Australia is famous for the beaches, and Sydney has some of the best beaches in the country. We spent a day visiting the favorites and seeing some of the most beautiful sceneries one could ask for. We started by getting to Manly Beach by ferry, and the views along the way are fabulous. You see all of the top landmarks in Sydney! From Manly, we got another ferry to Watsons Bay, where we visited Camp Cove and the Gap National Park. We then headed by bus to the world-famous Bondi Beach, which was packed with beautiful people. From Bondi, we closed with one of the world’s most beautiful coastal walks until Bronte. Such an amazing day, hard to choose which part was the best.

► Previous video in Australia 🎬: Old Sydney (The Rocks) and Sydney Harbour Bridge –
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Things to do in Sydney part 3:
00:00 Beaches in Sydney, Australia – what to expect?
01:23 The best public transport ever!
02:24 A walk around Manly before the beach
03:32 Manly Beach – the best in Sydney?
06:24 Ferry from Manly to Watsons Bay
07:00 The top beach in Watsons Bay
08:12 Fish and Chips plus the best views of the day
10:30 How to get to Bondi Beach
10:54 Bondi – the most famous beach in Australia
13:30 The iconic view of Bondi Beach
14:15 The incredible walk from Bondi to Bronte
15:42 Bronte Beach – maybe our favorite after all
16:37 The surprise at Bronte Beach

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This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
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I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world… stuff that, for so long, I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!

P.S.: The funny guy who appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American, and he’s actually camera-shy. That’s why he’s behind the camera most of the time 😉


Sydney, Australia is world famous for the beaches. Now, what is the nicest? Can you swim? Is the water warm? How far are the beaches? That’s what we want to discover. Wow! The pool here is totally open. This is so cool. – Good morning! [in Portuguese] – Cheers! Good morning [in Portuguese]

Nothing like coffee in front of a ferry station, huh? Seriously, we’re just waiting for our ferry. – Where are we going? Shh. Let it be a surprise. – It’s no surprise. Sydney is famous for the beaches. There are over 100 beaches over here.

And today we’re going to see as many as we can. The beaches in Sydney are located east of the Central Business District. And in a city with this much natural beauty, where ferries are a great option for public transport, here’s our plan:

From the main ferry station, at Circular Quay we’ll go directly to Manly. From there, to Watsons Bay, then catch a bus to Bondi and finally walk until Bronte. Bondi or Manly? – I have to pick one? – It should be a fun but very busy day.

That’s why we’re starting before seven in the morning. I get myself a croissant, but when I get the croissant… [laughing] Yeah. Good job. – Is it sweet? – Mm-hmm. – Like me? – Mmm. – What else? – Delicious. – Yeah? – Absolutely delicious, almond croissant.

Great to be able to use your own credit card or debit to pay for transport here. And it’s the same price as if you used their own transport card. The boat is very comfortable inside. Look at that! You don’t even need to go for a separate boat tour over here.

The view is amazing. All the main landmarks in one picture. Bye, thank you. That was super fast and so easy. We got here in 20 minutes. And the views! Here’s the first beach of the day. And wow, it is netted. I’ve never seen a netted beach like this.

It makes it totally safe to swim, huh? – Oh, yeah. – Keep the sharks out. And people really take advantage to swim. Australia is famous for their swimmers. And look at how many people came from Manly. Wow. No way! They have penguins over here. From the ferry to the main beach,

It is a really short walk. You just come along the main avenue here called Corso. Very few blocks. On the weekends, there’s even a market here. Wow, this is such a cool place. Made from recycled ocean nets. How creative. Very cool. – For you. – For you. – Beautiful, huh?

Welcome to Manly Beach. This is one of Australia’s main surf beaches. And in fact, the very first world surfing competition happened right here in 1964. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many surfers in the water. Not even in Hawaii. – Have you seen that many surfers on land? – No.

– But seriously, look at this. This is a first. There is nowhere here for you to rent a beach chair and umbrella, but you can rent surfboards. – Renata, look at them. They got a cover for the head. – Ah, yeah. It is so interesting that you see very few umbrellas here.

