know uh can someone do like the exclamation weather thing yo Ben Benny with the 10 thank you guys hearts in chat for Ben Benny says good walk as always appreciate that kind of assumed it will be disappointing yeah it is

Definitely so let I guess I’ll just turn the camera around here whoa there we go taco rice does not count Jay vlog definitely not okay sorry my hands in the way go get a drink I will get a drink yeah so I just want to say thank you

Guys for hanging out with me uh for all you Sailor Moon fans I hope this was kind of a cool thing for you all to see some actual real life locations of where Sailor Moon took place in aabu juban and uh maybe if you missed some stuff or

Whatever you can obviously you know go back into the stream um and pause and like you know compare like a screenshot or whatever paused screen from the anime or even in a manga and look at it from my stream and just kind of see like some similarities see the stuff from the

Background so yeah just to you know to say that you’ve been there it’s really cool so yeah thank you thanks so much sorry for missing most of it n it’s okay no worries no worries yo squinto Aloha how’s it um believe in yourself says thank you Corey

Grateful for all of you yeah thank you guys thank you thank you so anyways uh I appreciate youall tuning in this week I hope you guys enjoyed the live stream thank you for all the thumbs up thank you for the questions thank you for the donos um I

Will end the stream now and uh I will see you guys later uh one thing I have to mention we are we have opened my Discord again to people uh coming in if you want the invite link you have to DM me on Instagram that is like the only

Way to receive the invitation link and uh just to let you guys know uh it’s you know 18 or older you have to be an adult no children are allowed 17 and under are not allowed um it’s because we’re adults in there we share adult humor um you

Know lwd jokes funny jokes we’re sharing animal pictures and food and you know just like cool stuff cute stuff whatever um we’re just adults you know having fun no porn or anything weird like that but uh anyways guys I hope you all have a really nice week and uh I will

See you next time bye-bye see you m byebye peace laters laters chat thanks to the mods bye see you guys see you take care Johnny


  1. I realized I called the tower at the beginning "Azabu dubai" which is wrong. hahahaha
    It's "azabudai"… not dubai. Azabudai Hills.
    Forgive me. I was really tired and just rode over an hour in a totally packed Monday morning rush hour train.
    Thanks again for watching!

  2. When I watched Dragonball and Sailor Moon I was still a school child. I definitely can't remember any location beside the tower. What I can remember is how unusual both felt to me at this time.
    And they ran it 5 times a week at least. Waiting a whole week for next part would have been so bad 🙁

  3. Damn that NSFW word you shouted in front of the supermarket had me laughing so much I nearly destroyed the document I was writing in by accident.
    I am not sure what you mean with that word, but all the options that came into my mind are extremely funny.

  4. The easiest way to convert from the Showa era to the Western calendar is just to add 25 to the year of the Show era. For example, the year of Showa 30 
    is the year of 1955

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