The Former Hokkaido Government Office is a red-brick building built in 1888 in the American neo-baroque style. An iconic symbol of Hokkaido, it houses historic exhibitions, a museum shop, a tourist information office, and a conference room.

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Hold me close in your arms kiss me slow in the dark let stop I make it ours Life’s Too Short let’s leave a mark we don’t know how it goes how the story Unfolds good W like it’s all just a Dream tell me baby will you think of about me when I’m going feel my pry Words you my voice your heart love my soul like it’s dark What did you fall off I’m going to rescue You oh look at look And all my song I don’t think about it often I don’t want to be forgotten when we say goodbye keep my words of Life keep my words Alive slowly falling up by just hold me tight my soul is fighting KN that you leave tonight s from the pain cuz you know my inside so beautiful illusion you’re A illusion slowly falling up just hold me tight my soul is fighting KN that you leave tonight cuz we just got and fix my mind give me more time H me from the pain cuz you know inside it’s so beautiful illusion you’re a beautiful Illusion

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