People really come to the beach to suntan. Do you think it’s cold? – No. – Oh, it is a little. It’s a little cold, yeah. Come on. – No, it isn’t. It’s cool. It’s refreshing. – Yeah. Now, out of the entire beach, you know why most people are exactly on this part here?

Because that’s where they have the red and yellow flags. That’s where the lifeguards have already identified to be the safest part for you to swim, without many rip currents. Outside these areas, mainly surfers. Wow, this beach is really happening. Not only there are a lot of people here at the beach to enjoy,

But also a lot of people exercising. So many other beaches in the coves as well. Wow, you have an infinity of options here. Now, here’s something interesting. I was talking to a few people from Sydney, and they told me that they prefer this beach here compared to Bondi.

Bondi is the most famous one here, but for the locals, this seems to be the best. – Can you go to the water? Careful! [in Portuguese] There’s [in Portuguese] big shark! [in Portuguese] After the initial shock, I really got used to the water, and it was amazing. I had a lot of fun.

Now we’re back here to the wharf to catch a boat to our next beach. Look closely. You may see penguins. Thank you. – You’re welcome, ma’am. – Another beautiful boat tour. Beach to beach by boat. – This stop is Watsons Bay. Please make your way to the door. Thank you.

– Bye. Thank you. This trip was even faster, 15 minutes only. And let me show you what we did. Here’s Sydney. We basically just came from here to here. The waterfront here is already lovely. – Everyone has a little boat. It just doesn’t matter. Look at all the small ones.

– You could have one here. Only fits you. Park in only authorized spaces. Otherwise, look at the penalty. Probably not a good idea to drive over here on a weekend. Welcome to Camp Cove. Isn’t this so charming? First time that I see a beach abroad that is as crowded as Brazilian beaches get.

Just like Buzios, isn’t it? – Very, very much so. – Buzios is one of my favorite beach communities in Brazil. And we had videos there. Is this good enough for you? – No. – What else do you want? – Beer. [in Portuguese] Hello. – Hello. – Hello, hello. This restaurant was so inviting.

But look at the line to get in. What? So we’re getting fish and chips to go, and we’re going to picnic right over here. And it looks like a lot of people do the same. Tada, tada, tada… – You got a box. A mystery box. – You know exactly what’s there.

– Chocolate cake. – What would you get in Sydney at the beach? – Oh, you mean at the Fish and Chippery? – Yeah. – Oh, look at that. First come, first serve. – Go ahead. Oh, so moist, crispy at the same time, right? – Mm-hmm. – It’s perfect.

– It’s the thing to do here, huh? – Mm-hmm. – I think they need a few more tables. Welcome to Gap Park. Oh, wow. This park has various lookout points with insane views. We’re just going from viewpoint to viewpoint. Now, there are a lot of different hikes and walks we can do,

Both from here and Manly Beach. We’re just not doing because we have plans to do a different walk today. Here from the highest viewpoint, you don’t even need a drone to enjoy this amazing scenery. You can also see a little more of Watsons Bay, this lovely residential suburb where,

According to the 2021 census, only 883 people live. Look south and you’re already seeing a different neighborhood. What’s next? – Ahhh, beer? – Maybe, maybe. One thing that I forgot to mention, the ferry to Watsons Bay is not all the time, especially on weekends. It’s like once every hour or so.

So if you want to do the same thing that we’re doing, make sure you plan ahead. Right here, very close to the ferries, the ferries are right over here, this is where you get the bus to Bondi Beach. [music] Wow! This beach is crazy popular, huh? – Oh, yeah. Lots of people.

– The sand is so full that some people are suntanning right here on the grass. This is what a sunny Saturday in Australia looks like. This is Bondi Beach and yes, it is really beautiful. Look at the color of the ocean, right? – Hmmm. – Wow. Turquoise green.

It really amazes me that people don’t bring umbrellas. People really come to the beach to suntan. How is it? – The water is cool, but it’s refreshing. And the waves are really high. – The water is a little bit on the cool side as you get in, but then it is perfect,

Especially on a hot day like today. – It’s refreshing. – Bondi… or Manly? – It’s different, very different, huh? [in Portuguese] I have to pick one? Gold Coast. – Gold Coast? I think you’re going to upset all Sydneysiders. This is a little bit too much going on here.

