
Exploring Naha, Okinawa | Vlog

Hi There!

For the video today I have another Japan vlog, continuing my time in Naha, Okinawa.
I get up to a few big things like checking out the memorial park and the aquarium!

I hope you enjoy the video! xx

Here are some of my similar videos I think you’ll like;
Going Back To Japan! | Vlog
Pamper Week Before Travel | Lashes, Brows, Hair, Nails


My name is Bekki and I make videos on all things that interest me; pinup style, makeup, movies + tv, travel and occasionally storytime/chatty videos.
I hope you find my videos interesting!

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Minding everyone I realized as I went to sleep I was super tired and forgot to close out last night but I’m up again this morning in Naha and we’re about to set out on another little adventure today I think today we’re doing more of war history and museum type stuff

It was forecast to be storming and the weather’s not great but it is only slightly overcast so I’m pretty happy about that here’s a little look because I can’t remember if I showed yesterday not the greatest view just because of the carpark and some buildings but you

Can see the river out there and yesterday was looking really nice today it’s not horrible it’s definitely a lot better than we expected it’s just a bit overcast here’s my outfit today I am kind of repeating it this top is a little bit different to when I wore it

Yesterday on my travel day just because the tiny little bills and all baby emblem thing fell off which is a bit annoying but I can fix it when I get home so in the meantime it’s a bit more of a plain black top so I’ve got that

Denim shorts and I’ll be wearing some sneakers I’m not going to be wearing those sandals anytime soon since my feet are still pretty sore especially one of them anyway we’re doing a lot of walking so I’ve got comfortable shoes would be best and I think that’s everything I

Needed to update on we had our little hotel made breakfast just out of fruit and bread and everything that we had which was nice and of course pretty cheap as well I don’t think I said but all about groceries we got yesterday were the equivalent of 50 Australian

Dollars so pretty good but I think that’s everything I needed to update on so I’m about to head out on the day and I’ll bring you with me everyone it’s a little while later and we’ve headed out to my first stop of the day walking in this one is very big

Buildings and sort of museum areas and it’s a really big grounds so we’re going to check it out sorry I was exploring and learning about everything sorry about the wind again nothing I can do about it but I just had to show you this there is sugar cane everywhere around on

Canal WA and I really love it because I grew up in a sugarcane farm to show my dad as well because he’s a sugarcane farmer and I didn’t get a kick out of it just for sugar cane and the power lines it makes me think of Australia very random but I love singing [Applause] this is what I imagined when I thought about Okinawa this is it the real Beach she’s still at the Memorial Park bus on the edge of the park there is the potion come out so it’s very hot at the moment and not so worried about it storming but

Just means it’s great for a day of walking around and checking everything out it’s so hot I’ve just literally tied my hair into a knot to keep it off my neck but I thought I’d show you the view just the entrance of the park all the

Way around everywhere and up here to the top observation area there’s a nice breeze up here luckily now I think we found our lunch so we’re just going to take a break for food and maybe get a cold drink as well after the speed walk and the hot weather outside we’ve

Stopped in to get some ice cream is the famous blue seal ice cream and there are so many yummy flavors I know what the plants try a few more but today I’m getting royal milk tea and friend is getting VI this should be this one looks like cyanide normally

Like they all look good super excited ice cream is bringing me back to life right now I definitely recommend these try and now just waiting in the bus stop to head back to a bus depot and then catch another bus on the way back to hide alright I’m back at the hotel now

And I think the last time I spoke to you was back at the Memorial Park after we were done there like I was saying we caught a bus back and pretty much just crashed recharged our batteries phone and camera but us as well I had a bit of

Tea and they were snack and now I feel a little bit more energized I’ve also gotten change doctor show my outfit it looks a little bit random at the moment I’ve just put this top over because I’m wearing a spaghetti strap singlet and that’s not really something I see many

People wearing here so that’s part of the reason as far as the fact I am a little bit sunburned as well I don’t know if you’ll be able to see it’s only faint but I’m trying to get on this quickly and just make sure I say cover

It up and I’m also going to be really careful wearing sunscreen and just using everything that I have hats no bus a good umbrella which I was using as a parasol as well today I think I started say this is a bit random I’m probably gonna tie this up around the waist or

Tuck it in I’ll see how it looks but I have just finished getting ready so that’s the outfit I’ve also run a few coats through my hair just to look a little bit more put together since I feel like my hair has looked really awful on this trip so far but that’s

Everything I think I wanted to say what we’re going to do now is head out just check around the local area and also head out to dinner after that’s because this is not made but down here we’re just on our way to cook a side door which is this big shopping and

Restaurants straightening up now I am NOT huh let’s come here for dinner and to look around so it’s still just exploring the street we ended up going to a pharmacy because I needed a few things so we’re just checking out a few other shops

Because it’s a lot to see a level of the tropical souvenir everything looks really cool and the one thing I really love here is all the Hawaiian shirts just started growing outside so I look like a little bit of a drowned right now – you know it’s cool and going out which

