Yonago Castle Ruins are illuminateted for several days a year. National Historic Sites Yonago Castle Ruins, commanding a fine view of Lake Nakaumi, Sea of Japan, Mount Daisen (Hoki-Fuji). Yonago Castle was originally constructed on the hill known as Minatoyama,located in what is now the central area of Yonago city. The castle was unique and magnificent in that, unlike other castles in Japan, it had two towers, a major one on top of the hill which had five-stories, and a minor four-stories one along side the other. As such, it was referred to as “the finest castle in Sanin Area” ;however, most of the structure is now gone, and only the remaining stone walls can still remind us of the castle’s former glory.

※Click here if you are interested in the Yonago area
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「Kaike Onsen Yugetsu Tottori Japan – New Style Ryokan On The Beach」