I think I’d go with Manly. – No. – Yeah. – It’s perfect. – It is nice, really nice, but I don’t know. I really liked the vibe there. – That water is refreshing. It’s cold, but it’s refreshing. I think the reason that I really enjoyed Manly is because it’s closer to the city.

– What do you mean? You walk five or you walk ten minutes? – Here you walk a little longer. – You notice? No sales on the beach. Nobody’s selling anything. – Oh, yeah. Wow! Wow, wow, wow! Mmm. Um, paradise. Did you know that this beach is so famous,

So famous, that there’s even a TV show over here? – You mean, filmed here? – Yeah, yeah. – Okay. – It’s called Bondi Rescue. – Yeah? – What do you think that is about? – Pamela Anderson running on the beach rescuing people. – It’s exactly that, but I think it’s real-life situations.

– Oh, okay. – With this ocean, people need help sometimes. Now, for me, this is the most iconic image of Bondi Beach. It’s this pool over here. And what’s amazing is that that’s salt water. This was created because people wanted to keep swimming during winter, and the ocean water is so cold.

That is amazing. My favorite sport to practice is swimming, and I checked, it’s a public pool, anyone can get in there. You just pay the entrance fee. I wish we were staying here longer. When the ocean is a little rough, the waves come all the way to the pool.

Now that we relaxed and cooled down at the beach, time for some exercise. This should have been the other way around, huh? Let’s go. At least the sun is not as hot anymore. See those tiny people up here? Soon that will be us. We’re going to walk all this here. That’s cool, huh?

We left Bondi. The plan is to come all the way here. – Bronte. – Bronte. Cool? – Yeah, let’s get going. – It is so cool that they have these paths here connecting the beaches, because you basically go from viewpoint to viewpoint. Look at this. Natural pools here. Oh, this is so nice.

– It looks really safe, this one, huh? – This might be the perfect beach. The ocean is not as strong as the others. – And look how shallow it is. – Yeah. Yeah. Tamarama Beach. Really nice. I think we arrived. Look at this. Bronte. – Yeah.

– Ah, that was so fast. – Yeah – Yeah. – Less than an hour walking. This type of walk, every beach in the world should have. Imagine going around the rocks and seeing those hidden images that normally nobody sees. This is amazing. Cheers! We made it. That was a beautiful day, lovely day.

It was amazing to discover all the beaches. Now, we started very early, you know, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to cover so many places in one day. And at least have some time to enjoy also. Now, for you to see how safe Australia is…

… and beach in Australia. – No, because nobody saw it. – What happened, Gordon? – I forgot my phone. – And did you find it? – Yeah. – Yeah, it was right over there, waiting for him. – Everybody is too busy. Bye!

Bronte Beach has the advantage of having this natural pool right here. Look at how many families. This is really cool, huh? – Yeah. – This is really cool! Now, wow! The pool here is totally open. Everyone can get in without paying. This is so cool. I love Australia!

Now, I’m going to say goodbye to you here because guess where I’m staying?


  1. Hi dear Madam I like work with you I am 34 old unmarried boy I am searching for suitable jobs I am impressed your traveling videos and natural beauty i am supporting for my best in home, business development activities for future please help me with I am joining your team and family

  2. That was a day many people only dream about! My favorite beach was Manley, but the best part of the video was the happy little boy, he was adorable.

  3. Beautiful beaches and rocks. I love how people can walk along the coastline for miles.

  4. This is another very high quality video thanks guys. I know that Sydney is visually pretty amazing but your superb photography takes it to the next level.

  5. I wonder if Australia has more of a Southern California feeling, a UK feeling or a Canadian feeling or an even blend or nothing like that?

  6. Watching this as we come out of a week of Arctic sub zero temperatures. Now the eighth named Atlantic storm of the season moving in, Storm Ither (pronounced eifa), at least now warmer.

  7. Australia is a hidden gem and most of the population live in coastal towns and cities with beach culture being #1 for decades!

    Bondi is somewhere that attracts many tourists and locals alike with awesome walking paths along the coast from beach to beach however tourists need to be very aware of the surroundings and dangers of rips, stinging bluebottles and sharks 🦈

    One of the best countries on the globe with beautiful locals and culture but now being affected like many other countries by Wokism and the natives trying to reclaim everything. Get there and enjoy !

