1. А что им есть остается, коровам и овцам пастись негде,кругом вода и рыба,а свиньи они все едят и рыбу тоже ,поэтому питаются рыбой и иногда свининой.у нас степи , поэтому мы не видим рыбу,а едим овец коров и лошадей😅

  2. I'm not quite understanding why he cooked the pork the way he did. When he came with the torch I was looking like 😮 WHOOOAAA NELLY!! All he had to do was season and cover it and let it seer on both sides and then pop it in the oven 375-400° for about 30 mins. No…while cooking he makes slices for the pork to continue cooking. The constant mashing + flipping is what non-cooks do.
    I did like the presentations of the meals.

  3. Are you sure there are no eggs of pork worm (Trichinella) inside that pork meat??

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