Is a melon and it’s just kind of like a stir-fry with traces so we want to try that since it’s a local dish and smell the sea grapes which I’m very scared about trying to go I’m not sure what this is toy food so I’ll show you what it all

Comes out as well just to give you a better look so here are the first things we ordered the peanut tofu see great and something vinegar I’m going to give this a go now even though I really don’t want to I am normally don’t like certain

Textures and I thought this will taste a little bit strange for the hot spot it’s going to be very nice and it’s a local sort of food so I’m going to give it a go I thought it would taste like this week but it’s the architects room for food proper amounts that pretty hard one I’m gonna keep eating and try everything else as well I’ll show you what I made for Maine with a little bonito on top stops moving we were able to finish Because I wasn’t sure All right just come back to the hotel after you know we really didn’t look around the shops too much just a tiny bit as we walked back and one thing we did stock into was the Family Mart just to get some dessert at 5:30 and I

Haven’t had a choco pie since I was in high school everything like them in so I thought I’d have one now and apart from that we’re just going to get ready for bed it’s not too late year but it’s a 30 or so but I’m going to start being ready

Have my dessert and unwind for a little bit maybe watch some YouTube videos in bed until I feel tired and then go to sleep I think tomorrow is going to be another big day so I’m gonna have a lot of energy fruits he won’t be as walking

Heavy and I really hope that I can try and avoid getting sunburned so I think as I get ready for bed I’ll probably just put on a bit more after some cream and just do the rest of my skincare routine and start to relax so I think I

Might leave this one here and I guess I’ll see you in the morning morning everyone we’ve just woken up for another day and Okinawa today we’re off to the aquarium and it must be huge I think for a long time it was the biggest aquarium

In the world so I’m very excited to see that I’m just gonna share my outfit kind of a repeat from yesterday since I didn’t wear it for long and I didn’t get a photo wearing it so I figured I may as well wear it again today

I think this shirt is a really good option it is super lightweight but it’s still keeping the Sun of me so I appreciate that also I’m still wearing the mix mix shorts I really do lovelies and I wish I took them in at the waist a little bit

Before I brought them with me but I figure it doesn’t look too awful and I have a belt if I want to wear it but I feel like this looks fine enough for me today the rain this pink hat it’s John Deere but I really like it I like

The color and just a little stinger underneath so I think this should be good for another day of travel I think we’ll be inside a fair bit so not too super worried about the Sun but because we’re traveling a little bit I figured I’d best be prepared and I’m

Just on Platts today because I thought this was good for windy weather I don’t know why I haven’t thought to do this yet I also have an update on my sunburn situation I think I said last night I was using some after Sun this is the Hawaiian Tropic after-sun lotion and

I’ve just departed it into this little thing since I had a big bottle at home and this worked wonders I don’t think it just faded on its own I think it’s helped a lot and I’m not sunburned anymore don’t know if you can see I was

Really red there but now it seems to be fine and also the backs of my legs they’re not burnt anymore they just seem to be slightly darker so I think it’s kind of turned into a tan as much as my body will allow but I think that’s all I had

To share for now but just on the way out the door we’ve already had breakfast and like I said I’m ready sorry I’ll see you in a little bit got another big bus journey to get where we’re going today I just outside for anything it rainy but it still looks really nice

All right so the weather’s cleared up and we’ve just got into the aquarium off the bus it took nearly two hours we just had lunch and now we’re about to go into the aquarium I just finished up at the aquarium and once again the Sun has come out because it wasn’t just so they said it went behind a cloud but the weather turned around it got really warm and nice today so that was awesome I saw the dolphin show at the end and I

Put in a few clips of that we’re just going to find a bus to get back it’s a bit of a long bus ride it should be about an hour and a half or two hours but I think it was worth the journey today was good

Now about two hour bus ride and we’re back back to homicide Dori the big shopping street here in a hotel It’s why we’ve come for dinner there is an A&W restaurant here and I think there’s a field women on our we’ve seen it advertised everywhere so this is what we’ve gotten just about to start eating because I’m starving but back at the hotel now from dinner we

Didn’t stay out too long it’s still kind of early it’s about 7 o’clock and I’ve picked up some dessert for later which I’ll happen a little bit but first I think I need to take off my makeup get out of my contact lenses and just go

Into pajamas I feel like these days have been pretty long and I’m actually looking forward to having a bit more of a night in in the hotel rooms so I might just pop my hair up and take off my makeup I think and feel a little bit

More relaxed I’m coming to your very red face since I had a really hot shower on my back since it was sore in this room doesn’t have a bath anyway I do feel very relaxed I feel great and I’m just about to have dessert picked up something on the way back from

Dinner at a department store double cookies I’ve got a few in here I had to get them since they smelt great and what for watching Harry Potter movie just as we’ve been doing lately so I’m just going to finish these off in a file

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