  8. Yeah life's a beach being an Aussie. I'm in Penrith bottom of the Blue Mountains west of Sydney and we have just got a beach here in the lakes here. We have called it Pondi Beach. 😂

  9. Renata:Thanks you so much for this new remarkable video today’s from Sydney,Australia @ the beach with other tourists in January of 2024❤❤❤Happy New Year to you guys in peace 2024❤❤❤

  10. Renata:Congratulations to you guys for heading back again to Australia after you guys spent 6 or 7 months in several cities shooting great videos last year or 2023❤❤❤Welcome back again to Australia in January of 2024 after you guys spent one month in Gunma, Japan 2023-2024❤❤❤

  11. Renata:Welcome back to Sydney, Australia to shows these amazing beaches,restaurants,hotels,skyscrapers,etc. in January of 2024❤❤❤I wish you guys safe journeys good luck always in peace of 2024❤❤❤Thanks you guys so much for this amazing video today’s in Australia 2024❤❤❤

  12. Renata:Congratulations to you guys for heading back again to Sydney,Australia @ the beaches, restaurants,hotels, shopping malls,etc. in January of 2024❤❤❤

  13. Renata:Are you guys planning to visits Hong Kong & Macau, China after you guys finished visiting Sydney,Australia in January of 2024? I hope you guys try to visits these Asian cities in China 2024❤❤❤

  14. Renata that was gorgeous .. I moved to Manly as a 26 year old country girl.. there were 3 of us .. got a unit just off the Corso .. best years of my life .. Manly is a way of life , not a destination .. ask any Sydneysider.. way better than Bondi 👌😁.. had my 3 babies in Manly hospital .. million dollar harbour views.. I❤️ Manly..thank you for sharing 🙏🥰❤️

  15. Should visit south of Sydney the beaches of cronulla great ocean walks to each beach no where near the crowds and beautiful rock and ocean pools.

  16. Balmoral on the Lower North Shore just a few kilometers from Syndney's CBD you can catch a ferry too, it's protected (no waves) and has the option of sitting on the grass or sand much better than the overated Bondi.

    Also, there's a great walk from the Spit Bridge on the Lower North Shore to Manly around 14KMS.

  17. Just curious why you guys turned around before reaching Shelley Beach? I love that beach, great for snorkeling and topless sun baking

  18. Palm Beach, Narabeen and Collaroy beach are great beaches in the nothshore beyond Manly beach. You can climb to the light house with the best view to the next level at Oalm Beach.

  19. What a body in that blue swimsuit at 6.00 . Definitely took some screenshots of that. To enjoy later.

  20. My favourite beach is Collaroy…its a smaller beach, but quite a sheltered beach…the beach that you pointed out, Tamarama beach, is pretty but is actually one of the most dangerous cos it sometimes has some powerful waves and constantly has rips forming. I love the coastal walk from bondi to Bronte, but i the spit to manly walk is just as nice. I feel incredibly lucky to live in a city blessed with such beautiful places.

  21. If you like a bit of Victorian era charm, then I suggest Balmoral Beach. My favourite thing to do there isn't necessarily to go swimming but to eat at "Bathers Pavilion" once in a while or to have a picnic with Friends at the foreshore. Check the prices at Bathers Pavilion before you go because it is a little more expensive even for Sydney's standards.

  22. Sorry but you missed the best beaches… you need to go further North than Manly. There are 10 better quieter less crowded beaches further north than Manly. So you will just have to go back…..

  23. My daughter lives in Bondi, there is a cool beach with a swimming pool. You can go to a store Russkis Deli,with Russian-language food products and say hello to my daughter’s husband. Manly also has a super beach.

  24. Tamarama Beach is actually the most dangerous one, people refer to it as Glamarama Beach because it attracts lots of beautiful young posers/influencers.

  25. Most beaches have a rock pool which is maintained by the local council. It’s paid for by the ratepayers who pay very high rates and appreciate it if visitors (especially those from a few suburbs away) care for the environment by being respectful & clean up after themselves.

  26. The visuals, the editing, the commentary- all perfect. Well done on another compelling video. Sydney is a beautiful place.

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